My travel agent: Agent, "Are you married?" Me, "No." Agent, "You will be before you get back." Me: My female Thai friend here in the USA: Me, "I am going to BKK next week." TG, "Don't go now. It's rainy season. Wait till December and we will go together." Me, "I can go again in December." TG, "What are you going to do in BKK?" Me, "I want to try a soapy massage. Heard a lot about it." TG, "I want to go with you and learn to do soapy." Me, "What!?" TG, "Just bring lots of condoms." Me: All my other friends: Me, "I am going on vacation next week." Friends, "Where are you going?" Me, "Iraqi. I am hunting for Saddam so I can retire with my $20 million." Friends, "Where are you going for real?????!!!!!" Me:
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:26 pm on Aug. 27, 2003
Well bros, I have a week to go til I get on a plane and take my ass to LOS. I'm really not counting down the days yet but I'm getting excited and nervous at the same time. This will be my first trip outside of the US. I'll definitely come back and write a full FR. Hopefully it will be a great experience. I've been reading the member's section and I'm not quite sure if you guys are having a RT meeting on the 26th. If so, I'll definitely try and meet up with some of the bros on here. I guess I'll keep checking for updates on that. But a non-sex related question for you guys... I talked to a couple of folks and they mentioned some clubs. I just wanted to know if anyone of you guys have been to Qbar or MOS. What's the scene like there? I'm not talking about picking up girls there, but has anyone have any fun experiences to share?? How's the music? Are there a lot of cute normal non-working girls there? Any input would be much appreciate. Thanks again for everyone who has replied. Hopefully I'll see some of you guys while in bkk. Shawn
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:28 pm on Sep. 12, 2003
have a good time Shawn. 1st time out of the US?,you are in for a big culture shock my friend..... only one FR?,come on,do the right thing and write daily ones. they are the best.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:45 pm on Sep. 12, 2003
I go to QBar occassionally....many non working girls....you've just got to know how to tell the difference between them and the working girls and many katoeys. Please don't ask how....you'll only learn with experience. Good bar though.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 3:40 am on Sep. 13, 2003
Hey have a good time, Following this thread, it seems like you'll be in for one hell of a ride. Like you, I'm an asian who pretty much spent his life in the states and like you I'm 26. And like you, next month I'll be taking my first trip to LOS! Yahoo!!!! Well I've lived in malaysia too so maybe I wouldn't be in as much culture shock as I am. But I know bkk is a whole different ballgame... Regarding what parent/relatives knowing you going to bkk. I too had a similar problem when I told my parents. My parents are pretty religious and I was brought up a quite strict. My mom kinda freaked out when I told her I wanted to visit bkk for a week. At first she told me to go someplace else like europe(england/france...eastern europe..) but somehow managed to calm her down and now she's kinda cool with it. Initially she rightly guess why I was going but it seems all is well now and although she is unhappy about my destination she has been pretty supportive. Thus I don't have any guilt or what not. Thanks to you, many of the questions that I have been facing has been answered by the forum members. For example how Asians are viewed compared to farangs and stuffs. Luckily since I live in kuala lumpur it seems easier in getting infos about bkk(almost all malaysian guys have been to bkk it seems). I'll be arriving in bkk on the 13th of oct right before the summit. Hopefully it wouldn't be too crowded then. Have a wonderful trip! And don't forget to share your memories!!!
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:07 pm on Sep. 13, 2003
Hi guys, hope you guys can help me out with your advices... There has been a discussion on this thread regarding money and somebody gave me this advice and wondered if this is true. I'm currently in malaysia and I guess this will not be a problem if you are either from the states or europe. It seems that in order for me to change my Ringgit(malaysian) to Baht, it would be wiser for me to change the ringgit here in KL to US dollars and once I get into bkk, to change it over to Baht. It seems that this way I might save over 200 ringgit(which is about 2160 baht). Well I'm not too bright about conversions so can anybody give me any advice over this matter? Thanks in advance....
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:14 pm on Sep. 13, 2003
Sorry to be all annoying with constant messages but here is another question. Ok, on this one I hope everyone could be frank and honest about their opinion without being discriminative, childish and on offensive mode if it's actually possible. Actually, what might be said here will not change my perspective about bkk or the thai people or anyone in general but this question is merely out of my own curiosity. Ok, I'm a korean who has hardly lived in korea. Was there recently for the past 5 months and that was my longest stay there in over 20 years... My question is, how are koreans viewed in bkk esp in the nightlife scene? Are they treated similarly like the Japanese? Or do people have a negative impression about my native people? I hear that where there are japanese, things tend to be more expensive then anything and thus TGs tend to quote higher prices to japanese people. Is this really true? Are koreans given the same treatment? Would be glad to hear your opinions... Thanks...
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:24 pm on Sep. 13, 2003
Mr Alan
First question is: how easily can a Thai distinguish a Korean from a Japanese or Chinese? Not many in the West can. If you stay away from Japanese clubs, you should not have too much problem. At other places, the worst is that you would pay farang prices, but maybe even pay less at some places that have a farang surcharge. Prices for most places are posted in the forum or you can ask here.
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:31 pm on Sep. 13, 2003
Hey brother Pin, you might be better off changing your money at home into something more easily accepted in LOS like US bills or Euros, but make sure you only get 50 or 100 dollar bills in newer condition as you'll get a better exchange rate with those. Peace
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:52 pm on Sep. 13, 2003
Mr Alan
Another option is Travelers Checks. They get the best exchange rate, even better than $100 bills (USD). There is usually a 20 baht fee per TC, so get large denominations. American Express or Visa TC's are the best. Check with your bank or credit card company, some offer them for free to customers.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:57 pm on Sep. 13, 2003