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MainAnything else? – Political & Safe Weather in October...and stuff... All Topics

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Arcadius makes a good point (mainly because he concurs with me).
The only act of Terrorism in Melbourne's history was the bombing of the Turkish consulate which happened to be in a building in a busy shopping and residential area. Luckily, the only person injured was the poor fool who set the bomb in the car in the underground carpark. He managed to blow himself to bits so well that the only thing left of him were his feet.
What does this have to do with the thread? Not much but the only connection to me was that there was a dry-cleaner in the same building and some of my clothes were in there at the time and they managed to survive the blast.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:38 am on Sep. 2, 2003
Thai Traveler

Quote: from Arcadius on 11:29 am on Sep. 2, 2003
Maybe I'd go to NEP, get distracted and decide that there was more to life than crazed Islamic terrorism after all. I mean, do you really need 7O virgins in Paradise when you've got NEP?
I doubt you'd find too many virgins in there though!
And those nutcases do want to get in the first pop at the cherry.

I think running around trying to avoid terrorist outrages is a big fat waste of time. The next bomb is bound to go off somehere completely unexpected; they always do. Anyway, f_ck them.
I'd agree with most of it, as it's not changing my intentions to visit LOS. But I can use some comon sense and plan around it.


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 2:40 am on Sep. 2, 2003

Quote: from Arcadius on 2:29 pm on Sep. 2, 2003
Well, if I were a crazed Islamic terrorist, I don't think I'd waste a good bomb on NEP. Too much risk that the victims would be dismissed as just a load of sex tourists and prostitutes and no great loss.

They are crazed, and they are muslim - so all that activity going on over in NEP is just more infidels needing to be punished (right after we visit a go go to 'study', and have some beers to 'blend in' at Grace).

Personally, I would think that NEP would be safe, but as far as I recall, it was one of the areas circled on their map when they grabbed that coven of hadjis last month in southern Thailand, so I'm not so sure.

The way I look at it - where's the place that would have a large number of infidel pigs, which is easiest and most spectacular to reach with a big truck bomb?

Quote: from Arcadius on 2:29 pm on Sep. 2, 2003
No, I think I'd prefer to go for KS road & all those backpacker kids from nice middle-class homes. Alternatively, the Patpong night market might also be quite promising.

Not familiar with the night market, but KS Rd is too stretched out, as a valid target. You want folks packed together. Obviously, if there were no piracy crackdown, Panthip plaza would qualify too

Quote: from Arcadius on 2:29 pm on Sep. 2, 2003
I mean, do you really need 7O virgins in Paradise when you've got NEP?

Hmm, 70 virgins (iI thought it was 42 virgins) versus 400+ girls and some ladyboys? A hard bargain, indeed.

Quote: from Arcadius on 2:29 pm on Sep. 2, 2003
I think running around trying to avoid terrorist outrages is a big fat waste of time. The next bomb is bound to go off somehere completely unexpected; they always do. Anyway, f_ck them.

Well, I'd like to - and the best way of doing that is by staying alive, and then finding some nice muslim girls in Malaysia or Singapore to take to town... Make love, not war...

Seriously, I don't want to give the impression of cowering in my corner paralized by fear, but I do believe that with the various conditions and events coming together, it is a point of concern that is worth discussing.


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:59 am on Sep. 2, 2003

Quote: from Thai Traveler on 2:40 pm on Sep. 2, 2003
I'd agree with most of it, as it's not changing my intentions to visit LOS. But I can use some comon sense and plan around it.

My point exactly.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 3:01 am on Sep. 2, 2003
My God, Harry, this is getting really serious.

If you're going to end up somewhere like Singapore, I think you have to ask yourself whether there's much point in staying alive at all.

The way I look at it - where's the place that would have a large number of infidel pigs, which is easiest and most spectacular to reach with a big truck bomb?

