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Maybe it's just the friends I have.

Maybe. I have no such problems whatsoever; but I do know it happens. Just ignore them. If you lie to them, it would seem you feel guilty. And when they find out -which they will sooner or later, you having lied would only reinforce those ideas they have.

Anyhow, speaking of money, how much cash do you guys recommend me carrying for a 9 day trip? I'm thinking about bringing 2K in cash and another 3K in traveler's check. Will that be enough?

It would be more than plenty for most. But if you hang out with the likes of griffin (fellow board member who would tell you lies saying that I am a big spender) ...the whole amount would certainly be gone by the end of your holiday, but you will leave having had a helluva time.

If you really want to have fun spending the money with style send a pm to griffin. On the other hand, you may not spend much. He likes to spend lots of money and and enjoys being abused by his entourage as he always pays the bill when going out with other forum members.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:15 am on Aug. 21, 2003

I hope you are having a great time over there right now. I wish I was there to kick it with you.

"In what currency is the amount what You mentioned.
Hopefully not in baht , your feedbelt will click instantly.
If in dollars , You are a walking well-armed. "

I'm talking about US dollars. I know it's like 40 bts to 1 usd so I guess around 200000bt. Dang..that sounds like a lot of money if it was in US dollars. Hahaha. My thinking is that I won't be spending that much unless I'm buying a lot of gifts for friends back home. I doubt I will be having sex 3 times a day and spending 500usd dollars on girls each night.

Also..I dont' know about being called a pedophile or rapist or anything like that.  Im' too young to consider a dirty scoundrel! Hahaha! But then again, who really cares. It's all about having fun right? If you are still in town when i get there, I would love to have a drink. That goes for all the members on this board.


"If you really want to have fun spending the money with style send a pm to griffin. On the other hand, you may not spend much. He likes to spend lots of money and and enjoys being abused by his entourage as he always pays the bill when going out with other forum members. "

Hahaha..maybe I should bring less money and just hang out with him!! Sounds like a plan. He can show me the ropes. I'm not really a big balla like some of you guys. But I do like to have a good time. And for me, having a good time doesn't always involve money. It could just be chilling with some friends, having some drinks, and watching a ball game. But then again, I'll be in BKK...why the f*ck would i want to be watching a ball game anyways!! Hahaha! But yeah, I just wanna be laid back and relax when I'm there.


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:38 am on Aug. 21, 2003
5,000 US is more than enough for 9 days. You'd be better off spending some of it to buy yourself more time, because that's what you're going to be short of.

What will people at home think? Well, as a first time visitor, you can pose as an 'ordinary' tourist easily enough - if some people are likely to be troublesome, and/or it bothers you, just pretend you went to Singapore & Malaysia as well. After 9 days in LOS, you may find that you care a lot less about what these poor, deprived people think anyway.

You won't have any real problems as an Asian-American. And don't worry overmuch about the 'gold-digging' - many of the girls are not nearly as mercenary as they're cracked up to be. Provided you're prepared to pay the 'going rate' at the various places (plenty of info here), neither you nor they need ever mention money at all. I never do.

Good luck and have a great time. Bloody difficult not to, truth be told.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:53 am on Aug. 21, 2003
JackRabbit present...

Thanks , Shawn , but I am not enjouing it here and YOU DO NOT want to be here. This sucks !

The gifts for friends : Just be careful where You shop and do not believe taxidrivers stories about special shops:They will bleed You instantly.

If You need ANY help for targetting areas ,drop a PM and tell what You are looking for /  for what to bring back.
I give all help I can.

Well , believe me WHEN You go back home I bet 10:1 that when You are asked where You were You get that when saying :"LOS".
Sooner or later...


Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 2:11 am on Aug. 21, 2003
Sup JR:
Good posts by the way. I just wanted to address and elaborate on some of your comments.

Quote: from JR

First of all the main concern with TG's is cash-they can't seem to get enough of in this respect if you've got it, you won't be discriminated.

I agree with this statement wholeheartedly. Bottome line in more society's is that money talks. If you have the "bling bling" then the world is yours!!

As for being Asian. there is a slight difference in the way I was treated in my visits to LOS. TG's do love the idea that a farang will take them back to the US and sometimes I felt that this contributed to some of them showing more interest in our farang bros...but this is just my experience.

I never experienced this and neither did our group. My experience is that it was not our race that determined if they thought we could give them a better life, but our attitude as well as where we lived. Even before the tg's or bg's found out where I lived I never felt that they would rather be with a farlang then me. Infact, in some instances the females chose to go with me over a farlang. Go figure??

But, I do agree that some females will show more interest towards a certain type of guy. That's just human nature.

Sad to say that a few establishments have also given me the impression that I wasn't that welcome...and I'm well educated & not a shabbily dressed person just in case you wondering..He!He! What I do in this cases is that I simply don't go back to theseplaces and frequent those that I'm comfortable with and in this respect there are many to choose from.

