Personally I think some of the people that hate this guy do for no other reason than jealousy. I don't like porn to be honest and don't look at this sort of shit. I think wishing him harm is a bit strong. I have seen him in person and had no feelings whatsoever about him other than he's one ugly git, with ugly friends. I would certainly prefer to see this sort of stuff shut down...from everywhere, however this site is about Thailand and it seems some of the girls pictured are known to board members etc and as a reult is a lot closer to 'home' for us.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:41 am on Sep. 8, 2003
Neal Cassidy
Yurune - I see your point. Agree that dumping him in the river stuff is a little over the top. Thanks...
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 2:55 am on Sep. 8, 2003
Quote: from bound4bangkok on 12:37 pm on Oct. 3, 2003 Hello all İ With the crack down going on among Thailand to clean up bars, massage places ,and the like in the name of world image of Thailand. İYou think they would be trying to shut down İthis GUY and others like him İharder then they are. Sights like these get to the very people Thailand says İdon't want in there country THE SEX Traveler who goes to Thailand just to do what they see this guy doing on his sight Degrade and screw there women. Frankly I thought by now this guy would end up has just some more floating garbage in one of Thailand famous Muddy rivers but he still thrives and spreads the behavior that Thailand so despreratly says they want to end. What do you guys think????
HIV ? I think bound4bangkok makes good points. I have seen pictures of this character posted around NEP entitled 'Sex Pest' Have you thought his behaviour is being tolerated as an excuse for the Crackdown and the call for better types of tourist. It's like alowing crime to produce the excuse for more police powers. It's an old technique. Conrete shoes in the river? Castrato would be better then he could get a job in Casanovas?
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:08 am on Sep. 8, 2003
I don't think b4b was wishing him dumped, just surprised it hadn't happened, but I have other people wish him harm. hahaha...Herman...I haven't seen those pics but I'd snigger if I did. Of course if his sites are not hosted in Thailand how do they stop him, short of stopping him make the films/pics?.....as I said I don't find hardcore pornography appealling or even sexy....ABC's pics of girls at car shows (I think it was him) were far more appealling to me. Believe me it'd take a hell of a lot more then castration to get him up to Casanova's standards.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 3:31 am on Sep. 8, 2003
Yurune- Casanovas- Your local ?
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:02 am on Sep. 8, 2003
China Sailor
NC, The crap this guy i putting out will ruin LOS for the rest of us. The moralists need an arguement to close down LOS and this asshole is giving it to them. Bet he could run such (litteral) shit in the EU or US...
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:06 am on Sep. 8, 2003
Errrmmm....no...the point I was making was that the guy really is ugly even in comparison to some of those found outside casanova......but thanks for asking.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:33 am on Sep. 8, 2003
The geezer is a gargoyle! Some of the errrr workers in Casanovas look a lot better. I was just referring to the loss of wedding tackle after a Castrato.... i.e post op Doesn't bare thinking about(shocking pun!) China Sailor.... I agree
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:38 am on Sep. 8, 2003
Vancouver Jay
Quote: from China Sailor on 4:06 pm on Sep. 8, 2003 The crap this guy i putting out will ruin LOS for the rest of us. İThe moralists need an arguement to close down LOS and this asshole is giving it to them. İBet he could run such (litteral) shit in the EU or US...
I bet if you saw the guy you could pound the shit out of him and use his web sites as a get-out-of-jail-free card. They'd probably pin a medal on you.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:16 am on Sep. 8, 2003
Hello all Yurune thanks for the back up on my comments. No I don't wish harm to this guy. However I am surpised that the crackdown mafia has not made him Misteriously disapper. The clean up effort in place I would think would include guys exploting thailand as a SEX tourest place to the world thru the internet would warrant some effort to rid him and others like it from there country. If members of this forum have seen him and his groonies about hanging around nana then I sure the boys in brown could round him up and expel him from there country on some sort of violation in the efforts of self image. Just this small act alone would take very little effort IMO and he is in violation of what the PM of Thailand is seeking rid the country of.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:06 pm on Sep. 8, 2003