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MainAnything else? – 'Punter leaves wife' LOS Loser's Degrees. All Topics

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To me he'd be the one that walked away with the jackpot!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:45 am on April 21, 2004
The Machine
"What is the degree level for a guy who lives in LOS and cheats on his wife and who has several Thai girl friends and cheats on them and has two homes in Thailand one for the family and one for activities?

The above degree level applies to most HiSo Thai guys and some expats

Would that be a Loser or one Lucky SOB"

He would be a first class winner.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:53 am on April 21, 2004

Quote: from ThaidUp on 1:40 pm on April 21, 2004
FM how do you cheat on your kids?

What is the degree level for a guy who lives in LOS and cheats on his wife and who has several Thai girl friends and cheats on them and has two homes in Thailand one for the family and one for activities?

The above degree level applies to most HiSo Thai guys and some expats

Would that be a Loser or one Lucky SOB?

You say the guy cheats on his wife? She doesn't know?

Well that's a long game and the final outcome, the final score is not yet decided.

Sure he can win for a while but when does he get tired, play badly and score an own goal? Most do lose.

You know it is funny but if you cheat on a woman for one night and tell her the next day, she may accept your weakness. Once anyway.

You keep the fact that you have been cheating for a long time and it's done. She probably will never forgive you.

Guys who cheat are supreme while they play well, but that is hard to accomplish day in and day out.

Your describing a 3rd degree loser.

How do you cheat on your kids? Simple. By cheating on their mother your are undermining her teaching, the education she gives her/your kids about what a family means. Your making her a fool, a liar. You cheat them of the real truth of their father, fatherhood, motherhood and the worth of the idea of family.

But you, I, we, only feel something negative when we get caught. Until then, yep, 'He would be a first class winner', '...he'd be the one that walked away with the jackpot!'

But it's all emotional Las Vegas.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:44 am on April 21, 2004
if the wive gives her consent, would that still be "cheating"??

me thinks, it would be "expanding your horizon".

right ThaidUp??


Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 3:09 am on April 21, 2004
Paul Newman (married to Joanne Woodward) the actor used to say,"If you have steak at home why go out for a hamburger?"
Joanne Woodward could act her husband under the table.

I wonder if Paul Newman followed his own philosophy ?

Hermano Lobo = Brother Wolf

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:24 am on April 21, 2004

Quote: from Chompoo on 8:04 am on April 21, 2004

Loser... with a capital "L".
Yes, a Loser. But an unremarkable one and nothing to get excited about.

Good quote, but what is a 'quality' loser really?

Losers are a matter of degree....the 'Punter leaves wife for 'hooker' in BKK' thread being a great example of the ultimate loser, but there are other degrees or ranks of loser for which a belt can be awarded......

Ist Degree Loser: Like the guy in the story, leaves his wife and kids and f_cks off to LOS. 'Honey I am not coming back'.

2nd Degree Loser: A guy who only cheats on his wife and kids when he is in LOS, but at least returns home.

3rd Degree Loser: A guy who lives in LOS and cheats on his wife and kids. He is already home, so he is happy.

4th Degree Loser: A guy who cheats on his girlfriend while professing love for her. What she doesn't know.....doesn't hurt?

5th Degree Loser: A guy who reads/joins the BTF to learn how to do the things he wants to do, IF/WHEN he gets a chance to cheat.

6th Degree Loser: A guy who reads/joins the BTF and gets off on other guys talking about f_cking around.

7th Degree Loser: A guy who visits LOS, but NEVER experiences Thai women, never cheats, and then goes home and wanks, thinking about it the rest of his life.

Anybody recognize himself or others on this forum who might voluntarily claim a 'Degree belt', or be 'outed' for the purpose of awarding a belt?

Come on, you know who you are.....

Rtb.....Spousal approval? Only way to beat the 'cheating blues'!

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:19 am on April 21, 2004

How do you cheat on your kids? Simple. By cheating on their mother your are undermining her teaching, the education she gives her/your kids about what a family means. Your making her a fool, a liar. You cheat them of the real truth of their father, fatherhood, motherhood and the worth of the idea of family.

You didn't make her a fool and a liar. She apparently came into the relationship with a misguided view of love and family (and sex), which she apparently is passing on to your children. Your statement assumes that the traditional view of a marriage and family is the only correct one.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:20 pm on April 21, 2004
Certainly, this whole vocabulary of 'cheating' and 'unfaithfulness' is as ideologically loaded as they come. Unless you accept the validity of that particular rulebook, it is best avoided.

I, for one, don't accept it at all. I see no reason why committing to building a life and family with a particular woman must also mean that you commit to having sex with no-one else but her. To my mind this a complete non sequitur, and two millennia of sheer assertion do not a logical argument make.

At any rate, I never made any such commitment, either explicitly or implicitly, and I don't think my wife, being Thai, has any expectation of this even though she would doubtless prefer it. What she does expect is that I will have the consideration to keep my extra-marital sexual activities out of her face.

Western women do still insist on such a commitment, of course. Frankly, I think it's high time more men stopped paying lip service to an injunction they don't believe in and have no serious intention of obeying. Women won't like it - but then liberation from anachronistic social conventions works both ways. At least, it would do if men stopped their useless whining about modern womanhood and instead asserted their own needs for once. A new deal is long overdue.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:58 pm on April 21, 2004
Arcadius you got my vote for president of the Men's Liberation Movement

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:03 pm on April 21, 2004
yeah, I printed that post and gave it to the missus, she still walking around looking confused, she threatening to take it for translation.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:45 pm on April 21, 2004

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