Lat month I got my new UOB bank card. Before it was Bank of Asia. So I used it for the first time in supermarket, one of these movable OUB ATM. 3 days later I went to withdraw money again, there was 250000 missing from my account. Some one almost drained my account. I called in service center in panic and thet said they can check for me the next day. It was a terrible sleep that night. The next day, I called them again, they said someone use ATM to withdraw from my account and also made ATM transfer from my account to unknown accounts in Bangkok Bank. They said the man must be professional because he somehow errased the transsection records. I suspect it can be a inside theief. I asked the service center about this, they admit it is very possible. They retured my money. But I was scared to used these movable ATM. Because it is very easy to install readers inside them. Maybe insiders are stealing money themselves. I now always use the ATM that are build in the bank walls. Avoid UOB movable ATM, I beleive there are inside thieves there.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:27 am on Sep. 4, 2006
For instance the ATM van in Suk soi 7 1/2 across from Subway? Terrible story, HA. Something to be aware of.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 6:40 am on Sep. 4, 2006
Quote: from hankamazon on 6:35 pm on Sep. 4, 2006 Avoid UOB movable ATM, I beleive there are inside thieves there.
Thieves are inside? You mean a guy goes and hides inside the unit? Oh boy, that must be very uncomfortable and hot in there.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:01 am on Sep. 4, 2006
ANOTHER CON TO BE AWARE OF... not related but important, don't be tricked be fake tour guides either! Always ask to see a tour badge and know the company they work for…You could be walked into an ally and get mugged…
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 12:12 pm on Dec. 28, 2006
Hank, thanks for sharing this scary scary story. So be aware of those mobile ATMs. If the bank returned this amount of money without hassle they must be pretty sure that the thief is an insider and not an outsider like you and me... There are way too many two legged mobile ATMs anyhow on the streets of BKK getting separated from their money every day by those infamous long haired insiders
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:37 pm on Dec. 28, 2006