Could you please elaborate a little more about which type of establishments you felt this from. I've been to bkk more around 14 times in 3 years. I've never experienced the feeling of "unwelcome" in any establishment (beer garden, go go, mp, gentlemens club, or dance club). Of course, I've also never gone to a race specifice club either, like a Japanese only club.

I did test the clubs and females to see how they would react and treat a person if they did not dress like they had money. So, several times I ventured to one of the above establishments at different times of the day including night times in b-ball shorts, sleeves nike b-ball shirt, and midtops on. I found with me, it did not matter at all. I was welcomed in like I was wearing khaki pants and a nice shirt. I think that personally and how a person projects themselves has a lot to do with it. I'm out going, so I did not let me cloths get in the way of being social and friendly. And I'm not saying that dress does not have some sort of impact with the females.

I will say that they only place that did ask me next time to change was Pegasus, but I was still allowed in. And I was already a member at that time.

** I am just shocked that some asians have had the feeling of unwelcome in bkk. That sucks!! **

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:15 am on Aug. 21, 2003
Sup' Shawn:
No worries about the amount of days. 9 days is plenty. Just pack your day in with quality and not quantity. ha ha ha ha!!

Quote: from Shawn
Let me ask a question to all the brothers from the US. How do your friends and family react to you when you tell them you are going to Thailand?? Do they assume you are going over there for sex? Or do you play it off like you're over there for some sort of business?

My friends and family reacted as if I was going to any other city for business in the world. It could've been LA or Milan for all they cared.

** Now this next statement has more to do with me with anyone else, so pls don't take offense, because no offense is intended!! **

The reason it did not phase them is because they know I don't need to travel 1/2 across the world to get laid. I'm not saying I'm Mr. "Mac Daddy". All I'm saying is that my friends and family know my personality and me and know that I have no problems meeting females in the U.S, dating and having a relationship. So, from that perspective, it probably never entered into their minds I would be going to bkk for sex, which I have not. It's always been for business!!

Is there a general negative impression on Asian countries especially Thailand?

The answer is yes. IMO: when you mention Thailand, most people are not thinking that you are going over to visit all the temples. Thailand is known for it's p4p, just like Amsterdam.

I feel like I should hide the fact that I'm going over there to some of my friends. Maybe it's just the friends I have. I was wondering if anyone else get this kinda reaction. It doesn't really bother me because I know some friends who go there all the time. They are always telling stories about their sexcapades.

I think I address this above, but if you think that your friends are going to give you "grief" over it, then tell them you are going to Hawaii!! ha ha ha ha!! I just would not suggest lying to your family. And yes, those indivuals that only share stories about conquest are responsible for the stigma of Thailand and sex. I've visited many temples and other cultural establishments and can say Thailand is more then just sex. I think those people that only talk about sex is also missing the point of the Thai culture and food. Something that I have kept me coming back to BKK.

Anyhow, speaking of money, how much cash do you guys recommend me carrying for a 9 day trip? I'm thinking about bringing 2K in cash and another 3K in traveler's check. Will that be enough? I haven't really started budgeting my trip yet. I just want to be on the safe side.

5K is more then enough for 9 days in Thailand. You are going to get different responses for budget and how to spend your money. Take them all including mine with a gain of salt and spend what you feel comfortable spending.

Here's a thread about budgeting for a month.

Here's my general budget. Again, it's a budget and I over-compensate in some areas to make sure I'm never short of cash. You can always find hotels or tg's/bg's for cheaper. Again, this does not mean I always pay this amount, but what I budget. For entertaiment, I would not spend $200 in a go go, but if I went to two mp's and a g-club that night, it would come close to $200's total for the entire day.

Hotel: $100 per night
Food & drinks: $100 Per day
adult entertaiment: $200 a day including tip.

"As for the fact that they are turned off because you are asian, I'm surprised. They might think you are from Asian and not living in the U.S ... possibly?? "

I dont' know..I thought it was kinda weird. They know I am an asian guy living in the US. Maybe they think we dont' have as much money as farangs living in the US??? I dont' really know!

Not sure about this one. IMO: I think that they will judge on looks and attitude on if you have money. I guess you just chatted with some females that were more into farlangs then asians. I truely don't believe or feel that a majority of the tg's feel this way.

"Infact, I've never had a problem being asian in Thailand. I've never been charged the farlang extra charge at some establishments, and had no problems with any female not going out with me because I'm asian. Infact it's the opposite. I got plenty of females to go out with because I am asian. "

You need to hook me up with these places then!!

No problems. I'll send you an off line message with some suggestions of places to go.

Have a great time in bkk and pls post your experiences once your back in the U.S!!

