OK, DG. If I admit that Australia is the leader of all things good, defenders of freedom, motherhood, apple pie, and koala bears...but not God...and the US is the epitome of all things evil, would that satisfy your lust to bash the US? Then if I admit your noted journalist, Julian Assange, is the greatest politician to ever walk the face of the earth and will soon be the leader of the free world, could you ease up a little bit on the US? Nah. I didn't think so. I'll just close and let you get on with your thread about the Aussie dollar and wait for it to fall back. But I have to close with the fact the Australian economy would still be the third largest in the US, behind California and Texas. You should also hope the Chinese don't come to take over your natural resources because that big old bad US would then have to step in again to save you from an invasion. PS: If the source of my article, Stratfor, is so bad, why did Assange's group Wikileaks believe they were important enough to criminally hack their site and release personal e-mails of the writer you called "stupid", before you edited it out? Dream on. I'm outta here.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:00 pm on May 23, 2012
dirty guru
We are just not stupid enough in Australia to accept the largely anti China sentiment that the Americans feel compelled to roll out. Like it or not asia is the new engine room. We like the chinese. After all we are geographically also an asian country. You should concerntrate in more good will as we have. Outside of America its very passe to audaciously name call our good asian friends. We maintain the military connection with the united states but dont get bullied into nasty perceptions of a good trade partner. Why America has to always play the Bitch Queen is beyond us.... Just to give you an idea of the wealth here. Our government is handing out $800 for every high school kid in the country, if you have 3 you get $2400...half for primary kids Ps Ivestments in Mining increased 10% in the last 6 months to an all time ""half trillion dollars "" the treasurer Swan announced today. Not bad for a nation of 22 odd million people. This lady an Australian is doing ok out of the Chinese..... With a cool $29bn, Gina Rinehart becomes the world's richest woman. GINA Rinehart was revealed yesterday as the richest woman in the world, almost tripling her wealth by pulling off two big international deals in iron ore and coal. The deals, which in the past year have lifted her wealth to $29.17 billion, according to the BRW Rich 200 List, make her the eighth-richest person in the world. It has also had huge ramifications for the Australian economy, creating deep structural changes. BRW says if the resources boom continues, Mrs Rinehart's wealth could rise to $100 billion, which would make her the richest person in the world, unprecedented for any Australian.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:18 pm on May 23, 2012
First, let me apologize to the three people that are following this thread. I said I wouldn't post on it but this editorial came out today and DG should read and digest it. Second, Dirty, if I had your e-mail address I could send this to you and not bore other members with it. It will upset you but the truth always hurts somebody. __________________________________________ China Tries To Make Australia An Offer It Can't Refuse Posted 06:56 PM ET The Far East: If there were ever any doubts about China's aggressive military intentions in the Pacific, its warning to Australia last week to choose itself a U.S. or Chinese "godfather" ought to remove all of them. In what can only be construed as a direct threat to a top U.S. ally, Song Xiaojun, a "retired" Chinese general, told the Sydney Morning Herald that "Australia has to find a godfather sooner or later." "Australia always has to depend on somebody else, whether it is to be the 'son' of the U.S. or 'son' of China," Song said, adding that Australia had best choose China because it all "depends on who is more powerful and based on the strategic environment." The Chinese statement — which implied Australia is so weak it can't make its own decisions — is false, arrogant and insulting. But above all, it's an effort to drive a wedge between the U.S. and Australia. And it isn't the first time. Just as Song was implying that China's trading relationship with Australia would now be used as leverage, China's foreign minister told Australia's foreign minister in Beijing that "the time for Cold War alliances has ended." At the heart of this crude threat is China's fury over the 61-year-old U.S.-Australia alliance and a renewed U.S. effort to focus its naval strength on the Asia-Pacific region to counter a Chinese military buildup that is unsettling the nations of the Pacific Rim. Two weeks ago, 200 U.S. Marines, the first of a "Fox Company" contingent numbering 2,500, arrived for stationing in Darwin, Australia. U.S. military officials say it's part of a new forward operating base to ensure peace, help out in natural disasters and keep sea lanes open. China has complained about this, and in recent days made harsh criticisms of the Pentagon's May 18 annual report on "Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic Of China" as an "obstacle" to good relations with China. The U.S. must "respect facts, change its mindset and stop wrongdoing in issuing similar reports year after year," a Chinese foreign ministry spokesman stated. But the new Marine presence in Australia has been warmly welcomed by Australia's neighbors and is having a soothing psychological effect across the region. A U.S. naval presence has historically been the springboard that allows Asian tiger states to rise through trade in the aftermath of the Vietnam War. Taiwan, Vietnam and the Philippines have found themselves targeted and bullied by China, ostensibly over old territorial disputes. In reality, though, the belligerence is due to a Chinese military buildup and intent to throw its weight around in the region. The one obstacle keeping China from completely taking over has been the U.S. presence in Australia. That presence may expand to stationing aircraft carriers, establishing long-range listening posts and deploying nuclear-powered attack submarines. This explains China's new effort to slap around and intimidate the Australians, forcing them to choose between its alliance with the U.S. and its trade with China. Australia is an interesting target because, in one sense, China needs Australia far more than Australia needs China. As John Daly of Oilprice.com points out, Australia is one of the few countries that enjoys a trade surplus with China. The $15 billion difference in trade is due to exports of iron and coal, two commodities China cannot live without. To intimidate a trading partner of such vital supplies seems foolhardy. But it may be that China sees Australia's left-leaning government as unpopular, politically weak and lacking in resolve. The Chinese may also see President Obama and his administration the same way and therefore responsive to pressure. That may or may not be true, but it lays to rest all those statements about China having peaceful intentions in the Pacific. Crudely attempting to make Australia choose between allies and trading partners is not a sign of peaceful intentions, but a warning of worse to come. http://news.investors.com/article/612687/201205241856/china-muscles-australia-over-defense-and-trade.htm?p=full
