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I bring three different credit cards and three different ATM cards.

One of the ATM cards charges no fee so I only pay the fee the ATM in Thailand charges.

Plus I bring some cash and have all my accounts online.

So for me mostly use the ATM don't want to bother having to worry about carring TC or a large amount of money with me.

I never go out with more then one ATM card and seldom use a credit card.

So if three machines eat all my ATM cards or I loose (stolen) or what ever I would move on to cash advances on the credit cards as a last resort. Then pay off the cash advance online or even overpay the credit card to avoid the interest charge

Works for me. Also I use cash advances on the credit cards while in Cambodia as no ATM and don't want to bother with TC.


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:17 am on Jan. 9, 2005
I bring only enough cash to exchange at the airport for the taxi fare into the city. During my last trip I actually folded away 2,000 baht for my next trip so I don't even have to exchange any money at the airport. I prefer ATM and Credit Card transactions. My bank does not charge any transaction fees at the ATM's in Thailand. I then charge my hotel stays on my credit card. I save the charge slips in case there is a problem when I get back to the states like an overcharge or something. ATM is really the way to go. I take out small amounts usually every day and can check online to verify the correct amount has been deducted from my account and the exchange rate as well.


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:29 am on Jan. 9, 2005
Mark Pressure
Sometimes I found that my atm card didn't work. As a back-up I have PIN's for my credit cards and then I can use them at an atm.

Also, credit cards can be used at money exchange kiosks for cash advances.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:01 pm on Jan. 9, 2005
Fanta4, no sorry's needed. I did not read your post as an insult or something. Your post just gave me the idea that my initial post was not clear enough on what the problem was. It is sometime very difficult to express one's meaning very clear in one's own language, let alone if you have to translate it into english.

And maybe I was the victim of a fluke (I hope so), but the problem with flukes is that they always hit you when you are in your weakest moment. But with all the good advice poring in, newbies (and oldbies) can prepare them selves.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 6:17 pm on Jan. 9, 2005
Mr Alan
TC's offer the best combination of safety and good exchange rate, especially if you can get them without a fee (check with your local bank, or if an AMX cardholder, check for locations you can them without a fee).

The banks in Thailand offer better exchange rates for TC's than cash because they don't have to worry about counterfeits. Most banks have on-line access to the TC companies and can check the serial numbers.

There is a small service fee for cashing TC's, that usually makes the net exchange rate about the same as cash, but if you get $500 TC's, you will come out even better than cash.

Credit Card companies will charge you an exchange rate markup of about 2-3%. Same usually goes for ATM's.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:41 am on Jan. 10, 2005
On the very first day of my first trip to Bangkok I went to the Sukhumvit Bangkok Bank ATM and withdrew 10,000 baht and returned to my hotel room. In my jetlag/Singha Beer hangover mental state I managed to leave my ATM/Debit card at the ATM! In a panic I ran back to the ATM and lo and behold it was gone. Luckily I was able to call my bank in the US and cancel the card, but a replacement card would be issued in 7 days and sent to my home address. I had taken the advice of a friend and brought AMEX TC's as a backup. If I hadn't brought the TC's, I probably would've cut my vacation short due to lack of funds. So I recommend bringing TC's as a backup if you plan to use ATMs for cash.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:15 am on Jan. 10, 2005
Always used a mix of TC's Credit Card and cash.

As previously stated you get a good deal on TC's even with the fee.

One of the really good things about using TC's is that you can budget more easily.

My rule has always been AU$100 per day. If I'm in Thailand I get 12 $100 TC's. Each morning pick one up and cash it. Always have a few baht left over from the day before and by the last night I've usually got at least 2 or 3 cheques left for a final big night out

As for having to carry your passport around your supposed to do that anyway by law. I've been asked for it by Police twice.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:28 am on Jan. 30, 2005
Mr Alan
Hmm. I have been to BKK 4 times for a total of 81 days and never had the police ask me for my passport. Is there some kind of profiling they do for a passport check?

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:15 am on Jan. 30, 2005
Mr Alan
The vast majority of members stay in hotels or apartments with in-room safes with a combination keypad lock. The hotel staff can steal stuff from the safety deposit boxes as someone posted about recently (they have extra keys).

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:46 am on Jan. 30, 2005

Quote: from AnthonyMustang on 3:22 pm on Jan. 30, 2005

As for having to carry your passport around your supposed to do that anyway by law. I've been asked for it by Police twice.

Was asked once and showed them a photocopy and said I never carry it with me. That was on my second day in BKK after dropping a cig on the ground.

They tried to give me a fine that I talked them down on till I was willing to pay it.

That was fine with them. Still had it back at the hotel if they really wanted to look at the real one.

To much risk carring it on you all the time IMHO. Rather deal with the rare chance the police will ask for it and not have it then risk loosing it.

TC may give you a good deal but still a bit of trouble. Of course after adding up just how much I spent on my last trip (just to f***ing easy to put that bank card in and get another LT or ST) I am starting to understand the value of TC and budgeting your money. I just find TC a pain in the ass as you have to keep track of them and there numbers.

Still the easy way is using a Bank Card or more then one. I leave blank cheques made out to myself with someone I trust. Any problem just call them and tell them to fill in the amount and deposit it into what ever acount I need the money (the one I want to use the bank card for).

Think it would be cheapest to get a Thai bank account and just move one large amount of money over and use a local bank card after that. Am not sure if that would be best or not but interested in the idea. I know it is not as easy as it was in the past.

Never had anyone steal stuff from an inroom safe plus what would they steal. My bank card? No good without the pin and credit cards just cancel them. Don't leave much cash in the safe.

Only time I get a bit worried is when the ATM's seem down and don't want to take my card. Most often just have to go to another ATM from another bank then it works.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:55 am on Jan. 30, 2005

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