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MainAnything else? – 'Punter leaves wife' LOS Loser's Degrees. All Topics

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I now pay THB 9,000 a month for a live-in maid
Wow! Good salary for a maid.

Mine costs THB 2,000 a month and I can touch her too!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:02 am on April 23, 2004

Quote: from DrLove on 12:02 pm on April 23, 2004
I now pay THB 9,000 a month for a live-in maid
Wow! Good salary for a maid.
Mine costs THB 2,000 a month and I can touch her too!

Yeah, but that's with a 10 foot pole and a pack of anti-biotics

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:10 am on April 23, 2004
Dr.L. only 2,000 Baht stars bordering on wife abuse but still keeps you among the loosers.

But enough talk about the loosers. Lets take a look at the winners.


Also a winner

This one too

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:12 am on April 23, 2004
My mother said it was simple to keep a man; you must be a maid in the living room, a cook in the kitchen, and a whore in the bedroom

Well, Ma was a clutz. it's absurd to expect your wife to be (or stay) an all-singing, all-dancing paragon - and vice-versa. Do you really want your wife to be acting the whore at 50? I think I'd rather she preserved her matronly dignity while I found myself a real whore.

Westerners have come to expect far too much from their primary relationships. Inevitably they get disappointed, then they get into the blame game.

If they were less demanding and more tolerant, they'd rub along a lot easier. Difficult when all the cultural propaganda is telling you that you have a 'right' to be happy, and that it's your SO's job to see that you are. Perhaps you should take more responsibility for this yourself.

If I were wholly reliant on my wife for sex, I know I'd be frustrated. She's not as young and attractive as she used to be, and after several years the sex is nowhere near as as exciting as when we first met. Obviously, none of this is her fault, it's just life. It would be stupid to blame her in any way, and pointlessly destructive to rip up a family because of it. Ergo, I supplement my jollies elsewhere, and am no doubt a lot sweeter-tempered and easier to live with as a result. For all I know, she does the same, in which case I'd say good luck to her. 'Family honour', a mighty fine term for the ugly emotions of jealousy and possessiveness, can go hang.

Most M/F relationships start off being mainly about romantic love and sex, but nearly always metamorphose into something very different after a few years have passed and kids have arrived. If you expect to hang on to the same deal you originally struck, you're on a hiding to nothing. Ergo adapt.

Imho, the Western model of serial monogamy is a very poor one. It leaves both men and women dissatisfied and snarling at each other, and it ends up busting family bonds quite unnecessarily. Women defend it more strenuously then men, but I'm not at all sure they aren't the ones who often draw the shorter straw. The model fails because it's based on an artificial and perverse concept of how human sexuality ought to work. This bears practically no relationship to how it actually does work. In other words, it's built on a lie. A whopper.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 2:17 am on April 23, 2004
Arcadius the Wise rides again !

I have heard of 'real-politic' this reads like the relationship version.

That quote about the whore in the bedroom, chef in the kitchen I believe was in fact French? That actual third qualification was not a maid but, "........otherwise your best friend!" Which is the inportant part. The French also say the ideal age of a woman for a man is half his age plus seven years! 29 years old will do me fine !
And what are the French saying about Monsieur Beckham ? = Bravo ! what a man ! He is rich, good looking, has a family and a mistress ! Très bon !
I still believe the French have life sussed in many areas - much to the chagrin of the Americans. Lunch ? Two hours ! (best for your health!) Holidays = beaucoup !
The Americans some years back were marketing some food item that,"gives you time to live your life !"
What nonsense ! Time to live your life ! Americans don't take a lot of holidays either !
No, I am not having a go at the American Dream I am just comparing life styles. There was some chap in middle America who had 5 wives and the wives and kids seemed happy about it. He wasn't doing any harm, had his own little universe and probably the only real complaint against him if in fact it is one was that he was claiming 'welfare' !
They put him in prison !
We want right thinking upstanding citizens, who go to Church on a Sunday. Salute old glory and only have conjugal relations with their wife 2.5 times a week !
We also want you to work through your lunch hour !
Arcadius and the French have it all sussed!

Vive la Différence !

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:12 am on April 23, 2004
Well I may have it all sussed, Hermie, but the French certainly haven't.

This 50% + 7 formula. OK, you're 44, and she's 29 (22 + 7). Great.

Six years later, you're 50 and she's 35. She's supposed to be 32 (25 + 7). And it gets worse. By the time you're 60, you've got a 45yo on your hands when you need a 37yo. This is the 'guaranteed failure' philosophy which is also much favoured in French foreign policy and military planning.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:00 am on April 23, 2004

Your math is obviously superior to mine or the French !

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:21 am on April 23, 2004
Jeez guys, when your sixty don't you need geometry or something to figure out the suspension wires for your dick?

And hey..."Do you really want your wife to be acting the whore at 50? "

So you me it's okay for us to buy the whores at 50+ as men but if women want to act like a whore, forget it.

And then there is Mike Jagger of course.

