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MainAnything else? – Movies that feature LOS?? All Topics

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Asian Man,
Yeah, that beach scene was pretty sweet.  Makes me want to buy the film.  

As far as Emmanuelle - I like the scene when that old dude is smoking the opium talking all crazy while Emmanuelle is about to get f_cked (funny scene)...



Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:33 pm on Aug. 6, 2003
Okay, couldn't help myself here...
These are some of the HOLLYWOOD films MADE in Thailand
Air America (1990)                                          Beach, The (2000)                    
Casualties of War (1989)                                    
Cutthroat Island (1995)
Deer Hunter, The (1978)The banks of the   Kwae (Kwai) River were used for a Vietcong prisoner of war camp.  
Good Morning Vietnam (1987)
Heaven and Earth (1993)
Kickboxer, The
Killing Fields, The (1984)
Man with a Golden Gun, The (1974)
Phang Nga: Koh Tapu was used as Scaramanga's island.
Mortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat 2 - Annihilation
Off Limits (1988)
Operation Dumbo Drop
Phantom, The (1996)
Rambo II (1985)
Rambo III (1988)
Street Fighter
Tarzan Goes to India (1962)
Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)
Ugly American (1962)
Year of the Dragon (1985)

And these films which were SET in Thailand were NOT shot there; the last three because they painted thailand in a negative light were refused permission to be shot in Thailand (Funny, not so The Beach as one website said "no-one seemed to care that the movie actually paints a
rather negative view of Thailand with its marijuana fields and drug lords." Go figure

Bridge on the River Kwai (Sri Lanka)
The King and I
Anna and the King shot in Malayasia
Brokedown Palace was shot in the Philippine Islands. Its haunting soundtrack Silence is by Delerium. Two US girls get locked up in a Thai jail but hey anybody who trusts an Australian deserves what they get!


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 7:17 am on Aug. 16, 2003
Add to the list of films filmed (in part at least) in Thailand

"To End All Wars" - excellent film for anyone interested in the experiences of the Burma-Thailand Railway of World War Two. Ý

"City of Ghosts" - worth seeing if only for the shot of the "fishbowl" in Cambodia and the scene in Bangkok where one character introduces his TGF "Rahki" to the main character.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:03 pm on Oct. 7, 2003
Many people forget Bruce Lee's the Big Boss was set and filmed in Thailand.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 2:39 pm on Oct. 7, 2003
Tyler Durdin
I just received a VCD from BKK (Angel sent it to me).  It is called Ong-Bak, about a soon-to-be monk from upcountry that goes to BKK to retrieve a Buddha image and gets into a whole lot of mess.  Luckily for him, he is a world class kickboxer and absolutely violates anyone in his path (unlucky for everyone else).  This guy is no joke, puts Jackie Chan to shame and would eat Jet li in 2 bites.  Check it out if you can.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:52 pm on Oct. 7, 2003
For the first time last week I saw the movie The Quiet American. It was filmed in Vietnam - HCM City,
Ha Noi, Phat Diem and Hoi An (and written in Vietnam at the Continental hotel). I know this thread is about movies in the LOS and this particular film wasn't but man, the beginning of this film sure reminded me of Thailand, especially the opening dialogue. A must see in my opinion.

If you ever go to Vietnam you can actually stay in the same room this story was written - just ask for the Graham Green room at the Continental.

Continental Hotel on 132 ñ 134
Dong Khoi St., Dist. 1, Ho Chi Minh City

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:38 pm on Nov. 3, 2003
Did anyone see Beyond Rangoon? It is primarily about Burma (Myanmar) but has some scenes with the Karen and crossing the border into LOS.

I just left LOS on the 23rd and for the week or so I was there I kept catching part of a preview of a movie. I tried to get Sam to tell me if it was in the theater or if it was on video or??? Never got that figured out.

The preview included some really radical Braveheart style fight scenes and had logs falling (apparently) from the sky and crushing people. Whatever this movie was called it sure looked good. Anyone know the name of that? I would really like to arrange to see it. Could it be the one called Bangrajan?


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:01 am on Nov. 6, 2003
I finally got a chance to watch (completely) "The King and I" movie by Yul Brynner and Deborah Kerr. Not the broadway play nor "Anna and the King" with Chow Yun-Fat. From what I gathered from reading some history note, everything seem to be pretty accurate, except for the love stories. Is this a fair assessment ? What do most Thai people think of this movie ? It seems like they don't like the song "One Night in Bangkok" very much.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:20 am on Jan. 19, 2004
The story of Anna Leonowens is pretty much false.

No romance, it is not even proven she even met the King. She was only an English teacher to the children after all.

Her family background written in the book is proven bullsh_t, people in her family claimed to be ranking officers were in fact just nobodies etc.

Hell, the chances of a farang woman bossing around the King of thailand in those days??.nil in my book.

Officially the film is banned in Thailand I believe, but I have seen fake copies of it in IT Mall.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:53 am on Jan. 19, 2004
i always thought it was banned,but I saw the Jodie Foster version being played on my Hotels in-house film channel.
this was in 2001.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:43 am on Jan. 19, 2004

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