Having been with a few girls, and having sponsored some of them, I am now very curious how much you have given. My personal amount has been 20,000B per month, although if you include gifts and expenses (normally on my credit card, I want my mileage points! ) on them, it is as high as 50,000B. One TG I know, gets a hefty sum from her Swedish boyfriend, in the range of 80,000 - 100,000B. I met a girl in Christie's recently, during the last RT, I found out that she had a Swedish sponsor given her 50,000B a month. The interesting part here, is that I have even met him before. My last CM2 acquisition last week, mentioned that she had a Singaporean sponsor, providing 20,000B a month. However, it was bad last month, and she didn't enough to feed on, which was why she was in CM2. [Will post my report on her later] BK
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:04 pm on July 4, 2002
I was wondering if anyone knows what the current cost is to a girl when she goes into an internet cafe - writes the message in thai - has the staff translate it to english and sends 2 attachments (in the form of personal photos)? She framed this as being a bit on the pricey side but that doesn't seem to jive with what I have read. Thanks for any insight.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 7:10 pm on July 4, 2002
thailover. i'm not sure how current this info is,but. when i mailed my girl over the past year she was paying 100 bt for 1MB. she had to have them translate my mails into thai and her mails into english. my last trip i noticed a sign saying the cafe would print off photo's at the price of 100 bt for 3 photo's.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:38 pm on July 4, 2002
Thanks for the info nokna - this seems to jive somewhat with what i have seen today on the Time Internet Cafe menu, paticularly the prices for printing off 3 photos. Thank you.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:49 pm on July 4, 2002
little mistake. my girl was paying 100bt for 1K,not 1MB.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:58 am on July 5, 2002
BK, A data point for your survey (and a topic I'd like to see some feedback on): I'm currently sponsoring my TG at 20,000B/month. Before we started this, we sat down and did a budget (yep, a spreadsheet), and decided that someone living alone in an apartment in Bangkok could get by on that. But this month she had additional expenses, partly at my request, so I wired her an additional 4,000B. She is supporting her brother's college education, a son, and a few baht to her family on their farm up north. She is currently a student, and, ironically, is studying bookkeeping at that moment. She has a good handle on controlling her spending, and never asks for anything more. (It's very easy to blow through 20K baht in one month.) Her behavior is not typical of some of her friends, who also have sponsors. After thinking about her needs, and her desire to exit the club scene completely, I came to the conclusion that 20K baht was a reasonable (if minimal) incentive to make a go of it. She was earning more than 50,000 baht per month during good months, and about 12,000 to 18,000 baht during bad months. So 20,000 baht is a reasonable average, considering the cost of living in BKK. Regarding her e-mail expenses, she pays about 100 baht a message to have them translated and sent to me. She translates the ones I send her, so she only pays connect fees for incoming e-mail. Her English is improving rapidly, so I expect e-mail expenses to diminish also. We also talk frequently by phone, but that is an expense I pick up on my end. Hope this helps to add some info to the "database" - Balls
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:14 am on July 5, 2002
Ballsburstin, Thanks for this input. Just what I was really hoping for. Well, it is true that she would have to pay approximately 100B for the email translations. Eventually, it will diminish. 20,000B is actually a very comfortable amount, especially when you do not have to work. In my former company, my employees were only getting between 12,000B to 15,000B. Of course, they were living with their parents, so they do not have to pay rent. It would be more expensive if you were living on your own. BK
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:41 am on July 5, 2002
20,000 is about double the average wage isn't it? You guys really crack me up all wanting to help them out of a business that you are so sure they don't like. You sure this doesn't come from the way you were raised and it being implied if not stated that women only have sex to please their man? At least it seems in the US the sex issue is nearly always male initiated which implies that females are sort of "doing it for you". Personally I would love to have a job where I could pick who I laid and for what price........
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:40 pm on July 5, 2002
Casey, have to admit, I enjoyed your response, and laughed when I read it. I share your cynicism regarding those who would "save these girls from the bar scene." These ladies don't think like western women (thank goodness) and anyone who believes they really understand them without growing up or spending a lot of time in Thailand is probably kidding himself. I am likewise cynical about dating in America (I don't bother with it anymore), because, in the end, it all amounts to the same thing on the spreadsheet. I've spent a lot of time studying the economics of Thailand and the surrounding countries and have traveled throughout the area (which is why I think Cambodia has better bang for the buck, BTW). But to answer the questions you pose, I guess I'd say this: My TG is getting to the "old age" of mid twenties, which, for many BG's, is the end of the line, considering that many enter the bar scene in their mid teens. She wants to get on with the next phase of her life, whatever that may be. We have talked a lot about her life in the bar scene; I was seeing her before she left the scene, so I got to hear her stories about her customers, some funny, some sad, some "nit noy" crazy. I think she and I have similar views about sex, and neither of us have illusions about our relationship. I told her about this thread on the forum, and she laughed, because some of her girlfriends are sponsored also. She told me that, on average, they get money from more than one farang, and they don't know the meaning of the words "saving money." So they get in excess of 20,000 baht every month, and then spend all of it, every month. One difference, though, is that they are about 4 years younger than her (about 20). That is a long time in "bar time." For them, planning for the future is simply not part of their mindset. My TG entered the bar scene at the relatively "old age" of 22 (although she is attractive, even compared to the younger girls in her bar), so her mentality was a bit different from the start. She became a sort of defacto mamason in her bar, and the owner would tell the other girls that she is an example of how a "responsible lady" behaves, i.e., no drinking, gambling, drugs (an interesting double standard for the bar owner, maybe a topic for a different thread?). She was also one of the higher wage earners in the bar. So yes, 20K baht is a bit high, but the average salaries for people in BKK are something like this: up to 5K baht for unskilled labor; up to 15K baht for semi-skilled labor, and greater than 15K baht for skilled labor (hmmm, should we consider our BG's as skilled labor ). BKK now has a relatively affluent middle class. You may already have read the book "Guns, Girls, Gambling, Ganja" which gives a good breakdown of the earnings of BG's, MP's, free lancer's and so forth. (BTW, when I do ST in BKK these days, I do not pay premium prices, as I share the goal of the other brothers on this forum to keep ST prices affordable.) She and I both have mutual expectations about what we want to do in our futures. Since she tends to plan a bit more than the average Thai person I've met, it is reasonable for me to fund her at this level until she finishes school. After that, we'll move on to phase two, if it still makes sense. Worst case, we go our separate ways, another educated Thai lady enters the workforce, and we've had a lot of "sanuk" in the process. Most important thing for me right now is that we are making each other very happy, and can laugh about the misunderstandings brough on by the gaps in our cultural differences. - Balls
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:06 pm on July 5, 2002
ummmmmm - agreed, 20,000bt is a fair amount, and well above the amount an average thai girl, working 6 days a week from 10am till 10pm would recieve, - but unfortunately, the "Sponser" girls, have generally been introduced to a higher lifestyle, and of course to Farangs, or guys who pay ... sad to say, twice this week have had to look at sponsered girls, 1 ex bar, the other supposed straight/student and day job part time, the ex BG is freelancing at Tonys most nights, the straight ? girl has a long time, but well hiden, Thai Boyfriend, who Im sure appreciates her sponcership ! T I T -
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:12 am on July 6, 2002