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I was wondering if the bloke is Australian, as his actions exhibit many of the Aussie cherished features. Consider the evidence, he betrays the following characteristics

. Deep envy
. Inferiority complex
. Chip on his shoulder
. Came into being as an aberration of the original
. Without past and no future
. Loud and brash
. Unable to understand or relate to women
. Mouthing off things/people before engaging his (pea-sized) brain
. Narrow mindedness
. Antipathy towards Kiwis
. Uncouth
. Sickening life values

Sounds like this list is a description of a pubescent teenage male. Is this a reflection of the age of the country? (no past) – “Don’t hit me Indonesia otherwise Daddy (USA) will teach you a lesson” (inferiority compex)

I remember when the Aussie Govt insulted the Malaysian’s in the 1990’s under Paul Keating (Mouthing Off/Loud & Brash/Uncouth) & the Malaysians quietly awarded foreign contracts to other countries years after. The (narrow minded) Aussie Technicians working in our office in KL were living up to that reputation when I arrived & I could see the locals workers cringe when I first arrived as they thought I was from there

Bussed around Europe for 2 months with 35 Aussies. The relationship towards their NZ cousin was encouraging, with Antipathy (towards Kiwis) evident only in those that would now be aged over 40 – the younger see their real foes facing North

Not sure if their brains are indeed pea-sized ?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:15 pm on Dec. 16, 2006
or maybe he's just a racist bigot like you, who likes to generalize about a whole race of people.........

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:02 am on Dec. 17, 2006
...or maybe someone who lacks any sense of humor at all... and who doesn't really understand the meaning of the words he's using... Coming to the aid of your mates, are you?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:45 am on Dec. 17, 2006

Quote: from tezza on 12:39 pm on Dec. 17, 2006
Is this a reflection of the age of the country? (no past)

This is a country of bizarre contradictions; a young country in its inception but populated by old people with an extreme conservative and narrow mentality. By contrast in older countries like Thailand you’ll see far more young people out and about.

Did I stress enough that Aussies suffer from a massive inferiority complex?

Trivia: did you know that Australia is the only country on earth that celebrates, as National Day (Australia Day 26 January), the landing of the 1st Fleet in NSW? Nah, don’t look lost if you don’t know, you are in a crowd with 16m of Aussies (70% of the population, including politicians, think that Australia Day is a celebration of the Federation). People here don’t know about their history, quite understandably so as there is none to know about.

These urbane and refined folks, who stormed Sydney Cove back in 1788, were then to form the national characteristics of Australians, which we still see today.

I’m not sure if I said it before but Aussies DO suffer from a massive inferiority complex.


p.s. don’t take offence to whatever Hypo & Melly say, they are ok guys (almost cute) really, by Australian standards anyway

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:54 am on Dec. 17, 2006
So wrong you are Sarge.

Canada Day 1 July.
China National day 2 October.
France National day 14 July.
Germany Day of unity 3 October.
Greece Inderpendance day 25 March

Need I go on ?


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:32 am on Dec. 17, 2006
SO5 you just proved my point 555


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:13 am on Dec. 17, 2006
ANY Money Sarge is a Pom!
And we have over 20 million inferior people
Mr Trivia Wanker
now The population is ageing with an average age of 34 years, with 12.1% aged 65 years and over.
Of all people, 73.9% were Australian born and of those born elsewhere, 36.2% came from the United Kingdom. New Zealand or Ireland, with the majority of the remainder coming from Italy, Vietnam, Greece, China and Germany. People of aboriginal descent increased by a third from 265,458 in 1991 to 352,970. Of these, over half, 55.8%,were counted in New South Wales and Queensland. In the Northern Territory the indigenous proportion of the population was 23.7%.

Let us know when your leaving Sydney ?
we Can have a Special Round Table for you!
DG get the Boat out Strop can bring the tackle Bretta will bring the Piss I'll donate a fridge!
a day out on the blue seas I feel and half a dozen split arse's to GO!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:37 am on Dec. 17, 2006
Mutt's nuts, and who's bringin' the nosh? no friggin barbies.... ain’t a pommie you pillock, although I take it as a compliment. A piss up contest? Great, when I get rat arsed I’m going to kick your goolies good and proper. Cheerio


Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:01 am on Dec. 17, 2006
Sarge I am not going to flame you, you know what you are, no need really!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:04 am on Dec. 17, 2006
I think Jingjo just illustrated Sarge's point far better.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:55 am on Dec. 17, 2006

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