Can I get a GPS in Bkk? if so wich store. Thank you
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:31 pm on Dec. 16, 2003
Hi ramster5555 I do not know if thailand has the GPS technology enabled. As I live in india and we are not on the GPS thing as of now and if we try to buy that technology it is quite expensive and is not easily available. In any case if you would still like to try in BKK the place that the GPS might be available is at the Pantip plaza or the Fortune IT Mall. You could try it out
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:27 am on Dec. 17, 2003
Old Hand
Not sure what rajbir means when he talks about GPS technology being "enabled". Many Countries have restrictions on equipment which transmits signals, but consumer GPS equipment is simply a receiver and available pretty much anywhere. GPS is basically free to air - the signals are transmitted from satellites - all you need, anywhere in the world, is equipment to receive the signals (usually from a minimum of 3 satellites) and the receiver will plot almost exactly where you are on the face of the earth - land or water; depending on the hardware you choose and, more importantly, the mapping software available for each Country you may get only Latitude / Longitude data or a visual display on a Map in the hand held unit. The most popular Consumer units are manufactured by Garmin and Trimble - they both have Distributors in Thailand although I must admit they do not usually have much of a selection in stock, particularly of newer models: Garmin http://www.garmin.com/cgi-bin/dealers.pl?country=Thailand&dealer_type=All&SUBMIT2=Show+Dealers+for+this+Country (several Distributors for this equipment) Trimble UltimatePositioning Co. Ltd. (Thailand) (Mapping & GIS) 867-9 Ladprao Road, Ladyao, Jatujak Bangkok, 10900 Thailand Map Phone: (662) 938-1926 Fax: (662) 938-1928 sales@up.co.th http://www.up.co.th You could also buy a Receiver in your home Country and bring it into Thailand of course - again look for the Mapping Software etc. when you choose the unit.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:48 am on Dec. 17, 2003
Quote: from Old Hand on 2:18 pm on Dec. 17, 2003 Not sure what rajbir means when he talks about GPS technology being "enabled".
Hi Old Hand I was thinking that the GPS technology thats installed in cars at the time of making this post. What I later realised that GPS is also used in a varity of other things as well. As I am not a technical guy I am sorry if I made any wrong posts.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 5:43 am on Dec. 17, 2003