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MainAnything else? – 'Punter leaves wife' LOS Loser's Degrees. All Topics

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UK Punter

No suspension wires required at age 60, just a hand full of Victory Vs an hour before.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:09 pm on April 23, 2004
The Machine
I have to agree with arcadius on this one but of course if someone is sexually content in their long term relationship well good luck to them.
In the majority of cases this is just not so and certainly if you are not getting what you need at home and you want to preserve the marriage you will need to get your wants and needs satisfied elsewhere otherwise resentment and bitterness will creep into the equation.
This is commonsense and it is practical.
Monogamy and fidelity are overrated and do not deal with the practicalities of many long term relationships.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:02 am on April 24, 2004
T. Mac........."you want to preserve the marriage you will need to get your wants and needs satisfied elsewhere otherwise resentment and bitterness will creep into the equation."

Well the equation will end when you wife sees that big smile on your face each time you come home.

Resentment and bitterness are almost always preceded by suspicion.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:26 am on April 24, 2004
The Machine
"Resentment and bitterness are almost always preceded by superstition"

Please explain me no kao jai.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 2:46 am on April 24, 2004
Well first she is slightly suspicious.

She says, "Are you seeing someone?"

And you say, "Honey, how could you think that?"

Then she gets really suspicious.
Then resentful.
Then bitter.

Then you get to pay alimony.
Been there...paid that.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:00 am on April 24, 2004
Vitamin V serves me very well for the suspension wires.

It's a bitch to get the walker up to those second/third floor short time rooms though.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:05 am on April 24, 2004
The Machine
Fastmover said

Well first she is slightly suspicious..

You said superstitious in your first post..

Me thinks English not your first language.

Superstitious and suspicious two different words..n'est ce pas monsieur?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:31 am on April 24, 2004
T.Mac...Hey good catch. Could not see that for looking at it.
Must be because my ex was a demon!

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:50 am on April 24, 2004

Haven't got time to reply to most of this right now. However:

Well first she is slightly suspicious.

She says, "Are you seeing someone?"

And you say, "Honey, how could you think that?"

Then she gets really suspicious.
Then resentful.
Then bitter

I think this is a fair enough description of the average farang wife's mindset. However, the average Thai wife has a very different mindset. I would say the key differences are:

1) She' isn't 'slightly suspicious', she knows. In fact, she knew before she even met you that you'd almost certainly start fooling around at some point - if she's lucky, only with prostitutes. In her own mind, these don't represent any serious threat to her position.

2) This is not something she wants to deal with or even think about. She'll thank you (in fact require you) to be sufficiently discreet so that she doesn't have to.

3) The big difference, from the guy's point of view, is that your excuses and alibis don't need to be watertight or even especially convincing - though they do need to be plausible. So long as they are, she's unlikely to pursue trains of thought which will force her to confront something she has no desire to know about. The idea that everything needs to be confronted, thrashed to death and (if possible) resolved is very Western. Thais are much readier to take a "problem ignored is a problem solved" approach, which in some contexts works very well.

4) She doesn't WANT to get resentful and bitter about your sexual waywardness, let alone bust up her immediate family life (and maybe her long-term financial security) over it. She has a repertoire of mental habits at her disposal which help her to evade the issue. What she really demands from you is that you moderate your behaviour sufficiently to make this possible for her.

5) None of the above applies if she suspects you of getting emotionally involved with a status equal who could plausibly supplant her.

From trial and error, I know what I can get away with and what breaches my wife's comfort level. Other guys I know report much the same, though their own wives/GFs' comfort levels may allow more or less leeway. In just about all cases, though, I would say TGs are prepared to be far more realistic about this than farang women, especially when they start moving beyond the age of fancy. It's not that they approve; it's just that they see no need to create a destructive crisis out of something they consider to be an unfortunate but unremarkable fact of life - men butterfly.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:32 am on April 24, 2004
Hey arc, you didn't have time, but you got stuck in anyway. I appreciate that.

And this time I have to agree almost completely. We have perhaps been fool enough to try to dissect the Western woman's view, while for me, since I have 'gone asian', it is practicaly pointless trying to kick the bitch again.

I have some limited experience of the 'mellow' madness that Thai women have, that being as you say, the acceptance of certain facts of life related to men. But I do not have the vast reserve of knowledge you and others have.

However there are some similarities with other Asian nationalities. Here in China the level of freedom men receive, rises with the level of power they acheive or failing that, the level of income and comfort they can provide both wife and more importantly, his wife's family.

The blind eye feature, in other words, has a price tag.

An interesting side point, is that the women can avail themselves of 'ducks', basically young men who service women for monetary return or gifts of consequence, without any negativity, as long as descretion is a
primary feature.

Western women seem to only want to take a look at the women of Asia, basically to condem or to fix what they perceive as broken. I do not think many Western women learn that some flexibility in their approach to the prison term of marriage might make the prisoners happier, and perhaps even a little more faithful.

Now I gotta hit the road..I have to increase my monetary worth so I can maintain the variety pack sex life I have managed to negotiate.

to ya Arc...

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:56 am on April 24, 2004

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