Anyone used a cdrom program for learning thai? What would you recommend?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:38 am on April 10, 2004
I have tried the 'rosetta stone language learning system' which I have to say is CRAP.. Very expensive (but did not buy it) and has no english instruction... My brief time spent with it seemed it was purely pictures and thai pronounciation but no explanation on what was being said, grammar, anything... Eg when shown a picture of a child is it saying boy / girl / child / whose your daddy !!! The whole thing seemed a pile of junk. Perhaps I did not get it set up right etc but thats my impressions I have been playing lately with the Talk Now system for Thai which seems much better... Admitedly the early lessons are stuff I know and the jump from single words to phrases could be done a lot better (eg simple words -> 2 - 3 word sentances -> longer sentances instead of single words -> longer sentaces so you dont know quite what each word in the phrase means) but overall its pretty good. It also teaches you with games and other things that make it not a drudge to sit there and use. Of course its not as good as having english speaking thai companion to brush up with but at least it focuses you on learning instead of simply playing !!! If you find any other PC titles let me know what you think and where you found them. eMule has the 2 I listed and some days of the week, letter of the alphabet stuff.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:50 am on April 10, 2004
The Primsler System sold by Simon and Shuster, N.Y. Since Thai is a Tonal language, this is, IMHO, the only way to learn. You won't learn to read or write, but you will learn a "mid-level" business quality Thai so that you will not embarrass yourself when you open your mouth (as opposed to the bar girl level of the language).
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:59 pm on April 11, 2004
I have tried the rosetta stone language learning system and have worked at it for a while. Must say still not sure if it works or not. At the start I had no clue what the hell I was saying even if I was getting the correct answers. I kept at it and continued even though I wasn't sure if I knew what I was learning or not. As I worked farther along the early lessons started to make sence. Example: four pictures - I thought were old lady with bird, girl walking away, clown putting on shoes, clown with hat. Later in another lesson it all suddenly made sense. Old lady with grey hair, young lady with black hair, man with red hair, man with blue hair? Kind of made me feel a little stupid. As you work through it gets more and more complex till it seems impossible to understand but I am still plugging away at it but can't really say if I am learning anything really just hope it will fall into place at some point. The pimsleur system is good but seems as if it is just simply memorizing sentences but ymmv Also check out http://www.learningthai.com/ it has the original book used to teach Thai in school best of luck it is not easy bimmher
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:26 pm on April 11, 2004
Also check out http://www.learningthai.com/ it has the original book used to teach Thai in school ------------- This is a great site to use when you are talking to your TGF on the phone, Which I do every day. You can click around and get the "phrase" you want. Also there is an audio button so you can hear the phrase spoken. Are there any other sites like this one? Teach
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:33 pm on April 11, 2004
OK so its not just my copy of the Rosetta Stone stuff then... Would the system not be infinitely better if they simply stated what they were saying in your home language as well as thai so you knew what you were learning !!! Also the lesson structure and writing is all done in Thai script, for a novice to learn thai that just seems a very poor choice to me.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:41 pm on April 11, 2004
No, The idea is that thai is not a language that directly translates to english so if you translate from one language to the other you will never learn to speak thai correctly. The idea is to get you to think in thai. So when you look at a piture of a girl you think and hear the thai word for girl and don't think in your head girl in english and then translate to thai. This is the way children learn to speak at first ie they simply hear and look at what is going on around them and slowly learn the language. There is no tranlation to help you learn your first language. If they gave you the english translation it would not be learning by the Rosetti system. Of course there is the minor problem that I am past my toddler years so I am not so sure I learn the same way as I did when I was two years old. I sure don't remember it being this hard!!!!! Well really I don't remember it at all so hard to tell. bimmher
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:03 am on April 12, 2004
Which Rosetta Stone are you using? Is it the Explorer or Professional I ? I've just bought the Explorer and I'm going along very nicely with it. The way of being teached is fun and makes very much sense to me. I've a poor, basic knowledge of Thai - speaking with bargirls (no conversation possible). I'm using some books to get the necessary information about grammar or some words I really do not understand. I actually should now buy the Professinal I but it seems really expensive to me too. Where did you buy yours and for how much? Thanks for information
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:44 am on April 16, 2004
The most important aspect of learning Thai is to understand the 5 tones they use. It's totally pointless learning Thai vocabulary unless you are taught how to say the words in the correct tone. If the Rosetta Stone does not do this then it's a waste of money. Reminds me of the old Steve Martin gag about teaching children to "talk wrong".
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:50 am on April 16, 2004
Hi Whisper The Rosetta Stone does this in the most perfect way I've ever seen. The word or sentence concerning is being spoken either by the native speaking Thai lady or man. The student repeats and immediately you can see three signal lines, one with the normal.wav, the next one points out the tone, high or low and the third one shows breaks etc.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:04 am on April 16, 2004