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'if u are making a donation of more than B1000, u may want to put it in a envelop with your mailing address. the Foundation will send u an offical receipt and letter with a blessing from the Lord Brahma!!'

I tried that last week with this gal from SC ... not even a letter from her parents or other 88 benificiaries ...

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:41 pm on Aug. 15, 2003
The statue of a God with 4 heads is not a statute of the Budda. And has absoloutely nothing to do with Buddism.This is a God The Thai people call Na Rai who's origin is India. This God can be found in most Wats and is there to satisfy the animist beliefs of the Thais.
The 4 faces represent compassion, kindness, happiness, and sangfroid (even composure under stress)
Probably most followers of these animist would choose the god Erawan to ask for wealth. This is the God that looks like an elephant.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 3:20 pm on Aug. 15, 2003
haam sup
Not sure about Na Rai, but the Brahma god represented is Than Tao Mahaprom, said to have had 5 heads originally, but due to Shiva's wrath at some imprudent remarks, one was vaporized by the mighty 3rd eye.

The shrine was erected in the '50s to appease the land spirit which was causing a ruckus with the buliding of the Erawan Hotel, a government project. This corrected an oversight in selecting the most propitious and appropriate day to lay the cornerstone of the hotel.

As for Narai, I'm not aware of the usage in connection with the shrine, but it's possible.  Narai usually refers to King Narai, ruler of Ayuthaya 400 or so years ago...

haam sup
I like this:
“Here we have a good example of 3 influences on Thai religion…a Hindu image in an animistic shrine whose proceeds go to Buddhist charity”

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:23 pm on Aug. 15, 2003
I thought that lord Brahma - the creator- had 4 faces and one was taken away by Lord Shiva - the distroyer - for some impudent action of the Creator ( Iwonder which creation of his angered the distroyer)

And the Circumambulation of a wat or temple is always on a clockwige direction starting from the entrance to the shrine

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 3:54 am on Aug. 16, 2003

(1) Wish I had found this subject a while ago. Have prayed at Erawan 5 times, never realized there was a protocol. Prayed 3 times only at Face 3, once at Face 2, and last trip finally noticed people moving to the difference faces, went 3-2-1-4. Hope "It's the thought that counts" applies here.

(2) Erawan Shrine Info


(3) Is it "anti-clockwise" OR "counterclockwise"?

- B -

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:32 am on Mar. 14, 2005

Quote: from HUA NGUU on 3:14 am on Aug. 16, 2003
The statue of a God with 4 heads is not a statute of the Budda. And has absoloutly nothing to do with Buddism.This is a God The Thai people call Na Rai who's origin is India. This God can be found in most Wats and is there to satisfy the animist beliefs of the Thais.
The 4 faces represent compassion, kindness, happiness, and sangfroid (even composure under stress)
Probably most followers of these animist would choose the god Erawan to ask for wealth. This is the God that looks like an elephant.

Ah, Ganesh. Ah, the Buddhism of Thailand. So quite similar, sort of (in a few ways) to Buddhism. <ducks>

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:14 am on Mar. 14, 2005
I just knewed it clear on my last trip that 4 faced Shrine wasnt' 100% Buddhist but more of a Hindu venerated...
finally after dozens of city "rides" togheter,minded to ask it to my "gik" who has a quite huge one hangin' from her rearview mirror...
Quickly Visited WAT KET on Silom rd. (just further down PatPong after the big intersection -OTHER SIDE OF THE STREET-) and for me that has never been in a Sheewa temple looked colourful and interesting as small as it could be.
p.s a bit perplexed ont the first page,thanks for the clarification guys

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:38 pm on Mar. 14, 2005
Have a look at this URL Lads.

It doesn't answer the question about should people walk clockwise or anti-clockwise (seems totally irelevent with regard to Buddhism IMHO) but it does have some good info' on Buddhism, you might be "enlightened" to know that Buddhists don't pray, as such.


Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:19 am on Mar. 15, 2005
Heard from a BG that the shrine was smashed by some mad person. Passed by today, and noticed that it is neatly covered with a large photo on each of the 4 sides.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:52 pm on Mar. 22, 2006
Mob Justice In Central Bangkok Streets

A man described to be mentally-deranged hammered the most-revered Pra Prom or Brahmin creator god at the Hyatt Erawan Hotel and reduced it into pieces before he was lynched to death.

A garland vendor said she saw the man standing up on the base of the statue and hammered away the statue into pieces.

Only the part of lap and base of the statue were left intact. Its head was broken and fell off to the ground. Officials put up white cloth to hide the statue.

The man, who was later identified as Thanakorn Pakdeepol, 27, was assaulted by people near the scene and died about 50 metres away from the Pra Prom shrine.

The garland vendor, Wandee Wichai, 42, said she saw the man hammering the statue at 1 am and she shouted for help.

The man fled but was later caught up by some taxi drivers and people started to beat him up.

Pol Maj Gen Krissasda Phankhongchuen, deputy metropolitan police commissioner, said the man, who suffered severe injuries on his head, was barely alive when police arrived at the scene, which was on the opposite side of road from the Police Hospital.

He said police later arrested two garbage collectors and found an iron bar which one of them used to beat the man.

His father, Sayan Pakdeepol, told police at the Lumpini Police station, that his son, had been suffering from depression since he was conscripted into military service when he was 21 years old.

Sayan said he talked to his son at about 8 pm and he abruptly left home, which was in the same neighbourhood with the shrine. The father said he had not heard from his son after learning that he was killed.

SOURCE: Nation News, 21st March 2006:

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:57 pm on Mar. 22, 2006

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