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MainSoapy Massage – Ida Massage All Topics

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Check out the list of Bangkok soapy massage parlors here.
Made contact with this place today. Going up from Rama 3 toward Central Rama 3 at the junction Saphan Kweng (under the bridge). It's down a diagonal soi with a sign at the mouth of a soi. On the North side of the road. I'd say it's about 500 yrds from that junction. Or two hundred yards from Central Rama 3 coming from the other direction. It's hidden away but I knew about it from the highway that passes near there, you can see a big sign. I wrote about what I saw inside there today in a couple paragraphs in this thread's posting:

Enjoy, if you're over there. Let's us know how it goes if you do.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:40 pm on Aug. 5, 2006
This is definitely for the residents. The address is on the main site.

1316 Soi Wat Phai Ngern
Rama 3, SathuPradit
Bangkhlo, Bangkholaem, Bangkok 10120

Can't remember the prices, it has been over 2 years ago, when I last visited that place. I did remember that the rooms had its own toilet though, as not many massage parlors have toilets in their rooms.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 2:04 pm on Aug. 5, 2006
Ah, yes now I see it on the massage web page. I didn't realize that soi Wat Pai Ngam stretches all the way back there somehow. But getting there from Sathu Pradit would be a long trip through small sois. In fact, as it used to be called CR I believe there's still a CR sign on a corner of one those back Sathu sois pointing the way...

Toilet in the room is pretty special! Do you recall how the service was?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:30 pm on Aug. 5, 2006
Joe Wood
I think there is a little confusion here.

The address that bkkz refers to is the Athena massage and Karaoke place that seajohn referred to as down Sathupradit Soi 20.

If you dip down that soi and take a right at the end, go along that road, past the actual Wat Pai Gnern on your left and a little way after that, it is on the right hand side, on the corner of a road turning up to Chan Road.

Or, if you are in Chan Road, take soi 43 and at the end of that soi, it swings around to the left and becomes Soi Wat Pai Gnern. Cross at least two intersections and you will come to it on the left hand side on a corner facing you.

This is Athena.

A very local residents place. If you don't speak Thai, it's best not to venture in, although you might strike it lucky if you happen to chance upon a girl who has a smattering of English.

Otherwise, arm yourself with the usual monger Thai dictionary that has the necessary phrases like :

Please lift your leg onto my shoulder.
I am sorry.
It is my mistake.
I could not see my way in, in the dark.
Do you like that ?

and simple things like :

You can suck me now.
That is incredible.
Can you take it a little deeper ?
Thank you very much.
Can I do that again please ?

and other pleasantries necessary to make her feel appreciated.

Best of luck.


The Ida massage parlour location is best described in seajohn's other post here :


As he mentions, the area is dotted with parlours, but mainly catering to local Thais, although in the same area there two or three high profile ones like
RA [ edit in: DA not RA ] Entertainment, the sign for which you can see from the expressway as it sweeps past the bridge, just before the slip-road down to Sathupradit. I suppose if you see the flower ready to be plucked, you could take it as a letter 'i', to make it IDA or Ida, but I didn't.

I suspect from seajohn's and bkkz's reminiscences
about the luxury of a toilet in the room, this is the parlour, referred to as CR or Ida, that has
the sign DA (or iDA ) Entertainment on the roof.

It has a swimming pool in the lounge area that the girls used to bathe in, while the customers ate, drank and took their time to choose a girl from the fishbowl or the side line.

A difficulty with the pool retaining water led to it being drained and it is now filled with plants, sadly. The interior has had a re-vamp in the last two years. Sideliners now stand behind a bar counter.

Some very choice ladies there.

There used to be a Big Sports screen.
I haven't seen it of late.
Maybe out of commission for a little while, as it used to draw in the customers a lot.
Live music some nights.

Not cheap by any means, but the same rate charged to falang as the affluent Thais who sweep down from the expressway on their way home.

But don't take my word for it when it comes to names.
Ida, Susie.....................CR........iDA Entertainment. I cannot read Thai. But the iDA Entertainment sign is on the roof and is lit up at night. And as mentioned, it is tucked away. I think to find it, you'd have to have a nose for this sort of place. First girl I had there about 7 years ago was half Thai, half Burmese and she smelt delicious.

{ Edited : I changed the RA to DA, and later accepted iDA, having discovered my mistake. Anyone now lost down among the sois of Yannawa looking for RA Entertainment...sorry guys.

IT IS DA or Ida Entertainment..................

Sorry, seajohn and bkkz.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 4:34 pm on Aug. 5, 2006

Quote: from seajohn on 4:39 am on Aug. 6, 2006
Do you recall how the service was?
It was pretty good, I remember getting two rounds with my girl.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:39 pm on Aug. 5, 2006

It has a swimming pool in the lounge area that the girls used to bathe in, while the customers ate, drank and took their time to choose a girl from the fishbowl or the side line.
Ah yes, I remember the swimming pool in that place as well.

BTW, the address is taken from an ad placed in a local magazine in Thai language. And two different magazines have that same address. In my initial post, I had the number incorrect, it should have been 1316 instead of 1314.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:31 pm on Aug. 5, 2006

Quote: from bkkz on 7:39 am on Aug. 6, 2006

BTW, the address is taken from an ad placed in a local magazine in Thai language.

Boy, would I like to scan through that mag. What's the name?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:16 pm on Aug. 5, 2006
Well, if Ida aka CR aka RA is posting that as their address in ads then I guess that must be what it is.

But Joe Wood is right in that soi Wat Pai Ngam (Sathu Pradit 20) is also where Athena in my other post is, on the corner of that and Chan 43.

However soi Wat Pai Ngam does keep going (so does Chun 43) so I guess somehow it leads over there and down a bit to Ida. Strange system.

Anyway, the pool I didn't see. The sideliners have now been given chairs to sit up in the side bar like a jury. There were 3 of them, same number as girls in the fishbowl. All very pretty. I think the TV is back on at least sometimes, they had World Cups signage outside. I didn't stay long enough but was just scoping out the scene, which is as Joe Wood mentioned, affluent Thai. But if bkkz's and Joe Wood's great recollections sound good to me, including what I saw: the girls are pretty and service seems good, prices not bad. I'll give it a go, time permitting...

Thanks for the further info, guys.

However, it should be clear that this is not the same place as the action in the Susie oil massage thread, which has no name yet that I have discovered. But that I explored Ida on a long journey that led to 'Susie' in the link posted above.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:19 am on Aug. 6, 2006

Quote: from Skip on 11:24 am on Aug. 6, 2006
Boy, would I like to scan through that mag. What's the name?
Here, I have scanned it for you.

The magazine is called Night Variety, but I don't see it on sale anymore. Mine is dated 20 Nov - 19 Dec 2545 (2002).

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:46 am on Aug. 6, 2006

Map to Ida [JP]

- [grid C5]


- [Edit in: 17.08.2006]

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:42 am on Aug. 6, 2006

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