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MainAnything else? – Political & Safe Weather in October...and stuff... All Topics

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Bangkok is always a circus.

Way I look at it, if these terrorists are running around bombing world leaders, they'll have less time to bomb NEP. Yes, amazing though it may seem, even world leaders have their uses.

Not that it matters, since yer average terrorist is most likely to be stuck in a traffic jam somewhere railing at an idiot cabbie from Buriram.

Most dangerous thing you can do is stay at home and get into your car. Well, OK, not quite - come to BKK and get into a tuk-tuk instead.

Sure, watch out for getting brained by billiard tables on Suk. Or getting trampled by an elephant while distracted by a toothsome TG. Yep, the pachyderms are back as yet another crackdown bites the dust.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:02 am on Sep. 2, 2003
Thai Traveler

Quote: from Whisper on 9:10 am on Sep. 2, 2003
T T, can I ask how you propose to do that? What steps do you plan on taking?
Just curious.

As I said in the first post in this thread, I'll probably bail for the duration of the APEC meeting and work on my tan on a beach somewhere.

If you're stuck in BKK, I'd just pass up on going to Nana, Cowboy, etc for a few days.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:05 am on Sep. 2, 2003
But you might get sunburnt!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:06 am on Sep. 2, 2003
Thai Traveler

Quote: from Whisper on 10:06 am on Sep. 2, 2003
But you might get sunburnt!
That's a risk I AM willing to take.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:11 am on Sep. 2, 2003

Quote: from Arcadius on 1:02 pm on Sep. 2, 2003
Way I look at it, if these terrorists are running around bombing world leaders, they'll have less time to bomb NEP. Yes, amazing though it may seem, even world leaders have their uses.

Actually, and that was the point made earlier, they may find it easier to blow up a ton of people at NEP, than to attempt going after a world leader.

The result, to them, is the same. Unlike the Israelis which make nice surgical extractions of single individuals, these guys only care about inflicting the maximum amount of civilian damage.

And it would look bad for the Thai authorities to have this happen on their watch, will be bad for Thailand as it could seriously kill the tourism trade (worse than SARS, and Bali was a good example), and obviously bad for the unlucky punters in NEP.

So, here's what I've tentatively decided to do:

- Fly out around October 14/15 (midweek, cheaper), get there around 15/16.  Fly directly out to Udon Thani catching the Thai flight at 1600. Stay in Udon until 22nd, and stay in BKK until 27, for return flight.

Now, the next question that begs itself - who's there (at least in BKK) during that time, for a meet 'n greet?


P.S. What's with the elephants? Why were they banned for a while?

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:06 am on Sep. 2, 2003
I'll be there, Harry.
Just look for the guy walking around completely wrapped in cotton wool.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:08 am on Sep. 2, 2003
...with a billiard table on his head.

Why were elephants banned??

Cos it's cruel and irritating to have elephants walking around Bangkok at night. They started trucking them out earlier this year, according to the newspapers, some of them never left but were in elephant in hiding...TIT

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:15 am on Sep. 2, 2003
Thai Traveler

Quote: from Yurune on 11:15 am on Sep. 2, 2003
...with a billiard table on his head.

Lol. I just want to get a picture of THAT!.

....some of them never left but were in elephant in hiding...TIT
ROFL. Yeah, only in LOS.
"Gee Officer, did you check in the closet for any elephants?"

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:25 am on Sep. 2, 2003

Well, if I were a crazed Islamic terrorist, I don't think I'd waste a good bomb on NEP. Too much risk that the victims would be dismissed as just a load of sex tourists and prostitutes and no great loss.

No, I think I'd prefer to go for KS road & all those backpacker kids from nice middle-class homes. Alternatively, the Patpong night market might also be quite promising.

Of course, being crazed, there's no knowing what I'd do. The rationalisations of terrorist activity are often very silly indeed. Maybe I'd go to NEP, get distracted and decide that there was more to life than crazed Islamic terrorism after all. I mean, do you really need 7O virgins in Paradise when you've got NEP?

I think running around trying to avoid terrorist outrages is a big fat waste of time. The next bomb is bound to go off somehere completely unexpected; they always do. Anyway, f_ck them. Ý

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:29 am on Sep. 2, 2003
Hey it's pretty easy to hide "Chang's."

I can hide about 6 - 8 large ones myself.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:30 am on Sep. 2, 2003

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