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:16 pm on May 24, 2012
dirty guru
Expat...Australia isn't being Bullied.. We Recently Blocked a move by China to even bid for a project..On security grounds And placed restrictions on their land grabs. No offence but that article would be laughed at here. ""Retired general says ""....,this and that add an ounce of extra bullshit." You guys are like North Koreans....what don't you believe? We tell China what to do not visa versa. ( regards our country and military loyalty to the USA) Official China mouth pieces are more reserved.... We just sell rocks and have raised our iron ore prices significantly, hardly subservient behaviour. Ps go to CW and put in the Manly vs panthers tip you forgot : : Article Australia places foot on Chinese bidders throat Australia has blocked China's Huawei Technologies Co Ltd from tendering for contracts in the country's $38 billion National Broadband Network (NBN), claiming security concerns, Huawei said on Monday. "We were informed by the government that there is no role for Huawei in Australia's NBN," said Jeremy Mitchell, a spokesman in Australia for Huawei, the world's No 2 telecommunications equipment maker. The Australian Financial Review said in a report on Monday that Huawei was seeking to secure a supply contract worth up to A$1 billion ($1.04 billion) with NBN, but the company has been blocked by Australia's Attorney-General. When asked to comment on the report, a spokesman for Attorney-General Nicola Roxon said in a statement: "This is consistent with the government's practice for ensuring the security and resilience of Australia's critical infrastructure more broadly." The government does not intend to comment on specific discussions with companies, which are confidential, he added. The Australian Security Intelligence Organisation declined to comment on the report. However, Australia's former foreign minister Alexander Downer, who is an independent director on the board of Huawei's Australian unit, rejected the government's security concerns. "This sort of whole concept of Huawei being involved in cyber warfare, presumably that would just be based on the fact that the company comes from China. This is just completely absurd," he said on Monday. On the sidelines of a nuclear security summit in South Korea, Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard told reporters the government had made a prudent decision on NBN contract tenders. "You would expect as a government that we make all of the prudent decisions to make sure that the infrastructure project does what we want it to do, and we've taken one of those decisions," she said. The Shenzhen-based company has been struggling to expand in the United States, which also blocked its telecom equipment deals. In 2008, a bid to buy 3Com by Huawei and Bain Capital Partners failed to win approval from a US government panel. "While we're obviously disappointed by the decision (of Australia), Huawei will continue to be open and transparent and work to find ways of providing assurance around the security of our technology," the Chinese company said in a statement. "We are confident we can work through this issue," Bloomberg News quoted Huawei's Mitchell as saying. "People aren't used to Chinese companies being leaders in this area, so we have to build up trust and understanding." Huawei started its Australian operations in 2004 and has expanded its business across Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific. Reuters
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 9:45 pm on May 24, 2012
dirty guru
Ok as predicted to Magnum the Aussie dollar has hit a low of 97cents today. Now as this is a public record.....I will tell you it's a great buy at this price. It might drop lower still... But will be up around.....110 cents by this time next year.... Maybe 125 cents by 2014... Take heed.. You can make 10% easy over a year with some faith. Going even further in the future the Aussie will be 150 USD by say five years from now.. This will be interesting..... The climb isn't far away....maybe 2-8 weeks...but once it does watch. It's ""the country " of the smart money...in the future. What a country!!!!!
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:03 am on May 31, 2012
dirty guru
Here's Australia's position at noon today. Treasurer hails 'exceptional' economic growth Updated June 06, 2012 12:06:33 Australia's economic growth surged 1.3 per cent in the first quarter of the year, more than double economists' expectations. Bureau of Statistics figures show gross domestic product came in at 4.3 per cent in the 12 months to the end of March on a seasonally adjusted basis. Economists had been expecting growth of just 0.6 per cent in the quarter, with an annual growth rate of 3.3 per cent. Federal Treasurer Wayne Swan hailed the figures as painting an "extraordinary picture of exceptional growth". "This is a remarkable outcome and reaffirms Australia's position as one of the strongest economies in the world, with the Australian economy growing faster than every single major advanced economy in the March quarter," Mr Swan said. "In through-the-year terms, this result is the fastest growth in over four years, which have been the most turbulent in the global economy since the Great Depression of the 1930s." The bureau also revised the growth rate for the December quarter higher, up from 0.4 per cent to 0.6 per cent. The bureau says the strong result was driven by household spending, business investment and construction related to the mining sector. The mining, professional, scientific and technical and financial sectors each added 0.2 per cent to GDP growth. Western Australia's economy grew by 7.8 per cent in the quarter, far outpacing the rest of the nation. The economies of Victoria, South Australia, the Northern Territory and the ACT also expanded in the quarter, while there was a slowdown in New South Wales, Queensland and Tasmania. The Australian dollar jumped after the GDP figures were announced, as the result will likely reduce the need for further cuts to the cash rate, and was buying 98.4 US cents.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:15 pm on June 5, 2012
dirty guru
German banks to dump money on the Australian Dollar.... Australia dollar back over parity with US dollar. 500 billion now invested in mining new projects in Australia. Australia produces best quarter growth in 5 years. Australia makes it illegal to pay anyone less than $600 a week http://au.news.yahoo.com/latest/a/-/latest/14080544/minimum-wage-rises-from-sunday/ Average mine worker wage hits $3260 a week... Unemployment down to 4.8 % Americans offered special work visas in Australian mines to fill vacancies
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:11 pm on June 28, 2012