Quote: from LocalYokul on 12:32 pm on Oct. 27 any questions ??
yeah, here's one: just because you've dredged up examples of other compound words which incorporate the Thai word for water, but which also have no particularly distinctive or direct association with water itself, why does that exempt you from the error which I've already pointed out you commited? "som namnaa" does not mean "you deserve water in your face". it means simply "deserving face" -- as I already pointed out. i have no intention of ever being nice to you, so try and pick up your marbles and hobble home quietly, little one. and by the way, the term "it's" has nothing to do with possession. next time you want to argue linguistics with someone, start by spelling your complaint properly. one more question: is admitting you're wrong really so difficult, rube?
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:20 am on Oct. 27, 2004
Quote: from sorapong on 3:35 pm on Oct. 27, 2004 1. why does that exempt you from the error which I've already pointed out you commited? 2. try and pick up your marbles and hobble home quietly 3. is admitting you're wrong really so difficult, rube?
- 1. because it is a COMPOUND word just like the examples. You don't want the newbies going around saying
"NahmNah koon suwai mahk" or "NahmNah Sorapong toorate mahk" do you ??
- 2. umm, I don't play with marbles any more mr. pre-schooler, neither do I hobble, except when my penis is erect and protruding down my pant leg (oops, that's pretty often)
- 3. yes, especially if I am NOT wrong and the other bloke is calling me a rube
 Nahm is sometimes used as a colloquialism to lead into the real meaning, such as NahmNuk = Water - Heavy = weight NahmSeeyung = Water - Sound = Tone and so on, with NahmJai, etc. BTW, NahmJai although can be good or bad spirit/will is default good will i.e. some of the signs I've seen promoting friendly driving say Hai Me NahmJai, basically meaning allow good will or "be nice" to put it simply. any more questions about compound words hobbling marble boy ?? btw, commited is not spelled that way , but I quoted you as per oh, and learn how to use the {font= and {/font} tags please I hope you get this far in my post, but have a feeling you're still back there on colloquialism
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 4:17 am on Oct. 27, 2004
Three cheers for LY picking up the gauntlet from Dr. Love
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:29 am on Oct. 27, 2004
Hey, it was the 'serve you right' meaning, she said it in return for something I did, or did not do to her the other night and now was time to get even.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 4:56 am on Oct. 27, 2004
low-skill -- yes, you've certainly picked up DrLob's c***let: you've adopted his typical response to my insults perfectly -- by using the old schoolyard retort, "i know you are but what am i? I know you are but what am i?.." there is nothing "colloquial" about the use of “nam” as it functions in the term "namnaa", or in any of the other examples you give -- at least not in any sense that wasn’t obviated fifty years or more ago, when those terms ceased to “colloquial” and became a part of commonly -- and eventually dictionarily (sorry to terrify you, there, DrL) -- defined Thai. Nor is there anything correct about either of the possible usages of “namnaa” you attempted in your example #1. just for starters, as I pointed out, "namnaa" is a derisive way of referring to face, so telling someone you think their face is beautiful using this term would either demonstrate your idiocy or your half-assed sense of irony -- though far be it from me to put either past you. After all, you know big words like colloquial (even if you don’t know quite what they’re for.) as to your being wrong, I will merely reiterate my point: you attempted to correct me by asserting that the phrase “som namnaa” means deserve+water+face -- it does not. There is no implication of water in the phrase, despite the appearance of the same character/letter sequence used to spell the word for water. The term “namnaa” does not literally mean “waterface” any more than “nam siang” mean “watersound.” Whatever possible implication of “water” that these terms might have contained when they were first coined has long since dissolved, as it were. You were, and are, wrong in your explanation of the term “som namnaa” -- simple as that. I know it’s hard for a hobbling little marblemind like yours to accept -- harder, at least, than your dick ever gets, you dribbling buffoon. Sorry to be so cruel, but what else is one to think when you yourself confess to mistaking an erection for something “protruding down my pant leg”? You want me to nice to you? Ok, how about this: sorry about the loss of your other pant, or your other leg, or your marbles. It really must be tough being you. Rube.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:29 am on Oct. 27, 2004
Quote: from sorapong on 10:44 pm on Oct. 27, 2004 A) at least not in any sense that wasn’t obviated fifty years or more ago, when those terms ceased to “colloquial” and became a part of commonly -- and eventually dictionarily (sorry to terrify you, there, DrL) -- defined Thai. ==== B) Whatever possible implication of “water” that these terms might have contained when they were first coined has long since dissolved ==== C) harder, at least, than your dick ever gets
