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Quote: from stuckinapub on 10:52 pm on Feb. 13, 2004

your not as bright as you think you are

Apparently you're not also.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:33 am on July 11, 2012

My Thai dream was of me in Chiang Mai & all of my previous co-workers were there with me, even those who had no way of knowing one another, LOL

Pretty wild !

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 5:37 am on July 11, 2012
It is easy to be a sceptic.

Difficult to be a Sherlock Holmes.

James Randi is a rampant homosexual who likes to offer young men his 7-9 inch dick.

Clever but unpleasant.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:34 pm on Jan. 9, 2013

bearing in mind that Sherlock Holmes was an antisocial heavy smoker, and drug addict with no interest in women(he was interested only in Dr.Watson) one has to question whether any sane,rational man would want to be Sherlock Holmes.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 3:06 pm on Jan. 10, 2013
He was hardly a drug addict only using cocaine which was fully legal when the books were written. Back before the madness we have today and as for women its victorian london so only one women was ever mentioned Irene Adler.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:55 pm on Jan. 10, 2013

"only using cocaine" does not make a drug addict?

How many drugs does a user need to be addicted to before he can be regarded a drug addict?

Cocaine was not a legal drug during Victoria`s reign in the sense that it was legislated as "legal".It was simply not illegal.Very few,if any,drugs were prescribed as illegal at that time.It was by comparison with the 21st century an innocent,or uninformed age whichever way you elect to view it.

My point is that judged by most commonly accepted moral standards of our times Sherlock Holmes is not a desirable role model.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:09 pm on Jan. 10, 2013
An addict is determined as someone who is physiologically or psychologically dependent on an addictive substance, as alcohol or a narcotic. Which has nothing to do with how many or what drugs they use. My own personal view is that an addict is someone so addicted they are no longer able to work or function and live only for the drugs. The character Sherlock Holmes has few vices and manages to function in society or how he could solve all the complicated cases. Fact is cocaine used sparingly in the right dosage gives clarity and vision. I totally agree that in excess it goes the other way and smoking (crack) or injecting as Holmes did are more risk to become an addict. But that does not yet make an addict. By such a remmission half the population are addicts [ alcohol ] and hardly good role models.

The anti drug laws well all except cigerettes and alcohol were thought up by the Illuminati or 'new world order 'in order to control and manipulate through lies and propoganda the mass population. They allow Alcohol and cigerettes as these lead to a subdued unilightened population who will not question what those that run this world are up to. Other drugs if not abused allow the user to think out of the box and therefore see through the lies and deciet,thats why they were illegally made illegal 100 years ago, not because they are bad and alcohol is ok.

Its not a coincidence that since the US has been spraying coca fields in Columbia production has inreased and since the prescence of forces in Afganistan production has increased.
The british were also in china mainly to ensure their opium business was not disturbed.
Of course they pump out propoganda on the tv pretending they are doing all they can to stop these so called dangerous drugs but nothing could be further from the truth. They only want to control the population and line their own pockets its called power baby.
They the rulers have no intention of ever eradicating these drugs as they well know they are cash crops and its impossible to eradicate cash crops. Their is also way too much money to be made by pretending to be against something while at the same time supporting it. Its a fact drugs are available all over the world albeit in waterdowed versions and this policy has led only to an increase in bathroom drugs like meth and other horrible drugs. But that is the plan togeather with
macdonalds and other junk foods games and sport is to control the population with fear and it works. The point is at the source the kilos are produced and therefore the money is made. At the other end the general subdued uninformed population are brainswashed into believing that persecting and arresting people is the only option against these so called bad drugs but its not prohibition does not work its a historical fact.

Sorry but from my viewpoint from a moral point of view the victorian time was far better than what we have today. Addicts are a health issue give them treatment its much cheaper. In the US addicts recieve only jail which is hardly a sign of a developed society. Also the by far all time worse drug is alcohol simply because its available everywhere
and socially accepted which is part of the takeover plan.

Columbia has a product they should be allowed to sell it just like jack daniels only fools should be afraid of this. But the illuminati dont want it so it has not happened yet and we live with this insanity for the last 100 years. Maybe you accept it but sorry I never ever will its time to wake up to the truth we are being conned and lied to.

That Sherlock Holmes used drugs is correct but he used them to his advantage to solve cases of course the possibility to become addicted exists but differs from person to person. But as a user of alcohol what moral basis do I have to pass judgement ?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:00 am on Jan. 11, 2013
Sherlock Holmes is a fictionnal caracter, therefore any debate on his life habit is not needed since he never lived.

In at least one case the author pretend he solve it by "smoking a whole packet of strong tobacco while seated on a cushin with the corner inside out".

Please guy, if you want to speak about those novels, AT LEAST do read them and dont accept the movie they did recently as a base to debate.

This said, and even if I dont take any so called drug at all...
i do agree with most of what cheapcharlie say in his last post. I dont know about "illuminati" but anyone who can think out of the box can see there is control of the populationand that stupidity and sickness is encouraged.

About alcohol, well I dont believe its so bad as long as you produce it yourself and dont add all the chemicals that are in the mass produced products that are allowed and sold everywhere. I produce mead for my personnal consumption since years, following a medieval recipe and guess what? You can drink as much of it as you want you will NOT get a headache the next day. But of course the process is time consuming and involve several hand filtrations and month in oak barrels and the industry rather do it fast and offer a shit product full of toxic chemicals like sulfites that has been fermentated in stainless steel and taste like it.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:56 am on Jan. 11, 2013
Looking forward to your next batch of mead.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:00 am on Jan. 11, 2013
dirty guru
How many days you no drink ?

Good more?

Dick still want expensive Russian pussy?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:10 am on Jan. 11, 2013

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