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Would like hear how this goes for you over the months Balls, hope it's a success story

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:27 am on Feb. 11, 2008

Quote: from Mel Gibson on 10:21 pm on Feb. 11, 2008
Excellent fun and games for the first 6-12 months,,,,,,she is amazed you are willing to help with the cooking ( how you know how to do daag-ling?), clean the dishes (ohhh daag-ling Thai men not do that),,etc,etc,etc,,,THEN after time things change,,,,suddenly it's NORMAL,in fact mandatory, for the man to cook and clean the dishes,,,,THEN, she will find another Asian gal to compare her situation with,,,,"you know honey,I good girl good education,but Mark's wife she was hooker and low family but she drive BMW and have the big beautiful house.
It's about here you better make the dream, slowly becoming a nightmare, snap back to reality.
Honey,I give you all I can, if that is not enough then good-bye.
This is the reality ofwhat I have expereienced in my own life and seen in others,,,it is not meant as a warning to NOT marry Thai gals but it is meant as a wake-up call to those that think " and they lived happily ever after".


What a f***ing Shirley (Pansy for you Yankee Doodle dandies). Thanks for insight; this explains your need to vent your frustrations of the sorry life you lead on this forum. You must be a sight beating on your keyboard donned in an apron! No wonder your keyboards are dying.

Nothing wrong with cooking once and while especially if it involves fire, but even then the dish washing and other household cleaning is a woman’s job. In Thailand, only the ladyboys are the ones doing women functions. No wonder she calls you Daag Ling (Thai for Monkey’s asshole)

Those guys who attempt to westernize the normally dependent TG deserve what they get. I cannot remember the last time I washed a dish, made a bed or cleaned a bathroom. I stick to the man’s household chores of yard work, carpentry, plumbing and electrician (Sparky for your Auzzies) This is the natural order of things.

If you upset the natural order of things, be prepared for the consequences.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 5:52 pm on Feb. 11, 2008
jack attack
And don't forget the barefoot and pregnant part too!!!

Sorry, I meant for the TGs!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:54 am on Feb. 13, 2008
Mel Gibson
The only people who upset the"natural order of things" are your poor parents ( I do feel sorry for them) and the doctor who failed to find the bucket that you should have been discarded into.


P.S thanks for the Thai lesson re Daag, I had no idea what that meant jing-jing,,,Illie,ROFLMAO you twit.

You try to tell how people men should interact with their wifes, perhaps it's different for you and your Katoy.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 3:06 am on Feb. 13, 2008
Well Mel you seem to have your panties in a twist. For a guy who wear an apron fancy you always find the need to talk about Kateoy's maybe some closet fantasy or maybe the real reason you need to come back to Bangkok so much.

Between your job, taking care of the kids, cooking, doing the dishes and running outside for smoke breaks it is a wonder you have time to post. Well I guess all that pent up sexual frustration needs to be vented somewhere.

I was very happy to see that you will be selling everything in Thailand and moving to Vietnam. Good luck in your new country.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:41 pm on Feb. 13, 2008
A close friend told me a long time ago "the worse you treat 'em, the more they love ya"

Next time she threatens to walk out on you, grab a cold beer and say 'go ahead'...... she will go to the door, open it, and then realize you aren't soem sort of pussy. If she does leave, f*** her.... go out immediatly and f*** 2 girls at the same time to remind you of the mistake you made and be glad you got rid of her.

Get a grip man! I can't even turn on the dishwasher let alone hand wash dishes. My TG cleans my silverware and plate at every meal. In fact, I sit and refuse to eat until she does it. I never say a word.

One thing the Thai men have been good at through the years is keeping their ho's in place. It's the farang influence that is f***ing it all up.

I demand ANY of my ho's have to clean my cock after I cum with a warm washcloth while I channel surf.

I could go on and on.

Be a man, live like a man, die like a man.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:08 pm on Feb. 13, 2008
jack attack
So is the title of this thread "Balls takes the Plunge" or "I am a macho man- Hear me roar?"

If any woman (Thai or otherwise) cops an attitude about what she expects the man to do AFTER the man and woman have made a committment, shame on him. Clearly precautions and discussions were not had at an earliy enough stage to see what kind of person the guy was hooking up with. Nor was enough time spent together before the committment was consumated to see them come out clearly.

IMO, if what Mel has written occurs, it should have had very visible road signs posted everywhere in which case, pay attention.

I am not writing this to admonish Mel or anyone. But because of the beauty, sex or whatever, too many times western men let themselves get lured into relationships that had flashing lights going off all over the place but we tend to ignore them.

Now, please, I need to get back to preparing lunch and then I have to change some diapers and....

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:52 pm on Feb. 14, 2008
Mel Gibson
ThaidUp,,yep I have anApron for cooking on the BBQ. It has printed on the front"women merely cook, MEN BBQ"

Sorry ThaidUp if Daffy got jealous about your Katoy friends.

ThaidUp, don't worry about me mooving my investments, I assure you that you will have the pleasure of meeting me.


thailife,,,AHH please re-read, I DID say "Honey,I give you all I can, if that is not enough then good-bye".
I ain't no friggen Pansy.

ThaidUp,,like to call me a Pansy one on one???
Your a fuken keyboard warrior, gut-less prik.


Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:26 pm on Feb. 14, 2008
Mel I already met you, but you were probably too smashed to remember. Since you are obnoxious in person as you on the BTF, I did not sacrifice my standards and accept the free drinks you were handing out nor do I want to meet you anymore.

You are the one complaining about your Farang/TG relationship, but you inappropriately seem to extrapolate your miserable situation and the one's you observed of your friends and acquaintances to the mass TG population. I happened to know a lot of foreigners, who are still happy with their TG relationships, myself included.

Looking for another fight again? I thought you already had one of those with another BTF member in Toxic.

You serve nothing, but as my amusement during breaks during the workday. If you are looking to fight, why not go to Iraq? The USA is always looking for good fighters to help their cause.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:47 pm on Feb. 14, 2008
What is the reason for marrying a Thai girl and bringing her to Farangland then having your relationship be based on what western women view as "equality"? The TG will, at first, think this is quite strange.

Personally, I do not see the attraction of bringing a TG out of Thailand in order to have her become the western woman you were trying to avoid, but hey, everyone is different.

Was it Mel's point that it was a huge mistake to clean dishes and cook and do other things that TGs are accustomed to doing? Is so, he is 100% correct, you start doing these things and you will be expected to do these and others. And this is not unique to Thai women, but women the world over. If she asks "why you not clean, why you not cook?" then tell her to re-wire the house, build a fence, and put on a new roof, then you'll cook her a meal as a thank you.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:58 pm on Feb. 14, 2008

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