Aloha: It sounds like people are mixing together personal hygene and cloths as well as courting a female and paying for one. IMO: they are all in different catagories. I will agree that personal hygene is important to tg's. So, shower and shave before heading out. Nothing says "low class" then body odor. Now, after taking care of one's hygene, I don't think the tg's really care what you dress like. Wear whatever you feel comfortable in. Especially if you go to Go go, beer gardens, and mp's beause it's so casual at those places. G-clubs might have dress codes though. As for making a good impression with your looks and dress. You are not courting these females. You walk into a bar/ club, pay either the bf or the female directly and then take her back to your hotel room. It's that simple. It's not like she is going to say no to you because you are not wearing nice cloths. In general, it does not seem that likely she will lower her price just because you smell good and look nice. Of course, I'm sure the "Studs" out will say I'm wrong!! I suggest when dealing with the tg's besides hygene the two M's (Manners and Money). Manners means treating her like a female or person and not a piece of meat or an item. And money is self-explanitory. Just my 2 cents.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:21 am on Feb. 27, 2004
dress to impress! even or especially in the gogo's the better girls do have a variety of choices, in contrast to the mp girls. in mp's the girls usually will have to go with you as long as you pay whether they want or not! in the gogo's or discos where it is up to the girls they will be usually more choosy! personal hygene, after shave and always long sleeved clothes (pants and shirts!!!) are considered as polite dress. as most girls don't want to go with shabby customers (unless they need the money badly) they will look very closely what your appearance is. especailly in the discos and gogo's you will have to impress as there are many other punters around and the girls will go for status (appearance). all lot of girls I know will refuse to go with guys in shorts and/or tank tops. nikes and sport shoes are big nono's too, as well as beards/moustaches and tattoos!
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 2:32 am on Feb. 28, 2004
This is all another reason I prefer Pattaya. I can wear my plaid shorts, baseball cap on backwards, black socks with sandals and a T-Shirt saying..."I'd Rather be a Roper than a Doper". And I will look nice sitting next to the 300 pound guy from Sweden wearing a Speedo!
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:42 am on Feb. 28, 2004
And that is why I prefer Bangkok over Pattaya. Why is it that being on holiday means that one has to dress sloppy? The regular inhabitants of New York dress normally while living there. Same do the guys from Amsterdam. But when a New Yorker becomes a tourist and goes to Amsterdam, he then dresses sloppy. The funny thing is the Dutch guy from Amsterdam now going to New York is also now dressing sloppy. These guys do not dress like that in their own cities while they stay there during a national holiday. So? Is it that there is a distance thing that comes into play? The further away from home, the worst one should dress?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 5:29 am on Feb. 28, 2004
Nah, Smegs. I dress sloppy and I live there. When we meet for drinks at one of your clubs, I promise to wear my black tennis shoes. Teeheeheehee.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:51 am on Feb. 28, 2004
^ better take some black leather shoes and double cuffed shirts, that would be the best attire to impress in smeg's places!
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:29 am on Feb. 28, 2004
tigercode73: As you can see you are getting different answers. All good answers, but different. This is just me.................. BUT.... ** This only applies to "professional" females. Non-working females are a different story. ** If a tg is gonna judge me on the way I dress, then it's S.O.L for her because they are a dime a dozen. I don't need to dress to impress them for them to go home with me. It's not like they do the chosing anyways. IMO: Bottom line is this....... Sorry is this is too brutal and honest for everyone. If you are going to bkk because can't score at home because you are shy, ugly, or got no skillz then you'd better dress to impress. You will need any edge you can get. If you also have no manners or have an attitude, then dressing up only goes for far for you. Eventually you won't pass the smell test. I'd say, lose the attitude and get some manners and worry less about the dress. For those that have no problems getting females at home, then dress whatever you like, because you then got skillz and can use that in BKK. Of course I would not go completely to the opposite side and say dress down just to spite everyone either. I think that one should attempt to blend in with the general public if possible.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:42 am on Feb. 28, 2004
Quote: from ABC on 7:42 pm on Feb. 28, 2004 I don't need to dress to impress them for them to go home with me. It's not like they do the chosing anyways.
Well, while it is true that one does "not need" to dress to impress here to get a girl (any girl), some girls here that I know can afford to do the choosing. And boy, are they choosy -and not all of them are in the p4p trade necessarily.
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:48 am on Feb. 28, 2004
Well, while it is true that one does "not need" to dress to impress here to get a girl (any girl), some girls here that I know can afford to do the choosing. And boy, are they choosy -and not all of them are in the p4p trade necessarily.
Oh... I agree. Some females can be very chosy because they are either that popluar or they just are chosy. For those you must have whatever they are looking for. And my comments were only for the p4p females. But, for the rest of the p4p females, I think it's more about attitude, manners, money and hygene then neccessarily dress. And I"m not saying to purpose dress like crap either. ha ha ha ha!! Of course, having the complete package or attitude, manners, dress, hygene and money is the best combination. ha ha ha ha!!
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:59 am on Feb. 28, 2004
smegma, well right! most recently a lot of the girls have been spoilt by many farangs! it is a huge difference where you are hunting. in a mp were you smash the money right into the face of the girl it is not important at all how you dress. also the same to some extent in a g-club as most girls are professional enough to accomodate you. nevertheless in places where the girls do have the option for choice, dress, hygene and manners will come deeply into their consideration. there are far to many other options available for the more attractive ones. the risk to be seen with a shabby dressed 'kee nok' farang is certainly not in the interest of any better tg!
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:10 am on Feb. 28, 2004