While BK allows this to go on, can you guys elaborate a bit more on this cone vs dynamic stuff you are talking about? I thought Bose were supposed to be good.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:15 am on June 2, 2003
Ah here we go, there usually are forums as large as this one that debate the merits of cone versus electrostatic speakers. Like http://www.audioasylum.com But in a nutshell....BOSE speakers are for those who like to hear stuff LOUD! Similarly Bang & Olufsen is for those who like aesthetics purely. You're just paying for the looks and often have to redesign your apartment to accomodate their looks. If you really are into the emotional aspects of your music, then other elements become important. Like transparency of the music, the details you can hear, the soundstage the speakers throw around you, both in terms of height and depth. When listening to 2-channel music, there is something known as a 'sweetspot' that is formed at the apex of the triangle that is formed between the listener and the 2 speakers in front of him. And most fanatics spend hours moving their favourite listening chairs a few mm here and there till they find it. Audiophilia is like a disease and anyone who is untouched by it can consider themselves fortunate. Symptoms include deep dissatisfaction with one's current gear every few months. Changing cables, interconnects and powercords time and again, usually at prohibitive expense. This is not to say that all cone speakers are crap and all ribon speakers are great. They are suited to different types of music. Cone speakers like B&W are all-rounders... dynamic and great for anyone who's into more conventional types of music like rock etc.. While electrostatic speakers are fast and dynamic with loads of detail, mainly for complex classical music passages. At the end of the day there's just one rule: trust only your ears. If BOSE sounds good to your ears, go for it. But they sound loud and soul-less to mine.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 7:55 am on June 2, 2003
Thanks for that Link Jholmes. But it is probably too much for the non-expert. But by navigating the site, I found this beauty:
"The usual naive request for information about Bose is often followed by a flame war, to the original poster's great surprise. While Bose may be "The Most Respected Name in Audio" --- according to the Bose marketing department --- Bose gets little respect from most of the participants in the audio newsgroups. In fact, moderate to strong anti-Bose sentiments outnumber pro-Bose sentiments by perhaps 20 to one on the audio newsgroups! However, there are always at least a couple of staunch defenders of Bose. Perhaps because they face such overwhelming odds, the Bose defenders tend to phrase their arguments in sniping repetitive ways, which almost everyone else finds extremely irritating, especially after several months of exposure. The flavor of this debate has to be personally experienced to be truly appreciated. But, as a feeble attempt to duplicate it, here is the structure of a typical exchange: *Newbie: Does anyone have any opinions about Bose speakers? *Five Responses: There are better speakers for the money including brands X, Y, and Z. *Bose Defender: But Bose speakers offer superior design. They're the most popular speaker in the world, and for good reason. *Ten Responses: Popularity does not equal quality. (Many long detailed rebuttals to the Bose defender. Tone tends to be slightly hostile since they've done this several times before. Some are very hostile --- "Bose sucks!!!") *Bose Defender: No. You're all wrong. Fifteen Responses: What?! (Many more long posts explaining again why they are right) *Bose Defender: (not in response to anything in particular) But Bose is a large corporation with excellent customer service. Other smaller companies may fail, leaving you without service. *Twenty Responses: Good service for a poor quality product? So what? (Many more detailed responses about the problems they perceive with Bose, plus more "Bose sucks!!!" posts) *Bose Defender: Bose is a very popular speaker. More people buy Bose speakers than any other speaker, and Bose has very high customer satisfaction rates. *Twenty-five Responses: Agggh!! We just explained that quality does not equal popularity. Can't you read? Are you an IDIOT? *Bose Defender: No. I'm not the idiot, you're all idiots. This newsgroup is populated by a small clique of crazy "audiophile" types who spend hundreds of dollars for cable that doesn't even make a difference. *Newbie: (forgot about the newbie didn't you!) (in a weak voice) I want my mommy. This goes on ad infinitum until everyone is heartily sick of it, and the debate fades. A few weeks later, someone asks about Bose again, and it starts all over again. It should be noted that not every Bose supporter always debates as described above, any more than every Bose detractor always debates by saying "Bose sucks!"
A whole discussion on Bose is in this website http://home.earthlink.net/~busenitz/bs.html I was surprised that the brands mentioned as better than Bose, I knew none. The only names I recognized were those mentioned as worse speakers than Bose. Very informative! Thanks.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:00 pm on June 2, 2003
Smegma , Re : the extract about the pro / con discussion on Bose Speakers - sounds very familiar . If you change the name Bose to the name Microsoft & the word Speakers to the word Software ---------- now doesn't that sound familiar ?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:13 pm on June 2, 2003
Quote: from JHolmesJr on 7:55 pm on June 2, ]
: [ usually are forums as large as this one that debate the merits of cone versus electrostatic speakers. Like http://www.audioasylum.com] There is also another reasonably good S'pore based site: http://www.xtremeplace.com that one can get & ask a lot of info about audio equipment. I must warn you however, that the site is run & maintained like a boot camp (kinda puts BK & his new forum rules to shame). I've done a few postings regarding Magneplanar speakers on this site (in the audio equipment section) . [But in a nutshell....BOSE speakers are for those who like to hear stuff LOUD!] One can ALSO hear their music VERY loud on the higher end Magnepans. I do. The speaker types that do not accomodate high level sounds are the electrostats, which I don't go in for. [And most fanatics spend hours moving their favourite listening chairs a few mm here and there till they find it. ] What about Super fnatics / certified lunatics, like myself, who spend not hours, but weeks /months for locating the correct listening areas AND speaker placements for ten & twelve channel audio systems? These are created by using a programable DSP (digital sound processor) & can somewhat realistically create the acoustic environment of a jazz club, or a rock concert. [Symptoms include deep dissatisfaction with one's current gear every few months] How very true. I've spent far, far, more on audio equipment than on TGs' - a fact that I'm now bemoaning, as my youth has slipped away. Wish I'd spent all that money on TGs' {SIGHS & REGRETS!!!}. [At the end of the day there's just one rule: trust only your ears.] Truer words were never spoken! JHolmesJr: are you also on the fringes of the Super fanatics / certified (audio) lunatics category? I get the feeling that you may be approaching that stage.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:38 am on June 3, 2003
lol... i was about to reply that i thought bose was a half decent make and that the speakers were pretty asthetically pleasing for the money... i think i shall not retract all positive statements i was going to write. As is obvious im not a crazed audiophile, but with the help of this thread am being persuaded to learn! bose- good if u live in a shoebox :-/ PLUR, Laterz -Snort-
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:18 pm on June 3, 2003