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Thanks for sharing your views on the Asian 'thingy' in BKK.

Well firstly, just like you I have had my fair share of girls telling me that that prefer me over a Farang because they prefer Asian man....would love to believe this but sometimes it is a little difficult to swallow when money is involved.

On the whole my experiences have been very good in LOS...I always travel alone so I can explore things, how I want and when I want.

I however did feel a little discriminated in certain places like NEP where I tried to enter a go-go bar and was turned away..couldn't understand a word the dude said but I swear there were other people entering there as well. I also encountered this at one of the go-go bars in Soi Cowboy...can't remember the name(think its Long Gun)...alll I remember I saw a couple of dudes walking in before me and I was stopped and told that it was a private party...didn't believe that but just walked away anyway....don't no if I'm being over sensitive or...

These bad experiences I must say are very rare and far in between but nonetheless they happened...when I go out I make sure that I am dressed comfortably and smartly...coz I believe appearences count...but again I don't let these experiences get me down.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:41 pm on Aug. 22, 2003

My suggestion is to bring a camera and spend a day or two taking a lot of non-sex related pictures at various tourist sites. (Make sure that your camera does not automatically put the date on the photo.) The pictures are great for show and tell when your mother or friends ask you about your trip to LOS.

You really should not use your credit card except for paying the hotel bill. It is a lot easier than people realize for a crooked employee to electronically steal your credit card information when they swipe your card on the machine.

My budget is US$250 for food, drinks and fun in BKK per day. It's more than enough for my last trip which was in November 2002. I plan to do the same for my next trip, which is only in a few days.

I asked a TBG (who spoke English quite well) regarding her preferrence of Asians and farangs. She said that she prefers Asians who are from western countries, like the USA, over Asians from Asia (except Japanese) or farangs because in her experience, Asians from western countries or Japanese are usually more generous than farangs or Asians from other Asian countries. Well, it's really generalized, but that's her own limited personal experience.

If I can only go to one place in BKK and one place only, I will go to Poseidon MP. Have a papasan help you choose a girl, his assistance is very valuable and don't be shy about telling him what you are looking for. I went to Poseidon four times and had the help of the same papasan every time. I tipped him 300 baht each time and I was very satisfied every time. In fact, I extended one of my sessions for an additional 2 hours. The papasan's name is Wi Chai. I don't know if he still works there or not.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 6:46 pm on Aug. 24, 2003
Bok Hah
TBH if you ask a bar girl what nationality/race she will not be a coincidence that its the same as yours regardless of your origin!....unless you have been treating her less than well.
ps I was 20 when I first came here and even at that age I got a lot of piss-taking. from friends and hell with em..

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:04 pm on Aug. 24, 2003
No problems. Always happy to share my views and hope that you will also continue to share yours!!

Now ...I'm really shocked that possibly long gun discriminated against you being asian. I always thought that that bar in particular didn't care what color your skin was so to speak. Humm..? I'd actually at a lose of words at the moment. I'm gonna now have in inquire again with my friends if they felt being uncomfortable at any of the places we hung out in.

Maybe ... I'm so captivated by the females that I don't notice or better yet acknowledge any disciminating senses!! ha ha ha ha!!

On to something MM3 said-

I asked a TBG (who spoke English quite well) regarding her preferrence of Asians and farangs. She said that she prefers Asians who are from western countries, like the USA, over Asians from Asia (except Japanese) or farangs because in her experience, Asians from western countries or Japanese are usually more generous than farangs or Asians from other Asian countries.

I've heard the same thing. For some reason tg's / bg's prefer A.B or Asians from western countries over from a country in the PacRim area.

Anyways, if we are in bkk during the same time, would be cool to hang with you and shawn. Have a good one.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:36 pm on Aug. 24, 2003

Long Gun has this policy to turn away any one Asian and of dark complexion. I from India settled outside. I have been turned away couple of times by LG (BK & Friends in BKK knows about this). But there were times they welcomed with open hands as well. So I really do not know what goes on there.

Suzy Wong is another place that does not want dark coloured asians there.

But in all BKK is big enough for all to have their own fun as they like, whether they are Asians & dark cloured or not. To be fair I never had any rejection from any TG or BG so far because of my race or colour (Three cheers to them)

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:47 pm on Aug. 24, 2003

Well if Almaty's post is anything to go by, I know why I was turned away. Well.....

Have to agree that the prejudice I faced was more from establishments rather than TG's....

And yes it would be great to meet up with you if I'm there again...

If there's one thing I have learnt about prejudice is that if you ignore it than you would much better off coz you can't change how everybody thinks....

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:57 am on Aug. 25, 2003
Thanks for you insight into the situation.

I'm an A.B.C like my user name says. Which if you are not famliar with that term it's American Born Chinese.

Anyways .............

I wonder if it has to do with Nationality over skin color though. Because after reading your post, I had to do some reflecting. I say this because I've been out in the sun golfing or playing volleyball in the U.S and have gotten pretty dark. Dark enough where my skin color is dark like the bg's!! ha ha ha!! And, I've never been turned away from any go go, lookin' that dark.

I've heard and seen, discrimiation against people from India which is a shame.

But, like you said, we really do not know what goes on there. Good things the tg's / bg's don't care. But I'm sure if you had the choice you'd rather the clubs say no then the females!! ha ha ha ha!! Not that either should care what color or nationalityr a person is. The only color that they should care about is Green for U.S people or $$$!! ha ha haha!!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:57 am on Aug. 25, 2003
The Asian (Oriental) thing is a bit tricky because there's the very slight possibility you may be mistaken for a Thai. Many farang-oriented establishments only too delighted to accept Japanese, Singaporeans etc do not want locals. I occasionally go out with a (highly Westernised) Thai colleague who likes sampling the farang scene but is always careful to pose as a Filipino.

Unfortunately, Indians sometimes face real discrimination in LOS, but that's a slightly different issue.

As for your nationality, try changing it as an experiment with different girls. You'll find a quite remarkable coincidence between the BGs' preferences and whatever you happen to be.  

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:37 am on Aug. 25, 2003
Bok Hah

As for your nationality, try changing it as an experiment with different girls. You'll find a quite remarkable coincidence between the BGs' preferences and whatever you happen to be.

Hit the nail on the head!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:44 am on Aug. 25, 2003

Quote: from Shawn on 12:31 pm on Aug. 21, 2003
HLet me ask a question to all the brothers from the US. How do your friends and family react to you when you tell them you are going to Thailand??

"So, I see you're going on a sex vacation...!"

Me: "You know, there's plenty of temples, monkeys, and good food there as well"

"Yeah, so you're going on a sex vacation?"

Pretty much the general impression it seems to give most people, but in my case, I don't care. This doesn't seem restricted to the US either - when I called my sister, and my Dad in Europe, I got pretty much the same response.

My sister:
Me: "Hey, I'm in Thailand. Having a great vacation"
Her: "So, have you gotten seduced by the girls yet..?"

My Dad:
Me : "Hey, I'm in Thailand."
Him: "Have you hooked up with local girls?"
Me: "Uhm, yeah, several in fact..."
Him: "Good, you're not gay, then.."

My niece:
Me : "I'm in Thailand"
Her: "Oh, that's great. Can you bring a girlfriend back with you...?"

So, I think it doesn't matter where you are, Thailand's reputation precedes you...


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:00 pm on Aug. 27, 2003

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