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Get yourself cleaned in one of these soapy massage parlors.
I agree with you. The 4 MP's your mentioned are very good in having attractive females and also great service.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:21 pm on Feb. 10, 2003
I see a lot of Poseidon supporters in this discussion group.  Just wanted to throw in my 2 cents...
I was there about 2 years ago, because of the high recommendations, at around 10-11 PM.  The place was hugh, but not much girls in the fishbowl.  Although it's probably just a matter of bad timing on my part, I would like to remind newbies that the quality of girls have a lot to do with timing and luck.  The girl that I had that night was not really into it as I think she was tired and was at the end of her shift.  Many people recommend going to MPs at a later hour.  But when I was first introduce to MPs, I was told that I should go there earlier in the afternoons so that I can bargain for a lower price (since not much people are there) and that the girls are more fresh as you are most likely the first batch of customers of the day.  Although there are more girls later at night, there are more customers.  So, even though there may be more girls working at later hours, many of them could be with clients already.  There are advantages and disadvantages to both of these arguments.  I thought I bring this to the attention, especially for the newbies.  Good luck.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 6:20 pm on Feb. 11, 2003
Great points. Something a newbie should be aware of of they won't see or be able to find a female. I'm not sure though about being able to bargin the earlier you get there. I think the larger MP's are pretty set in their prices.

I usually get to the MP around 6ish. So... I can be the females first client. They seem to be more attentive at the beginning of their day. I usually will tip a the papasan a little bit and then sit back and have a drink. I'll let the papasan bring the females to me as they come into work.

Another thing to add, is that many of us like Poseidon, Ceasar, Mirage, and Emmanuelle for their sideline models. Because I've found that from a looks and service standpoint, they are great.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:24 pm on Feb. 11, 2003
probably true about the pricing with the bigger mps.  i've been to several places like the angara and atami around 3-4 pm and can bargain for their so called sideline girls down to around 1700 baht or lower when we have a couple of people together with us.  

The beauty of the couple of mps mentioned by ABC below is that they are all right next to each other on the same street.  If you don't like what you see, just keep on walking.  Power to the consumer !!!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 9:03 pm on Feb. 11, 2003
I went to Poseidon for the first time on my last trip. Forgot BK's advice in an earlier post to go there at around 5.30/6.00pm and landed there at 3.00pm. A very disappointing small selection of girls. Made the best of a bad situation and picked a girl from the fishbowl. The models on the 3rs floor weren't expected for another hour.Though the girl I picked was maybe a 6 in the looks department, fortunately she was an 8 in perfomance so it wasn't a washout.

When I came down at around 4.30, the selection was a little larger and better.

So plan to get there around 5.30/6.00pm as BK advices and you should find happiness


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:14 pm on Feb. 11, 2003

"....Another thing to add, is that many of us like Poseidon, Ceasar, Mirage, and Emmanuelle for their sideline models. Because I've found that from a looks and service standpoint, they are great...."

AGREE. Yep, these so called sideline models are solid 8s and quite a few are lovely 9s. I found out that they are willing to give you the BBBJ and an excellent BANG after few drinks and a short chat instead of jumping on them looking for the sexercise right away. That's not new. However, I've tried the same girl at EMMANUELS and same approach at POSEIDON and they look at me as "their" customer so, I can be able to get 2 bangs and the normal BBBJ in the jacuzzi. These girls love BREW PAVILLION in Ratchadaa and are really hungry after working hours....In other words, treat these cuties politely, behave as a gentleman and even try to assume for those couple of hours that the girl IS your real girlfriend. As simple as that. The feedback will be INCREDIBLE....and you won't be disspointed.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:54 am on Feb. 12, 2003
heres the pros and cons i've expereinced about going early vs. late.

pros: fresh girls, good selection, a nice soapy to get me ready for the night.
cons: maybe not all the girls got in yet, 50/50 that they will meet you after work.

pros: she suggests to go dancing/eating after work - i just have to wait in the parking lot, sometimes good selection.
cons: all the good ones are busy at the moment, she might have been worked over from a previous client.

hope this helps about when is best to go.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:02 am on Feb. 12, 2003

Nice stuff.
What time you mean by EARLY or LATE?
Just curious....

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:07 pm on Feb. 12, 2003

EARLY being around 3:30pm
LATE being around 10 or 11pm

anything in between is 50/50 chance of getting the early or late special.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:07 pm on Feb. 14, 2003

pros: fresh girls, good selection, a nice soapy to get me ready for the night.
cons: maybe not all the girls got in yet, 50/50 that they will meet you after work.

pros: she suggests to go dancing/eating after work - i just have to wait in the parking lot, sometimes good selection.
cons: all the good ones are busy at the moment, she might have been worked over from a previous client.

Hi mate. IMHO I think we need to discriminate if we are talking about the TGs in the fishbowl or the sideliners or models.

I think that your advise fits accurately if we are talking about the regular fishbowl TGs. No doubt about it.

However, if we talk about the sideliners and models the best time to hit any MP is around 6-7pm. This recommendation is based upon the check-in time of these TGs. Why? Because, the fishbowl TGs do have to follow a check-in on time (depends on the MP but usually before 13:00) while the models/sideliners do not. These sideliners/models are free to go and come as they pleased, as far as I know (at least the ones I've been banging fit in this category), and even few of them got day time jobs. Just my two cents....Have fun!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:04 am on Feb. 16, 2003

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