- on both points A & B you agree that at one time Nahm (water) was used colloquially which is quite true
- C) it's like a broomstick baby, I could crack walnuts with it, especially after some Hoy Nahng Rom for lunch
, or some of those NEP burgers, that you loves so much, for a late dinner so, I guess you would argue the same about Nahm-dTahn = sugar NahmNGern = blue NahmMun = oil NahmYah = medicine they're all compound words using Nahm hmm, in my dictionary, So Sethaputra Library Editon - yes the two volume set - has Nahm Nah under the subset of Nahm definition : sight of one's face and they really do use a this example Pom gleeyat nahm nah mun however, we both know that these days a person most likely will use Kee Nah - Shit Face
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:50 pm on Oct. 27, 2004
Why are you so determined to keep proving your stupidity? Or the obvious case of micro-penis from which you suffer, and which your pathetic and ongoing boastfulness only serves so sadly to underscore? >>>so, I guess you would argue the same about Nahm-dTahn = sugar NahmNGern = blue NahmMun = oil NahmYah = medicine<<< Guess away, goober, even though you continue to be wrong: I have no idea what you mean by “argue the same”, but in the examples of “oil” and what you refer to inadequately as “medicine” (but which really only refers to elixirs such as cough syrup and would never be used to refer to tablets of aspirin), yes, obviously, “water” is still an active component of those terms; unlike “sugar” and “blue” (also inadequate, since that term refers only to dark blue -- which, if you wanted to argue meant “navy” blue you might actually get wet about.) >>> and they really do use a this example Pom gleeyat nahm nah mun<<< Again, thanks for proving my point, even if turning to the dictionary still doesn’t help you read what I’ve already repeatedly written with any greater clarity: the term is used only in disparaging contexts -- this makes the third time I’ve pointed this out to you, doofus. Now your dictionary’s done it, too. See if you can remember it this time. Nothing you have said negates or refutes the fact that what all this continues to revolve around is your erroneous assertion that “som namnaa” means “deserves water face”. It does not. You were wrong. Simple as that. Period. Dry up, rube.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:13 pm on Oct. 27, 2004
Aww.... Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy watching this... Kids in sandboxes, stomping on each other's sandcastles... Harry
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:47 pm on Oct. 27, 2004
Sorapong, I remember well, that you, out of fear of being banned and warnings of the moderator, swore off your 'intelligent' bashing of people. It seems you didn't learn your lesson well and I won't be surprised if you will find the BTF door closed very soon. I know, you get a kick out of it (it probably is a better feeling than jerking yourself off), but try to keep it friendly. Be open for someone else's solutions or answers without thinking that you're superior than the rest. The right solution has been given in the very start of this thread. It's important that you master the Thai language, as is with every other language, as a means of communication. It doesn't really help to walk with a dictionary under your arms nor does it matter where 'nam' or 'nahm' stands for in this context.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:51 pm on Oct. 27, 2004
Please note - not taking sides. This one is hard for even those of us for whom English is our first language. Apostrophes - Correct Usage The rules concerning the use of Apostrophes in written English are very simple: They are used to denote a missing letter or letters, for example: I can't instead of I cannot I don't instead of I do not it's instead of it is They are used to denote possession, for example: the dog's bone the company's logo Jones's bakery (but Jones' bakery if more than one Jones owns bakery) ... note that we drop the apostrophe for the possessive form of it: the bone is in its mouth ... however, if there are two or more dogs, companies or Jones in our example, the apostrophe comes after the 's': the dogs' bones the companies' logos Jones' bakery Apostrophes are NEVER ever used to denote plurals! Common examples of such abuse (all seen in real life!) are: Banana's for sale which of course should read Bananas for sale Menu's printed to order which should read Menus printed to order MOT's at this garage which should read MOTs at this garage 1000's of bargains here! which should read 1000s of bargains here! New CD's just in! which should read New CDs just in! Buy your Xmas tree's here! which should read Buy your Xmas trees here! Note: Special care must be taken over the use of your and you're as they sound the same but are used quite differently: your is possessive as in "this is your pen" you're is short for you are as in "you're coming over to my house"
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:39 pm on Oct. 27, 2004