Mr Alan
Quote: from Oaktoad on 8:26 am on Sep. 15, 2007 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. dog them's good eating
[Rottweiler]mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Oaktoad them's good eating
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:46 am on Sep. 15, 2007
Quote: from NicFrenchy on 2:29 pm on Sep. 15, 2007 Get a Great Dane. Super loving and fun dog, awesome with kids, very protective of its masters. and Damn impressive dog for anyone to dare approach (big as a horse) Very Elegant Dog!
Having had a few when great danes when I was a teenager, I would agree with most of the things said above. Fun, loving, awesome with kids, and damm impresive for anyone to dare to approach? YES!! They can scare people just by their size.... but protective? Well, the ones I had were so playful that they would approach strangers with the intention of engaging them into play....yes, strangers would get scared anyway.... but they were not really being very protective. It is all a matter of size. Big dogs like the great dane are confident and not easily scared due to their size, thus the reason they dare to approach strangers and why they do not bark so much. Little ones are scared all the time of anything that moves that is bigger than them, and thus are annoying perpetually barking. Mid-size dogs are the best for protective purposes. They aren't scared all the time, and if in doubt they do not have doubts about biting someone just in case.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 12:38 pm on Sep. 15, 2007
Shredded Wheat
Went to see the "Rotweiler" puppies. It turns out they were mongrels as some here suspected. Not sure what they were crossed between - we saw them with their mother who seemed to be part Doberman and part Rottweiler. We did not see the father but there was another fully grown dog present that also looked like a Doberman/Rottweiler cross, but was bigger than the bitch. The male dog stood level with my waist and was very aggressive looking. The 4 dogs were being kept in a builders merchants yard. The two adult dogs came bounding up to us when we got out of the car. Not barking but just looking serious/curious. There were 3 of us and we all stopped in our tracks. I imagine there is very little that leaves the builders yard without the owner's knowledge. The owner of the dogs then shouted at them in Thai and they then wandered off and left us alone although thy watched from a discrete distance. The mother came close when she saw us with her pups but after sniffing us then wandered off again. To me the puppies had the faces of Rottweilers and I could see problems ahead. To Mrs Shreddie they looked lovely. I put my foot down and we did not get them. As they were already paid for we instead gave them to a builder who was doing work on our house. We did buy two dogs however while I was in LOS. A couple of golden labrador puppies - a dog and a bitch. From the same litter we were told. We were shown photos of them supposedly with the mother & father but cannot be sure if the photos were genuine. Bought them from Naklua market. They look to me like pedigree dogs but I am no expert. The vet we took them to to get them checked out shared that view (that they were Labs, not that I was no expert!). We paid THB7500 for the pair. They are now back at the house up country and so far so good. Thanks for all the advice guys. I thought that was a happy ending to this story but apparently not. As we did not get the Rottweilers Mrs Shreddie has now told me she needs to buy a gun to feel really safe in the house. I am putting up a fight. Not sure what the compromise will be on this one.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:33 am on Oct. 17, 2007
I have had many dogs and the most loyal dog I have had is an Alsation. SUPER loyal, will protect you, your family and your house against anything but will also be fantasic with you. I would suggest this dog to anyone.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:00 pm on Oct. 17, 2007
Broken Leg
hmmm, thought this was going to be a thread about Lokal Yokuls girls.
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:23 pm on Oct. 17, 2007
Quote: from Broken Leg on 2:32 am on Oct. 18, 2007 hmmm, thought this was going to be a thread about Lokal Yokuls girls.
It is.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:16 pm on Oct. 17, 2007
Joe Wood
Yes, I'd be very careful Shreddie in giving Mrs.Shreddie or any of LY's girls for that matter, a gun, especially if they are not trained in using one and/or are not experienced in having one. It just takes one night to wake up to take a leak and as you wander back to bed, you find yourself staring down the barrel of a.44 Magnum held by a half-dreaming, half head-ache/ painful period awake but drowsy partner in the moon-lit bedroom. As for a protective dog, big and intimidating but not stupid like a Great Dane, brave and ready to take on a wolf, man or bear but gentle with children and loyal, there is nothing to beat the Irish Wolfhound. However, I haven't heard of LY's Girls being matched against an IrishWolfhound, so maybe I speak too soon.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:10 pm on Oct. 17, 2007