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Thanks for all your help. TC sounds good maybe I'll inquire about that at the bank. Well at most I'm thinking about spending 35,000baht during the 6 or 7 days and I'll think that should be enough since "sex" isn't the only reason I'm visiting bkk. But who knows, I might get sidetracked and forget all about other tourist attractions...

Regarding differentiating orientals. Yeah, I know how many caucasians and others have trouble differentiating who is from where and all but I think generally most asians could. Even amongst chinese people, it is kinda easy to tell who is from PRC, or malaysia or if one is ABC. Of course I'm generalising but it just seems. But as you 've mentioned and I gather, such discriminaton doesn't run rampant, well not in a bad way I guess...

One last question, apart from all the temples in bkk, what are some interesting places to visit and see? And I'm not refering to gogo bars!!!
Well I'm not all that keen on temples really and can't really imagine myself observing every temple in bkk the whole day. After a while, they will probably seem pretty much the same. I guess you guys get the idea. So any suggestions?
Can't wait to be in bkk...
Thanks in advance...

Quote: from Mr Alan on 12:31 am on Sep. 14, 2003
First question is: how easily can a Thai distinguish a Korean from a Japanese or Chinese? Not many in the West can.

If you stay away from Japanese clubs, you should not have too much problem. At other places, the worst is that you would pay farang prices, but maybe even pay less at some places that have a farang surcharge. Prices for most places are posted in the forum or you can ask here.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:17 pm on Sep. 13, 2003
Mr Alan
I can understand that many Asians can identify Koreans, Japanese, and Chinese, but I wonder about how well Thais can do this.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 4:10 pm on Sep. 13, 2003
Hey Alan,

I'm Chinese but kinda look a little Korean. Anyways, most Thai people think I'm Thai. I'm pretty light skinned so it's not my skin tone. When I tell them I'm not Thai they are quite surprised and then they think I'm Singaporean.

For the most part, I've always been received well by the TG's that I get a chance to strike up a conversation with.

I went to CM2 a few times last year and found that most of the chicks there also thought I was Thai. This was good and bad. Some thought I was Thai and thus didn't have any $$$ so I didn't get much attention as they were obviously working and looking for customers. For some reason, I didn't strike them as a potential customer. They seemed to pay more attention for american/european looking farangs or middle easterners. It was easier to get attention from the Russians.

Once I approached a girl and starting talking, they are delighted to know I'm American ($$$$) and the rest was a piece of cake.

Just my experience...

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:09 am on Sep. 14, 2003
Well bros,

I don't know if this has ever happen to one of you guys, but I f@#kn missed my flight. This whole time I'm thinking my flight leaves on Friday night because I still have work today. But it actually left at 1:30am  this morning. I totally missed it. I am so pissed right now. My first trip outside the US and this happens. Some of you bros will think i'm some dumbass or something. Oh well, now I have to try and reschedule for tonight which technically means 1:30am on saturday.  Hopefully I can get on this flight! I'm dying to go! I just can't believe I missed it today! What was I thinking! I still have work today! I could be on my way to bkk right now! Oh well! I'll be there sunday hopefully! Just thought I would let you know of my stupidness and hope none of you guys ever made the same mistake.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:03 am on Sep. 19, 2003
You better get your ass in gear and call your agent.  Be prepared for a loss of your money on the first flight. Don't sweat it.  At least Thailand will be here when you get here.  Still some girls left for you!
Good luck on rebooking.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:11 am on Sep. 19, 2003
Hi all..
"Regarding differentiating orientals. Yeah, I know how many caucasians and others have trouble differentiating who is from where and all but I think generally most asians could."

Pinstrips I think so too...if you wanna TEST your SKILLS go for it here:

I got a "HOPELESS" aarrghhhh

Have fun!


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:19 am on Sep. 19, 2003
Hey fun test.

I got 'you have talent'. I got 11 out of 18, and the first 7 right.

The guy who was #8 I got wrong and he threw me for the next few.  Its funny but I thought I knew what he was but then I thought it was too obvious so I went with another guess.  Should have gone with my instinct.

Cool Mr Tom Photographer.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:44 am on Sep. 19, 2003
Damn I sucked I got 5 - well below average.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:23 pm on Sep. 19, 2003

Anyhow, I called them up this morning. I gave them a sappy ass story (pretending to be in tears because I have to come visit my sick mommy ASAP) saying I thought i was leaving friday night/saturday morning and not thursday night/friday morning. I guess they bought it. They said it was an "honest mistake"!! They rebooked me for tonight without charging me! Yay!! What a relief! The sad part is that I get one less day to spend in bkk! My hotel room and plans are all kinda screwed up now but oh well. I'm getting my ass over there no matter what!

The fun begins soon...


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:10 pm on Sep. 19, 2003

Been there and done that. With these 1am flights it can get crazy figuring out when the actual date of the flight is. Good thing the airline did not charge you since it was an honest mistake.

Have a great time and pls report back on your adventures!!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:18 pm on Sep. 19, 2003

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