maybe she already is a grandma. you could bring something for her grandchildren, too.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:04 am on Nov. 12, 2004
Bangkok Chang
Several years ago I met a fella who had travelled here on the Orient Express. Apparently the OE gives out free pens with "Orient Express" written on the shaft. Our hero figured these would be worth REAL money in years to come and had picked up a handfull. After five days spent in a drunken stupor with the poo-ying of his dreams he handed her one of these pens as a parting gift. Seriously, though, you could try giving something she will be able to use and which would have little resale value in LoS? A tea set would emphasise your Englishness and be of some use, or maybe some small siver brooch she can look at but which would hardly be worth selling. Gold will almost certainly be sold when you get back on the plane. That isn't necessarily a reflection on the girl, but on her circumstances.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:59 am on Nov. 13, 2004
if you want to buy her something in gold, besides a ring, then get it in Falahngland Falahng gold has very little resell value in LOS The gold here is a much more higher karat and is softer. That's why they can have those U shaped clasps for their necklaces that bend to open, Falahng Gold wouldn't bend like that. Personally, I wouldn't buy any gal gold unless she was f***ing me six ways from Sunday EVERY night & was at least an 8 outta 10 on the looks scale
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 2:22 am on Nov. 13, 2004