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Just to add my one bahts worth that is one poo guy.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:13 am on Mar. 1, 2004
hey, I heard this nigel or tony is no longer around. If u go to or the past months episode only have his mate, which is the harry guy. Have u heard anything about him? What about this new harry guy? whats his deal? And are they both gay since the f_ck ladyboys? If u want to see these two go to

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 2:20 pm on Mar. 4, 2004
Maybe his past has caught up with him? :-

AIDS SPECIAL: HIV Infection rate rising in Thailand

Published on Jul 13, 2004

UNDP report says a number of risk groups have surfaced again

Clear warning signs exist of a new wave of HIV infections in Thailand, and the country's much-vaunted successes could turn into a major failure if this trend continues unchecked, the UN Development Programme (UNDP) warned yesterday.

Speaking as a panel member at the 15th International Aids Conference, the UNDP's Hakan Bjorkman said a number of vulnerable groups have resurfaced, and they do not appear in national statistics.

He said infection rates among intravenous drug users who practise unsafe injection techniques is as high as 50 per cent in some parts of the country, while those for homosexual men run about 17 per cent.

Condom use among Thailand's younger generation has declined dramatically to approximately 20 per cent, while infection rates in deep South communities are also very disturbing, he said.

Moreover, Aids education is not as "dynamic" as it was a decade ago, with government funding reduced two-thirds from 1997 levels.

All of these indicators show Thailand being pushed toward a "danger zone" if the country does not make a serious effort to address these problem areas, he said.

Bjorkman said there must be a renewed political commitment, and the country needs to do more to reduce HIV/Aids stigmatisation and discrimination.

Thailand's leading family-planning advocate and HIV/Aids campaigner, Mechai Viravaidya, charged that public Aids education has gone into "hibernation" and called on the government and society at large not to be complacent in addressing the challenge.

He said that Thailand has found itself in a situation where "people who need protection don't realise it."

According to the first nationwide poll of its kind, conducted jointly by the UNDP and Bangkok University among 7,500 Thai males and females of all ages in both rural and urban areas, Thai youths do not consider themselves at risk of contracting HIV and consequently do little to protect themselves.

However, the survey also showed that well over half of all Thais do not believe that the government does enough to combat the Aids problem.

"This opinion poll offers a blunt reality check about Thai perceptions of Aids," said Robert England, the UNDP's resident representative in Thailand.

Don Pathan, Kavi Chongkittavorn


Source and further info:-

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:28 am on July 13, 2004
And are they both gay since the f_ck ladyboys?
Wow! I think we get another discussion about guys who prefer a guy's ass sometimes and still think they are not into gay sex.....

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 5:06 am on July 13, 2004
Boys from the Black Stuff -
Don't remember that drink when I was in Switzerland ?

I had a similar conversation in Ibiza Town with this girl in a bar who worked in the record industry. There was a Spanish (may have been French) very very attractive ladyboy running around town promoting her stage show with a couple of obvious fat old guys dressed up as women in evening dresses. She/it was very attractive and the blokes yuck !
As you say it's that feminine thing ?

Is it more likely to get HIV/Aids from a Ladyboy if a condom is not used like this 'Tony' character in the photos? (Sometimes he wears one often as not !)

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:08 am on July 13, 2004
do you think he lets people take part in his shoots if they pay?

id love to be on that site.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:20 am on July 13, 2004
In another thread about LBs I brought up the question of if a guy does not consider himself gay, but still interacts with that most male of LB parts (AKA weiner) is he gay? How can a guy say he is not gay after he has just sucked a weiner?
The attempt at an answer I received was that it is who it is attached to that counts.

I guess swallowing "Lady" semen is not gay.



Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:30 am on July 14, 2004
Don't forget-

............and suddenly !

Jezebel Boy !

Frank Zappa

Jezebel Boy!
You know all the guys
In the Sheriff's Patrol
They leave you alone
When they round up the whores
Up on Hollywood Boulebard

Sometimes that nasty D.A.
Thinks he needs his name
In the paper again --
That's usually when
The short-pants girls
Have to take a ride
With a friendly policeman

But the Jezebel Boy
On the corner by the Technicolor processing plant
Stands by the light;
Waitin' through the night
Waitin' for that distinguished-looking
Wilshire District Gentleman
With snow-white hair,
To drive up in his Lincoln,
And whisk away the Jezebel Boy

There he goes now!
Old Ralph will make him put that wretched
Sausage in his mouth again

Another day,
Another sausage --
Jezebel Boy

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:01 am on Oct. 8, 2004

Quote: from cyborg on 12:45 pm on July 14, 2004
In another thread about LBs I brought up the question of if a guy does not consider himself gay, but still interacts with that most male of LB parts (AKA weiner) is he gay? How can a guy say he is not gay after he has just sucked a weiner?
The attempt at an answer I received was that it is who it is attached to that counts.

I guess swallowing "Lady" semen is not gay.



Oh the curse of bisexuality! Straights think you're gay and young gays think you're confused (and gay really, but in the closet). Older gays are more understanding...usually. But there is a third way!

It must be an 'old world' thing: 90+ per cent (roughly) of the clientele at the LB bars are European and, let's face it, almost all of them are English (with a few Scots, Welsh, Irish and funnily enough Australians thrown in). Sorry to any Italians, Indians or Brazillians reading this--I know you have healthy LB/CD/TV/TS scenes too. And there are quite a few LB bars in Bangkok (off the beaten track) that cater almost exclusively to Thai men. Oh God! They're everywhere!

Americans tend to wander in and then run a mile when they realise where they are. (But there are some great trannies in SF).

Most people I know who chase trannies (LBs, CDs, TSs...whatever) are bisexual, not gay. There is a difference. Some men are...versatile. I quite like the epithet 'sophisticated'.

Gay men like men. They don't like men dressed as women (with or without tits). Drag queens don't do sex as women, they take their 'women' stuff off and have sex like men, with men. That's one big difference between gay men and bisexuals who chase trannies/like LBs (one of many).

OK--some men have sex with women. Some men have sex with men.

Some men have sex with whoever turns them on.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:44 pm on Oct. 8, 2004

Good post !

Earlier in the year I was canoodling with a TG in the 'Street of Shame' aka Soi 6 Pattaya when the girl spotted some of the Cobra Gold air-heads cruising by.
"Ooohhh not like !"
"What not like teelac?"
"Amerigun ! They want to f_ck my ass mark mark!
alway Amerigun want to f_ck ass!"
Too which my London Brit mate said,"Bloody bunch of Poofs!"

So why do the septic tanks run away from the LB places? They'd get a lot of 'f_ck-ass' there if they wanted?

It's a bit like Guantanamo Bay, can't work that out ?
US Military base in Revolutionary Communist Country, or anal fans running away from Ladyboys ?

Mad World !

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:35 am on Oct. 9, 2004

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