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Evil Penivel
Getting rid of the terrorists seems the most effective way to stop terrorist attacks. The simplest solutions are often the best. Gotta admire the way the Thais handle their own terrorists (or Islamic insurgents if you prefer a more politically correct term) - definitely lessons to be learned there.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:55 pm on April 9, 2005
Spurs Man
So, the whole world condems Taksin's government for their human rights record yet Evil Penis wants to learn from them ??? Says a lot about you EP. I just hope you never find yourself on the wrong side of the boys in brown cos waving your passport and saying "wait till my embassy hears about this" aint gonna make a blind bit of difference!
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 3:28 pm on April 9, 2005
rtb The packs of sausages will hopefully be at our mutual friends by tomorrow morning BKK Time. After that you may buy me a beer. The information is free.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:40 pm on April 9, 2005
Evil Penivel
Spurs Man- This isn't the right thread for an extensive discussion of the human rights record of the Thai govt or the role of human rights in the war on terrorism. I've never been on the wrong side of the Thai police and never expect to be. I doubt they'll suspect me of being a Muslim fanatic, drug lord or weapons smuggler. But in the 25 years I spent as an expat, I ran afoul of local police or security forces several times in Europe and the Middle East and I well know the US embassy is of little or no help. Back in the early 1980's in an Arab country, I was snatched up off the street by local police and held 17 days in a hellish lockup, then released without even being questioned. The only thing a U.S. embassy official said was, "Be happy it wasn't longer." I never did find out what, if anything, I had been suspected of doing. I think I was just a random pawn in much bigger game. The other times, in West European countries, it involved mistaken identity. Once they were after an American whose description I apparently matched. Another time border police thought I looked like a member of the Baader-Meinhof gang. Took them three days to figure out that guy had been dead for several years. But that doesn't give me any sympathy for Muslim insurgents in Thailand or anywhere else. Likewise, I don't have sympathy for members of the Branch Davidians, Aum Shinrikyo, Ku Klux Klan, Sendero Luminoso, the Cali cartel or hundreds of other faith-based, political or criminal organizations. If you ride a tiger, you may end up in the Big Tiger, at least in Thailand. But while the Big Tiger sometimes kills people, a little pussy never hurt anyone. If the rights of P4P girls are violated, that would be a true outrage. And I'm definitely willing to put my money where my mouth has been. I'm a firm believer in contributing to the relief of Thai P4P providers - I do it every time I'm in Thailand.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 12:20 am on April 10, 2005
Spurs Man
Well said EP ! I agree, lets stick to issues of P4P rather than muslim bashing on this forum. Peace.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:17 am on April 10, 2005
Err.. no ! Getting rid of your fascist president may however reduce the risk of terrorist attacks.
No need to worry. Second terms are much weaker than first ones. When he retires faster than you think, maybe the USA can get girls that actually know how to f***.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:47 pm on April 11, 2005
Could you try that last bit again, and make an effort to make sense, this time around. Okay?
Quote: from Spurs Man on 6:11 pm on April 10, 2005 I agree, lets stick to issues of P4P rather than muslim bashing on this forum.
I don't think he was 'muslim bashing' - he was advocating the elimination of terrorists as a valid goal (can't disagree there). But you are correct - maybe this ought to be continued in a more suitable venue - the Z. Dr. von Quack!
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:55 pm on April 11, 2005
Quote: from DaffyDuck on 1:49 am on April 12, 2005 Could you try that last bit again, and make an effort to make sense, this time around. Okay?
You are a still a new member on this forum from December 2004. Maybe if you read the entire BKK Tonight forum, I mean everything from Day 1, you'd know that American girls are garbage, leaving men unfulfilled every night, whether someone tries to bash the US or not, in comments posted (i.e.: "fascist president"). But why explain it to you, when you tell an original forum member to make sense. Gyaos.
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:47 am on April 13, 2005
Careful Gyaos....he'll try to get you banned... *whistles* and looks at sky.....
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:22 am on April 13, 2005
Not according to what I pay for girls in Bangkok. I'm always double the money by getting 2 girls. Easily identifiable. No worries, none. Gyaos
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:28 pm on April 15, 2005