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One Eyed Jack

Welcome bro.   Man, do I envy you.     Making your first trip, with a good bank roll, eyes wide open, jeez....  nothing like that first trip.  You will be blown away.

My 2 cents worth.  On the Asian thing, I almost think you have an advantage.  Should be able to get the local price in the MP's who charge farang surcharges!   Nice bene.    Not an issue at all.

Assuming your budget is for hotel an everything, you're probably just about right for maximum fun.  You will be hard pressed to spend it all.    I never have more than about $1,000 cash and never more than aobut $200 in my pocket.    Unless your staying in a 5 star hotel(and even if you were) use the credit card and ATM as you go.  Sure, there's a small fee but it's worth the peace of mind.   In your case, I personally would bring $2,000 in cash and do the rest by credit card.   The hotel, most resaurants, and even the MP's all accept plastic.     Unless of course your worried about a paper trail......

The budget is a tough one.   A guy can eat and party his ass off and get laid for probably less than a $100/day.   Shit, some guys boast about doing it for less than $50.   You can easily though hit the Western restaurants, drink, shop, hit an MP or two, thrown in a ST or LT and drop $200+.  

If you can, recommend riding shot gun with one of the bros and learning the ropes early on in your trip.

I run into the Thailand thing all the time when talking to people about my trips there.  Fortuantely, I have legit business as a cover but even then I get the rolling eyes.  I usually just stand my ground and talk about the great food, warm friendly people, interesting sites and places, and comment that "sure, the have a red light district" like almost any big city but don't know much about it.  wink wink.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:57 am on Aug. 21, 2003
you can live:

breakfast                    20 baht
lunch                           20 baht
dinner                         20 baht
3 bottles of beer        120 baht

cheap shag                500 baht

hotel                          250 baht

all in the center of sukhumvit soi 4 area.

so, what are you worried about??


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:02 pm on Aug. 21, 2003

Welcome to Paradise.

The most important thing to remember is "Do not flash the cash", do as O E J suggested, and just play it safe...

Keep your mind and your eyes wide open, because before long, you WILL come under the spell of LOS.

The first time I was in BKK, I fell in love while having my f_cking hair cut... I was only in BKK two hours... I am not ashamed to admit it, but that little episode cost me a lot of money. But it was worth every penny.

Thailand is truly amazing!

As far as friends and or relatives thinking the worst about you, remember this: You can chose your friends but your stuck with your relatives... So tell em all to f_ck Off!!

Just go there, have a great time, and treat the girls you meet with respect and you will have no problems.

Good luck and don't forget the FR...

I love this place


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:37 pm on Aug. 21, 2003
you had a expensive haircut with your relatives??

make it a daben!!


Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 12:43 pm on Aug. 21, 2003

Are we talking about Daben as in two of everything?

Or just drinks?

I love this place


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:47 pm on Aug. 21, 2003
no, no I am talking about the hairdresser(s)


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:48 pm on Aug. 21, 2003
Wassop Shawn:

IMO: most guys that go to bkk for sex go there because of the price or lack of it, so to speak. You can find enough threads in this forum that deal with getting for as little as possible or only paying 1,000 baht  or $25 for long time. That's great for them, but personally I'd rather chose the lady and figure the price out, then the other way around.

As for how much money you should carry on you at one time. I Usually carry between 4K and 8K baht at any given time. Granted, if I'm hangin' in a group of 10 buddies, then I carry around 20K baht!! ha ha ha!! You know it's that you pay once, and then someone else gets the next bill type of thing.

Oh .. not sure if it's been addressed or not, but try to limit your credit card use. There have been plenty of cases of credit card theft, even from hotels. So, when I travel, I take two cards with me. I only use one at the hotel and ask the credit card company to inform me if the card is used anywhere else. My buddy did this and was notified that his card was stolen because of a sudden increase in charges in bkk. I pay cash for everything. But, that is also why I carry more with me. The second card is for emergency usage. Say my cash and other credit card is stolen. And when bringin' cash, bring the new C notes (after 1996)

I agree that you should not flash the cash, but honestly it does not matter. If you know what the rates for the females are then flashing cash or not does nothing.  I think just be aware of your surroundings but you don't have to be paraniod. It's like being in USC or East Oakland!! ha ha ha ha!!

