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That doesn't even begin to address the vast number of girls who are simply browbeaten into prostitution. Don't underestimate the powerful sense of obligation these Buddhist girls are inculcated to have toward their parents. Overpowering gratitude for their very existence...

And when the eldest daughter turns 18 [or 16 or 14...] maybe mom and dad get a powerful hankering for the little luxuries that they just don't feel like working toward for themselves. Thai parents' hypochondria, alcoholism, gambling, bad debts, greed, laziness and general stupidity put more girls on the game than any other single factor.

100% correct in my experience...

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:24 am on April 18, 2004

Quote: from Vancouver Jay on 8:19 am on April 18, 2004
I wouldn't think that the girls at Annies or Barons are in the same situation as a girl in a non-MP "f*ckshop" though.

But don't make the mistake of thinking that all of the BG and dancers you meet have made an informed career choice either. A good percentage of them were offered jobs as hostesses or waitresses and never made aware that they'd be screwing for a living.

I don't for one minute think they are in the same situation, in fact I changed my original post because I know I'd I'd have referred to them as non brothels I'd have some know it all smart ass correcting me.

2 massage parlours in 17 years pretty much sets out my stall.

As for the second paragraph, I don't think you find that sort of coersion in the farang owned bars that we frequent, girls there are able to come and go as they choose.

Any place where I think that maybe different would get my ass on it's chairs.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 10:52 am on April 18, 2004
Maybe because it doesn't take most of us 30 minutes to several hours of talking like two 8 year olds (the typical farang customer and the bargirl) to finally get up to the soul searching topics like "do you like moo satay?"

What's there to get to know? I don't want to know her favorite color or what her work history is. I'm not gonna marry her, not going to send her money from overseas, and not hire TPE 6 months later to figure out if it was a good idea or not.

I might want to know her name (beforehand), and what other girls she recommends (afterwards). The girls like you enough when you are nice to them (smile and say 'klrab,' as most guys don't to these girls), tip well, and don't pound them for an hour and a half nonstop.

I've found that it only takes 5 minutes (or however long it takes for the tub to fill up) to "get to know" any given girl.

Unfortunately, I've found when kicking around with Thai guys upcountry, that they don't seem to have a clue what you're talking about. "Hey, she's young, she's beautiful, what's your problem?" You can explain that you don't think the sex will be any good, but this just gets blank looks.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:07 am on April 18, 2004
And maybe it's just high tolerance of lousy sex.

It's not a matter of 'getting to know them', it's matter of discovering whether there is any chemistry there and adding value to your target by wooing her a bit. If your charms are so self-evident that prior interaction is unnecessary, good luck to you, but I certainly find that investing a little time pays dividends.

It would be nice if the girls were equally good in bed, but it's a matter of empirical observation that this is very far from the case, and it's not just a matter of technique. Whether you 'click' or not makes a huge difference, and it's a bit late to discover that you don't after you're already committed.

It is a mystery to me why so many Asian (not just Thai) guys think this is of no importance whatever. But, hey, they can get their rocks off their own way - it's no skin off my nose.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 12:25 pm on April 18, 2004
hmmm.... I am not Asian myself, but..... I find it hard to believe in any such (perceived) 'chemistry' after a mere 10 minutes with a girl whose main occupation is to have sex for money. The good ones, are partly so good because they ACT the chemistry.

Either she has a bubbly personality and I like that or not. And I think that this personality is what she would show to 80% of the guys most of the time -unless she obviously doesn't want to go with the guy (or me in this instance) and behaves like she does the remaining 20% of the time when she wants to show she doesn't like the guy.

I do not believe that I have charmed her so much that she is behaving differently with me. At least not so fast and not the first time I see her. Thus, I believe that anything that I see that I am liking is just because she is just that way -not because some "special" chemistry that I am working on her.

The real test of chemistry comes after the condom comes off. Then one finds how real it was. But anyway, if it was not real, what does it matter by now... the deed was done.

Oh! And I would rather have wild sweaty animal-like sex than tender pupy love cuddling when I pay. But, as said before by others, different guys different tastes. Of course, superb sex and chemistry is great but having to sacrifice one for the other, from p4p girls I am happy with superb sex and average chemistry. Whereas with good girls, I am satisfied with good chemistry and normal sex.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:47 pm on April 18, 2004
I think it's basically a matter of eroticism -- for example, the thrill, the pleasure, the quiver she sends down your body as she plays her lips on you. You won't get that in a brothel. But you CAN get that in a situation in which you have "won over" the girl -- or "wooed her," as Arc says, succesfully. If you have to simply pick a girl from a fleshpot, throw her thighs apart and move in -- well that's all there is to it. Cold turkey. Sure, it's a matter of different people, different ways. If a guy can enjoy that kind of slam bam when the woman is simply lying back indifferently -- probably picking her tooth -- he is really gifted. Me, I wouldn't develop an erection in such a situation. I visited Annie's once but left immediately because that fish bowl thingy turned my stomach. Yet I wouldn't called all MPs brothels. Many smaller MPs without the fish bowl give good value pleasure-wise.
Again, individual perceptions.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:22 pm on April 18, 2004
I think most people will assume that we are not talking about those cases. In such extreme cases, I agree with you Kaymanx. No one -well no one I consider normal- would enjoy screwing such starfishs.

I am talking about that perceived 'chemistry' C'mon, we know she is acting. There is not really "wooeing' her. No need. You are paying and she is working. And part of the job is to act the chemistry, if she wants to be good at it and get repeat customers. If one gets "real" chemistry then one shouldn't be paying.

At least I don't pay when I get some real chemistry going. Hmmm... come to think of it, when was the last time I didn't pay?....... ..... no wonder I have to pay. I never get any real chemistry going with p4p; I must be very boring My only freebies are from non p4p girls. Is there something fishy going on here.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:53 pm on April 18, 2004

I'm not sure what you mean by 'chemistry'. All I mean is that there are some people you rub along well with, and some you don't. Some people you warm to quickly, and others which leave you cold. It's not always possible to articulate why you like, dislike or are just indifferent to people. It's a largely instinctive reaction, and no - I don't think they can act this convincingly.

If I 'click' in some sense with a bargirl, I can be pretty confident that I'll have a good time in bed with her and am seldom wrong. I'd like to say that if we don't click, I just don't take her - but of course there are times when I'm smashed and sufficiently inspired by her looks to say 'what the hell' and just hope for the best. More often than not, I end up regretting it.

Imho, the difference been good, bad and indifferent sex on offer from the BGs is huge. I tend to feel that sub-par sex in LOS is a complete waste of time, money and sexual energy, and well worth avoiding - no matter how good she looks. At any event, I'm convinced that there's a great deal more to the business than simple genital friction, even with pros, and that a good figure and a pretty face just aren't enough. If I were in an environment where these things were rarer commodities, I might feel differently, but I'm not.

What I do dislike intensely is having to sit in a room with some scared-looking kid barely out of puberty, pretending I'm bonking her because to do otherwise might seem stand-offish and ungrateful to people who think they're doing me a favour. Those are the only occasions when the local modus operandi causes me real discomfort - otherwise, I'm more than happy to live and let live.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:36 pm on April 18, 2004
I guess then I agree with you, Arc. I cannot disagree with what you said in your last post.

It may have been be my perceived (likely wrong) meaning of 'chemistry' as I thought you may have meant it.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:45 pm on April 18, 2004

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:38 pm on April 18, 2004

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