But I kinda fancy that wicked old broad Tina Turner who puts a lot of the younger pop stars in the closet.

And how about this one..."after several years the sex is nowhere near as as exciting as when we first met. Obviously, none of this is her fault, it's just life."

Hey man, a big part of that is your attitude. Your attitude is that you think and feel that sex with other women beats sex with your wife, but funny isn't it, some guy making love to your wife probably would disagree.

And for me this is a biggy..."For all I know, she does the same...."

Arc, you present debatable theories on this subject, but the reality seems to be all based on secrecy, or ignorance of the sexuallty of the person you live with. And seems likely she is completely ignorant of your desires and passions.

You say we should all be free of the constraints applied by marriage, but you seem to leave a vast area of sexual excitement untouched, unexplored, even undiscussed.

I decided in my latest relationship to be up front and openly discuss want I wanted, right from the start. I allowed my woman to think about the implications, etc, etc, etc.straight up.

After 7 years it ain't broke and I ain't fixing it.

It doesn't work very often, but from what guys tell me, most are well into the cheating scene which is way too late to say to your wife, "Oh, by the way..."

Like maybe we should give today's woman a chance to be today's woman.

You said, the serial monogomy model is built on a lie, but who lied first? And if you know your going to, why say 'I Do' in the first place.

Personally I think the serial monogamy model is not a lie, but a different set of rules for conduct that most men find they cannot tolerate.

Serial monogamy is societies condom. But safe sex within social rules just isn't the thrill we would like it to be.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:12 am on April 23, 2004

Quote: from fastmover on 8:12 pm on April 23, 2004
And then there is Mike Jagger of course.

But I kinda fancy that wicked old broad Tina Turner who puts a lot of the younger pop stars in the closet.

fastmover = excellent post !

But don't insult my neighbour Mick ! on the few times he lives in his house,"Eeere Man all dat aircraft noise ! Move that airport will yer !
Hey man those planes, opened my mouth and one flew in!"

I heard that Tina worked as P4P for a time ?

Good debate going here !

In the end its gotta be,"different strokes for different folks.............."

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:43 am on April 23, 2004

Hey man, a big part of that is your attitude. Your attitude is that you think and feel that sex with other women beats sex with your wife, but funny isn't it, some guy making love to your wife probably would disagree.
This is patently absurd on many counts.

First, you cannot argue that Arcadius' wife at 40 is objectively more attractive than the 20 year old bargirls he can find without trying. You can't argue that physical appearance has nothing to do with sexual enjoyment.

Second, she is just one woman who has her own preferences about sex, her own style, frequency,.... There is very little mystery or suspense left after you've done it with the same girl 5,000 times.

Certainly she can work hard to keep her physical appearance at its best. They can try lots of new things to keep sex interesting.

The question is why should you put so much pressure and cause her so much pain and work? If she chooses to keep herself looking like a twenty-something and enjoys frequent and varied sexual activity then that's fine and I doubt Arcadius would have a problem with that. But should she be forced to just to keep the man happy?

Say Arc enjoys an active and varied sex life and his wife would never initiate sex if she had her choice. Should Arc be unhappily sexless the rest of his life, should the wife just suck it up (so to speak) and be a dutiful sex slave, or should they both compromise on sex twice a week, once with a 5 minute blow job and have both of them be only half-miserable? The other "acceptable" option is that they get a divorce. That all seems a bit ridiculous, doesn't it?

Not to mention that no matter how hard she tries there are going to be limits either due to the progression of time or just her personal inhibitions and choices (some women may never in their lives want to try anal sex, let alone enjoy it).

Even if she were quite special to him (as I'm sure she is since Arc married her), that can only enhance the sex act to a certain level. Certainly some guys can only enjoy sex with women they have spiritual connection with, but I truly feel sorry for their limitation; perhaps modern science will find a cure some day.

And who is this mystery guy who has the hots for Arcadius' wife? Where is this guy who is as physically, emotionally and intellectual attractive as Arcadius (to his wife, not me), and who plans on exclusively fulfilling all of her sexual needs for the rest of her life?

He doesn't exist. Certainly there are attractive guys who wouldn't mind a fling with a married woman. But if the guy is a clone (or better) than Arc, why would he pick Arc's wife in the first place? For pure sex, there are certainly many better options in Thailand (we have to assume that the guy is not in love with Arc's wife as that would break the rules). Even if the guy really was stupid enough to pick Arc's wife over two 20 year old insatiable bisexual college coeds, then he would probably bore of the sex quickly enough.

FM, your arguments and examples are all over the map and show no real understanding of the problem. Your "solutions" (which you've not really stated coherently) only work for a very small percentage of real people.

In one post you mention how it is naive of Arcadius to think other people can change (i.e. have more open relationships), yet you somehow expect everyone to follow your example of being completely open and honest about their sexual needs. Not to mention that your philosophy doesn't show any flexibility for the passage of time (i.e. how personalities and situations change for a couple, therefore affecting their sexual desires and expectations).

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:43 pm on April 23, 2004

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