I agree with what OEJ posted:

By: One Eyed Jack

The budget is a tough one.   A guy can eat and party his ass off and get laid for probably less than a $100/day.   Shit, some guys boast about doing it for less than $50.   You can easily though hit the Western restaurants, drink, shop, hit an MP or two, thrown in a ST or LT and drop $200+.

Ha ha ha!! Hawaii is an easy out, since you go to a tropical place that you have to fly. So when you are return from BKK to CA with a tan, people will jsut think you sat on the beach in Waikiki!! ha ha ha ha!!

On the topic of over-paying. There are some general guidelines to how much establishments should charge you.

And make sure you are never charged the farlang surcharge.

Now ... when you are negotiating to see a female outside the club on her own time, then this get's kinda dicy. My opinion is that you pay what you are comfortable paying. If you really like the female and she asks for 4K baht for 24 hours and you are okay with paying that then do so. Don't worry if another guy could've haggled it down to 3K baht. Ofcourse, don't overpay by using U.S standards.

In general, a safe amount would be (not including tip):
1K baht for short time
2K baht for long time
4K baht for 24 hours
** Again, you can payless or more, but I would not pay triple any of these amounts for any female. **

I second what OEJ said about riding shot gun with other members. I would suggest getting in contact with BK, the moderator of this site. He's a very cool guy that can show you the ropes and you won't have to every worry about paying too much.

Bottom line is you are there to have fun. Budget, be safe, and roll with it. Again if you pay a little bit more then someone else, but had an awesome time, then don't dwell on it. Enjoy and pace yourself!! ha ha ha!!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:56 pm on Aug. 21, 2003

Jet lag is a bitch and I find that I'm beat for the first three or four days. If you can extend your trip by a few days.

46 days untill I'm reloaded into the Thai Matrix for seven weeks.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:40 pm on Aug. 21, 2003
Dang..I am pissed...I wrote this long ass reply..submitted it, and it didn't go through! Took me 15 minutes to write it too. Went back and the whole post was gone.

Anyhow, I appreciate all the replies. They are very helpful. I just found out that a friend of mines (who's from here, but is in Cambodia right now) will meet up with me during my trip. He's flying up to Bkk. I think it would be better if I go with someone instead of by myself. I was kinda nervous about the whole situation even though you guys said it's pretty much very safe just as long as i'm cautious. Anyhow, he knows his way around, so I won't be wasting time getting lost around town.  Of course, he'll make me pay for most of his expenses, but that's okay...he's a really good friend of mines.

I get the general concensus is that I should be carrying about 200usd or so around with me at all time and the rest i should leave at the hotel. Also, try not to use my credit card as much as possible.

Let me ask a question though.

If you had only one day in Bkk and you only could go to one bar/MP/go-go, where would you go? I want to know some "can't miss" places in bkk.


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:53 pm on Aug. 21, 2003
Only 24 hours?? Hummm..?? Okay. I'd make sure I got plenty of sleep the night before and took my vitamins!! ha ha ha ha!!

I'd start my day off around 4pm by hitting Eden Club for a little two on one action.

I'd then venture over to one of the MP's (Emmanuelle, Mirage, or Poseidon) around 6pm and take a sideline model for a spin.

Around 8pm I'd head to Counter 1-2-3 for a little more lower equator karaoka mouth action. If you take a female into one of the rooms and spend time with her, before you leave she'll turn off the lights and you will know what I'm taking about. You don't have to bar fine her or anything. Just buy her I believe a ladie's drink, which are standard prices.

Then I'd venture to Club Orbit around 10:00pm to see some fine booty shakin' it to start the evening off with a bang. You only need to stay about an hour to see the dancers. It take plenty of time and money to score with them. They are just eye candy.

After that then I'd head to Piano Club around 11pm to see some fine lookin' honey's that you can experience their company for the duration of the evening to the next morning.

That would be one hell-of a 24 hours, but time well spend.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:14 pm on Aug. 21, 2003

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