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MainAnything else? – Where is the baht going? All Topics

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I undestand from reading these and other posts that most BG and FLs are in fact poor farmer's daughters from Issan or other rural areas. And I believe the actually DO send some money home every month to support their families.

HOWEVER, no one ever talks about being taken to a BG's or FL's home. Do they make enough baht to afford their own places? Do they share apartments with other girlsfriends? How bout cars? Why don't some of them have vehicles?

They can't all be poor. I suspect some very costly stunners must be making a damn good living, no? Where is the baht??

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:56 pm on Aug. 30, 2005
Teng, you should read more, there are plenty stories about going to girls apartments, homes and families up country.

Most do not have cars, but there are many that do.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:06 pm on Aug. 30, 2005

UTFSE! Yes! I got it WOW!

Your Friend,


P.S. I know freelancers that drive new BMW's

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:41 pm on Aug. 30, 2005
Recently My regular TBG took me to her apartment. She took great pride in showing me her 'stuff' including her clothes, photo albums, her favourite music etc.
Her apartment was clean, tidy, and any small things I had given her had pride of place.
From what I can work out about where the baht goes, I think it costs her about baht 3k-4k per month to live and the balance goes upcountry to support grandparents & her child. I don't quite know what she makes, but I guess it is around average 8k-9k per month (not a lot), but this peaks & troughs big time.
Her extravagances seem to be are only clothes, and trips upcountry. The more she earns the more she goes home.

Nice LiamOZ thinks:
It is really good to know someone you genuinely like a little better. Witnessing someone's existence outside of the bar scene helps you know & understand their life a little better, & you feel less of a customer.

Cynical LaimOZ thinks:
The purpose was to ensure I knew she lived with a girl & not a Thai man...which is why I was shown the wardrobes, photo albums & bathroom in detail. This was either to just escalate the relationship, or ensure I did not find out about Thai boyfriend. Whatever the case, it was about either about maintaining or increasing baht from this ATM.

So afterwards we went for a meal, and had a great day together. Both LiamOZ's were in my head for some time. I'd like to think Cynical LiamOZ was wrong even though you really need to be on your guard here with GFE.
Cheers Boys,

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:13 pm on Aug. 30, 2005
Just like any other job some make a lot some don't.
Most share a room with friends.
Some live over the top of the bar in ST rooms, some share in other rooms rented out by the bar owner.
Some live alone.
Few have cars, many have motos.
Most have a kid or parents they send money to.
Some don't send any money anywhere and just spend spend spend, often they have plenty gold and tattoos.
Just like real life, many strokes for different folks.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:54 pm on Aug. 30, 2005
I ran a Hotel in Isarn for some time, we had numerous staff members, who were the only one in the family working, these were waitress's, bell hops etc, they earnt between 4-6000bt per month, and often that supported parents and younger Bros/sisters.
There are Thai families whose yearly income is under 10,000 bt.
A large % of Isarn families, have borrowed the maximum 50,000 bt from the rural bank - and are in debt that they can never clear -
- which all adds to another query/post re "how strong is the Baht".... not very !
Remember, not every Isarn family has good looking daughters, - and furthermore, it is a HUGE step for the ones that do, to have them cross the line, of good vituous TG's - and go to work ' at night'

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:07 am on Aug. 31, 2005
Yes, I think many get in debt (not always for bad reasons) and can manage only to pay the interest each month or worse. Some months they can't manage even this and fall further behind to the delight of the money lenders.
Similar to the old-time sharecropping system in the US or serfdom as it was known in Merrie Olde.

An ex-GF in Pattaya borrowed 100K to have an agent get her a visa and a job working computers in Taiwan.
It didn't work out and she's trying to pay it off but its going slow I suspect because of the interest payments.
If rates go up she will be deeper.
But I've given her enough money....

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:11 pm on Aug. 31, 2005
Agreed... strange how by and large most Thais are good hearted, you can go into almost any upcountry home, large or small, and they will be quick to offer what food or drink they have... but when it comes to $$$ Scams / Rip-offs / shady deals appear the norm. Usually the Thai-chinese businessman [ or often woman] behind the schemes tho, rather than the I-sarn rice farmer !

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:24 pm on Aug. 31, 2005

Quote: from thaiprivateeye on 5:52 pm on Sep. 1, 2005
Agreed... strange how by and large most Thais are good hearted, you can go into almost any upcountry home, large or small, and they will be quick to offer what food or drink they have... but when it comes to $$$ Scams / Rip-offs / shady deals appear the norm. Usually the Thai-chinese businessman [ or often woman] behind the schemes tho, rather than the I-sarn rice farmer !

Yeah, I don't know if they have usury laws but even if they do its no doubt not hard to get around them.
Often in small towns etc there is a Mr. Big who counts money lending among his business interests.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:42 pm on Aug. 31, 2005
one of those in every town !
In fact, when the yearly repayment of the rural bank loan is due, plenty of the locals go to a mate of mine in the village - borrow 50,000bt, pay the loan back, then re borrow the loan again !

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:26 am on Sep. 1, 2005

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