Well OK, granted, NEP does quite well on the infidel pig front, but I'm not sure I'd want to be stuck in the Suk traffic with a big truck bomb, let alone try negotiating the thing down Soi 4 on a crowded Friday night. Plus, how would you stop the elephant at the NEP entrance absorbing most of the blast? No wonder they've allowed the things back in time for APEC.

A crazed Islamic terrorist's lot is not a happy one in BKK, let me tell you.

"f_ck it", I'd say. "Let's put it off until next week, Ahmed my old tosser. Now, how can we possibly fill in the time until then?"

PS: Common sense won't save you since we CITs don't have any and our bombs are always going off prematurely in unlikely places. What could be more annoying than getting blown to bits in darkest Lad Phrao when all those safe & sound people are having fun in NEP?

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:30 am on Sep. 2, 2003
Vancouver Jay

Quote: from hzink on 2:06 pm on Sep. 2, 2003
Unlike the Israelis which make nice surgical extractions of single individuals, these guys only care about inflicting the maximum amount of civilian damage.
The majority of Israeli extrajudicial punitive actions are not "extractions" but rocket attacks from helicopters and they cause extensive collateral deaths, injuries and damage to property.

Anyhow, the important thing to remember is that the meeting of the heads of state is only the final act in the APEC saga. There's plenty of meetings of delegates and ministers in the months leading up to the October biggie.

The press can't be ignored. They are going to swarm when the big boys get to town. But the press is always alert to other stories when they are on a road trip, and they do get bored covering all those dull meetings.

What I think will happen is... nothing. That is to say, the Thai authorities are less likely to run any sort of high-profile bust when the press horde is in town, simply because THAT would become the story.

Whatever is the status quo before the big guys show up is likely to remain, perhaps with very stern warnings about what will happen after the party's over to anyone who breaks ranks. They'll want to keep things very, very quiet.

Terrorists? You're more likely to be killed by lightning than as a result of a terrorist bombing. Fuggedaboudit!

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:46 am on Sep. 2, 2003

Quote: from Arcadius on 2:29 pm on Sep. 2, 2003

I think running around trying to avoid terrorist outrages is a big fat waste of time. The next bomb is bound to go off somehere completely unexpected; they always do. Anyway, f_ck them. Ý

Arcadius sums that up pretty well. And I am speaking from unpleasant experience. A week back I was grappling in my mind with the issue of whether to avoid NEP on my upcoming trip to LOS. The same day two bombs went off in my city, Bombay, at 2 different centres, killing over 50. I could have been there, but didn't happen to. One of the taxis which carried one of the bombs was parked so casually at a vacant parking lot in a tourist area, the other in a busy jewellery market. I agree with Arcadius, it's always somewhere completely unexpected. Whoever's there gets it.
Bombs are going off in crowded buses and trains too. So, can you avoid travelling ? Probably it's more dangerous to sit at home and worry about these things because then you would get a heart attack.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:55 am on Sep. 2, 2003
China Sailor
I think the point here is that anyone can decide to blow himself up for Allah, anywhere and anytime.  Last October no one expected the Abu's to blow up a Manila bound bus but they did..

or as Mel Brooks once wrote:

" while you're alive, no one will survive, there's no guarentee.."

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:37 am on Sep. 2, 2003
Thai Traveler

Quote: from Vancouver Jay on 12:46 pm on Sep. 2, 2003
...Whatever is the status quo before the big guys show up is likely to remain, perhaps with very stern warnings about what will happen after the party's over to anyone who breaks ranks. They'll want to keep things very, very quiet.

That's my guess as well. And given that the authorities would have lots of egg on their face if something did happen, I'm sure the "or else" has been worded accordingly.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:13 pm on Sep. 2, 2003
Mr Alan
You never know. I read in the Bangkok Post last week that Thailand will send some army engineers to Iraq to assist in the reconstruction. A Muslim leader in Southern Thailand expressed his great displeasure about that and hinted that it might lead to terrorist acts in Thailand.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:27 pm on Sep. 2, 2003

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