Shredded Wheat
Thanks Joe. Good suggestion. I too want to keep Mrs S away from guns. Your reasons are good; I am scared also that she may get suicidal tendencies having to live with me! I liked what I saw in this thread about the Bankgkaew and I wanted one of those, but Mrs Shreddie thought they were not beautiful dogs when we went to see some. (They were also bloody expensive, especially considering as they are Thai dogs, so I agreed with Mrs S). We did not think about the Irish Wolfhound. But your suggestion is a good one, although perhaps a little impracticle. (Are there any IW's in LOS?) If Mrs S wants a gun (NO WAY!) then maybe I will have to convince her that a 3rd dog is the way forward. The Bankgkaew looks to me like a cross between Labrador and Alsation. I am familiar with the Alsation because when I was a lad an uncle had 2 pedigree Alsation bitches - trained obediance showdogs and they were great. Although I was only in my early teens and not their master/owner (but I was in the exended family) they followed my commands. We would walk in fields with sheep, without the dogs being on leads, and they would return when I called them (not always first time). Rarely would they eat more than 2 or 3 sheep before answering my call (joke - they never worried sheep). So I feel comfortable with Alsations. But they no doubt came back because they had proper obedience training. I am no dog expert and I sh*t my br*cks when I saw those 2 dogs at the brickies merchants. So maybe we will get a male Alsation pup then let him have his way with our female Lab pup. Make our own Bankgkaew. Some questions for the dog experts out there please: * How old will the 2 Lab pups be before they decide want to reproduce? * If we decide to get the Lab bitch "doctored" at what age should that happen? * Is it better to let her breed before we get her "done"? * A maths question, does Labrador + Alsation = Bankgkaew Thanks guys. Sorry for turning this into a "doggie" forum.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:59 pm on Oct. 20, 2007
Joe Wood
Sorry, Shreddie, although I consider myself in one sense to be a 'doggie' expert and in fact, in my youth was known as something of an Irish Wolfhound - not that I'd suggest you giving me to your dear wife - I cannot answer your questions. Not having seen an Irish Wolfhound in Asia - and I don't know if they would tolerate the heat, a Labrador and Alsatian mix is an excellent choice. But whatever you choose, go for a very young one, for the importance of good, solid training as you know is all in the first year or two, or at least I found that with my first girlfriend. Good idea about the gun. Never consider it, but you might think of buying a de-activated one just so that she feels she would have something to threaten the entrant from the bathroom. But then, throwing it in the dark, might be quite dangerous unless you are nimble on your feet.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:00 pm on Oct. 20, 2007
Mr Alan
Another case where the family pit bull gets confused. This happens much more frequently than people realize. 11-year-old boy killed by pit bull By Patrick George AMERICAN-STATESMAN STAFF Wednesday, November 07, 2007 An 11-year-old Killeen [Texas, USA] boy died Tuesday night after being attacked by his family's pit bull, police said. According to the Killeen Police Department, Seth Lovitt, 11, was running through his home with his younger brother about 6:30 p.m. when the dog jumped from the couch and knocked him to the ground. The dog then began to bite Seth on the neck, police said. Seth's grandmother and mother restrained the dog and called 911. The boy was taken to Darnall Army Medical Center in critical condition. He was pronounced dead there by Justice of the Peace Garland Potvin about 8:30 p.m. An autopsy for Seth is pending. The dog has been placed in quarantine, police said. The case remains under investigation by Killeen police. In another recent dog attack, a miniature horse owned by 3-year-old Pampa cancer patient Christian Vasquez was mauled to death by two pit bulls several weeks ago
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:43 pm on Nov. 7, 2007
Yet, another case where the family pit bull saves the family - happens much more frequently than people realize (because the media is to caught up on the image of the mean ol' pit bull) Pit Bull Emerges Hero In House Fire By Cheryl Lasseter – WLBT3 – Jackson Mississippi When fire broke out the home at 312 Cameron Street just before 8:00 Saturday morning, Pepper the pit bull proved her worth as a watchdog. "If it weren't for my dog, we probably wouldn't have made it out the house," says Justin Pickens, who lived at the house. Justin and his sister Antaneshia were asleep at the time. They woke to hear Pepper barking..... Hey, if Jessica Alba owns one (pit bull) they can’t be all bad. Even the Human Society has good things to say about Pit Bulls: http://www.hsus.org/pets/pets_related_news_and_events/pit_bulls_capture_hearts.html http://www.hsus.org/pets/pets_related_news_and_events/hardworking_pit_bulls.html
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:36 pm on Nov. 7, 2007
Joe Wood
IBFarang, let me say that if you are in any way associated with that lady leaning over the car in your avatar, I would not recommend you owning a pit bull terrier of any mix or strain, ever. One look at that arse, and I've got trouble not taking a bite. You wouldn't want the poor girl to get savaged. Or if you do, you'd want to do the savaging.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:55 pm on Nov. 7, 2007