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:44 am on Aug. 21, 2003

Quote: from Shawn on 12:31 am on Aug. 21, 2003
I'm thinking about bringing 2K in cash and another 3K in traveler's check. Will that be enough?

I only bring enough cash to get me over a crisis - maybe $200. My cash needs during the trip are met by going to an ATM with access to the bank account back home. I never carry this ATM card around, I leave it in the safe deposit box and only carry it when I am going for cash. I always bring a backup credit card or two, just in case my ATM card doesn't work (it's never happened) and I have to get a cash advance.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:09 am on Aug. 21, 2003

"No worries about the amount of days. 9 days is plenty. Just pack your day in with quality and not quantity. ha ha ha ha!! "

I hope it will be quality over quantity coz I'm no sex freak like some of you guys. Hahaha!!

"The reason it did not phase them is because they know I don't need to travel 1/2 across the world to get laid. I'm not saying I'm Mr. "Mac Daddy". All I'm saying is that my friends and family know my personality and me and know that I have no problems meeting females in the U.S, dating and having a relationship. So, from that perspective, it probably never entered into their minds I would be going to bkk for sex, which I have not. It's always been for business!! "

I have to admit that I'm not "playa" type, but I do alright here. But it does seem that most of my friends who do come over there are. They usually can get most girls they want over here. So my question is the real reasons? What are most guys' reasons for going for sex over in bkk?

1) Is it because they can get sex easily without the emotional attachment?
2) Are the girls actually better looking than girls here? But of course there are always pretty girls everywhere.
3) Are thai girls better in the sack than american girls?
4) Are you just trying to do as many girls as possible in the least amount of time?
5) Are you just there actually for the scenery but the sex is just a bonus?

I'm sure some of you guys come over for business. So I guess since you'll be stuck in bkk, you might as well indulged right?

"I think I address this above, but if you think that your friends are going to give you "grief" over it, then tell them you are going to Hawaii!! ha ha ha ha!! I just would not suggest lying to your family. And yes, those indivuals that only share stories about conquest are responsible for the stigma of Thailand and sex. I've visited many temples and other cultural establishments and can say Thailand is more then just sex. I think those people that only talk about sex is also missing the point of the Thai culture and food. Something that I have kept me coming back to BKK. "

This is kinda funny to me because I started telling some of my "conservative" friends recently that I was planning go going to Hawaii.  I guess, for me, it makes me feel a lil better about them not thinking im' going over to bkk for sex (which of course, it's not my real reason..Hahaha).

About the budget, I'm curious about how much cash I should be carrying around if any. I've never been to asian so I don't really know how the ppl are like. I've read on posts here that some bros have never gotten stolen from but then i also hear stories otherwise. I guess I just want a firm recommendation about how much I should be carrying around in cash.

Also- One big advice that my friend would tell me when I go there (It seems like he's being really serious about this also) is to not overpay for sex.  He's kinda freaked out about newbies jacking up the prices for everyone. Something like that! That's his reasoning! I don't if this is a big major issues with you veteran bros. If it is a big issue, then i'll try my best to pay the accurate amount. I've never paid for sex anywhere. So I won't know my reactions til it happens. But I will definitely let you guys know when i come back and post a long field report.

Freak..I gotta head to work!


Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:26 am on Aug. 21, 2003
10'000 baht a day will do, there is only so much booze and so many girls. but little time...


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:40 am on Aug. 21, 2003
Re Thailand's reputation abroad etc, I think you're just going to have to do some work on yourself if you want this to be a non-problem.

Sex stories sell newspapers & magazines, and LOS provides an inexhaustible supply. It also ties in (however unjustifiably) with other media concerns like paedophilia & feminism.

This is not going to change any time soon. The Western media has NO interest in Thailand apart from the sex angle and has a professional vested interest in maintaining the status quo. The truth has nothing to do with it.

The result, of course, is that most Westerners know as much about the reality of life in Thailand as most Russians under Stalin knew about the reality of life in America.

So, in the end, you're just going to have to care more about what you think and less about what other people think. For the most part, they have NO idea what they're talking about, and since they are merely retailing media distortions, their views are inherently worthless.

When you engage in P4P anywhere, you are acting beyond the pale of 'respectable' opinion. You have to accept that and deal with it, possibly by adjusting your own views of what respectable opinion is worth. Then it's a matter of finding a reasonable balance. While your female relatives won't want to hear a blow-by-blow account of what you get up to, you also don't want to get into the shame-faced trap of denying that you've been anywhere near LOS or constructing elaborate business scenarios to justify your presence here.

You're a free man or you're not. You conduct yourself in a way YOU consider justifiable, or else you wouldn't do it. And at the end of the day, it is nobody else's damn business. So sometimes it's better just to keep mum and let them guess what they want. No-one has a right to know all about your private life, and if other people have the effrontery to speculate about it, that's their own affair and not your responsibility.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:56 am on Aug. 21, 2003

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