Panthip plaza is great,i bought A LOT of movie and just 2 of them do not played! plus add all with subtitles quite goods or exact. Found anyway more problems with PS2 games. a good shop is the one located just walking out the elevators or stairs at 2 floor...or 1?,,,the one with the food court! last time I got a total of 43 dvd's =) (all the c.s.i serie and much more,for just 3500 baht bargain:80 each) all new titles available plus musical ones! Take bus n' 511 just before the bts stairs on landmark hotel side, 8 baht and it drops u a few meter away in just a 15 mins ride!
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:18 pm on Mar. 1, 2005
Just got back from Panthip Plaza and bought twenty DVD's. They all worked fine. I wanted Sideways but the guy told me it was not a good version. Just need to talk to them and say you will return them if it doesn't work. The police were in the backroom when I came to pick up my order so they had to wait awhile to sneak me my bag. The ones that don't work are the ones the will work on Apex DVD players or ones made in China without a code. Got them for a hundred baht each.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 3:00 am on Mar. 2, 2005
I bought some dvd`s in Pantip Plaza last week as you come in from the main entrance go to your left and walk straight ahead as you come out the other side of the stalls look straight ahead, the shops in front of you. There is a guy selling dvd`s` and mp3 and software has a little table outside a open shop front. The dvd`s were 120 baht each and good quality all of them worked. Most of the people in here selling dvd ask for the money first then you have to wait 10-15 minutes for them to return, this guy was happy to go and get them and get paid when he got back, very good. If you ask the people here they will tell you how good a copy the film is, all the new films are shot on camcorder in the cinema, so I think it is best to stick to older films which are copied off another disc. No problems, You will have to dodge all the guys trying to sell you dvd, porno, software, music on the way in to Pantip
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:39 am on Mar. 24, 2005
I prefer MBK Better chouce, better price
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 6:22 am on April 7, 2005
pantip was raided yesterday, saw something about 10,000 porn dvds confiscated. Apparantly when more than 5000 dodgy DVD s are found in a district the boss of thepolice get punished, it did not say how. probably have to spend hours looking at the porn DVDs they confiscated poorblokes,
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:53 am on April 7, 2005
Has anyone seen "dual layer" dvd's coming out of Pantip yet??
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:48 am on April 7, 2005
There is a shop on Silom Rd. very near the BTS where I buy my DVDs. My tg who is a nurse has been buying my movies there for years and she always has a big bag of DVD's ready for me when I arrive in BKK. I only purchase DVD 9 and the quality has always been excellent. I will check next time I'm in BKK for the exact location. Things have changed a bit since I first started using this DVD shop. It used to be everything was there for instant purchase, then it became just the sleeves and now to get the good stuff you have to walk down a soi and up into a rundown apartment building. A little scary at first but all is on the up and up except for the pirated DVDs. LS
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:55 am on April 7, 2005
Quote: from Isee on 7:42 pm on April 7, 2005 Has anyone seen "dual layer" dvd's coming out of Pantip yet??
Yes, they are called 'DVD9' in local parlance. I've been buying them from Panthip since 2003. Dr. von Quack!
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:52 am on April 7, 2005
Jimstick. I bought all my Nat VCDs there for 100baht each and there were hundreds of other porn titles. It seemed that everyone was selling porn. I think Mr. Pornthip owns Panthip.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:46 pm on April 7, 2005
Just be careful that the disc is the same movie as on the packet. I've just bought several DVDs - admittedly fromt a couple of stall on Suk Rd, and about a third aren't the ones advertised on the packet!! At 80B each not really too fussed. They all work ok.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:41 am on April 8, 2005