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Hello All! Back from Bangkok, was there in September! I must say, the girls are demanding more money and I don't buy into that crap. But there are still good girls out there. LOTS! Here's the lowdown: POSEIDON (approx 7pm): 3rd Floor models. Some real nice looking ones. I wanted one of the waitresses *and* the mamasan who easily remembered me and made me feel right at home. Settled with two fantastic looking girls. 3800baht each + VIP room. Total was 8000baht. Japanese language was required here. No surcharge for me. 90 minutes. Maybe will see if the Mamasan will go on a date with me, next time. TIP was 0 baht. The girls left at 90 minutes, but no ring from the phone (I love you mamasan).....they wanted to get to next customers and they moved fast, I couldn't pay them a tip. Amazing Thailand! Saved 2000baht. Soi 18 SKMVT Thai Massage (approx 11am) 2 hrs = 300baht. Cute small girl! NO HJ! I don't believe it....a legit massage with no HJ, but I sure got a stiff one and she touched it at the beginning. I think she was scared. Anyway, tip 50baht. She was happy. CHAO PHYRA 2 (approx 4pm) Had to see my Papasan friend and gave him the book he wanted. He was very happy to get it. Got two of the cuttest new-comers ever! They looked like two Japanese girls without their school uniforms! They coudln't speak English or Japanese.....but communication was great! One girl licked me from above my ass up to my balls! SHIVERS! They knew what they were doing......soooooo cute! 1700 baht x 2 = 3400 baht. Tip 500 baht each. They didn't even expect the tip and really waited to take it. I had one Oil Massage at DAI NICHI (I think that's the name on SKMVT near the Emporium (opposite side) for 500baht and she HJ'd me. Wanted 500baht after it as a tip. No problem. But oil massage was too hard for me. My muscles ached so bad after that. Went to WASHINGTON SQUARE for 400baht 2 hour Thai Massage. Got HJ in there by a real dark Isaan girl with sweatty palms. Was to tip 250baht, but wasn't happy. She's right....I upped it to 500baht. She wants 1000baht. Forget it. 500baht. CHAO PHYRA 1 Complete Japanese used here. 2000baht (yep, take Sky-Train, no taxi, save 1000baht). Unbelievable.....the same girl I had one year ago was there. Best experience as I expected as she spoke many dual langauges. Made her guess her tip.....BANG 1000baht! She wanted to stay with me for the night, but I had a girl in my room (that was giving NO SEX), so I went to Massage Parlor. Best Business decision I made in Thailand to date. Keep a girl in room, get laid down the Sky-Train! I should have dumped the girl in my room faster, but I always keep my promises. You see there are GOOD GIRLS in Bangkok! Next return is after this silly USA/Iraq conflict. Probably in March. Comments, please leave them here or PM (Private Message) me! Gyaos
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:50 pm on Oct. 13, 2002
HI!! How much did you pay for the gogo girls? Cheers!!
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 2:39 am on Oct. 14, 2002
The gogo girls were actually "ex" gogo girls and a real disappointment. They were my regulars and I used to pay them handsomely. I spent 4 days with them and they took me to Pattaya (which I left in 24 hours). All I got from them was two (2) HJs, one from each on two seperate days. One of the girls seriously needs lessons in HJs! If it hurts, she gets dumped. Although their company and friendship was excellent, they finally told me the truth on their age (much older than before and one had a kid). Now all of this would have been okay for no pay, or the full days comp (i.e.: food, hotel, transportation, utilities, etc/), but they were buying their own food and played cards all day and night. Since they didn't negotiate pay before hand, I expected this was just all-comp days to stay with me as friends, because I was not getting sex. When it was time for them to go (as well as myself), they wanted 20,000baht *EACH*! I said no and they just sat was checkout time. This was blackmail. Not a chance. I offered 5000baht because of no sex. When they finally said 10,000baht (that would be 2500baht per day each), I gave them 10,000baht which was in my hands for each all the time. One felt that was right, the other was pissed. Tough bananas. They certainly deserved nothing, especially taking me to Pattaya via taxi (and back) to see all the girls and clubs and then not barfine anyone being stuck with 2 girls who gave no sex. That was disappointing, so on the last day, I went to the CP1 MP and found the same girl from a year ago (which was my second girl I ever met in Bangkok). She wanted to get the girls out of my room VERY FAST and I told her not to do it. Another issue is I couldn't get another pair of girls I **really** enjoyed back in July because I was stuck with my original pair who stiffed me by "riding me out" until I left, and tried to hit me for a high bill without negotiation. Learn from errors, I say. If I want a card game, I'll just go down the street from where I live. The good news in all of this is it makes my desire to see and find the other girls that much more. Gyaos
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:54 am on Oct. 14, 2002
SORRY to hear these BRO! But I can not help the feeling that you were taken for a ride by your two girls and they were trying to squeeze you! First of all I would heavily asume that if they join you in pattaya in having a good time, that they should also provide you a good one! Second in my opinion if I take gogo girls with me somewhere I stress it as a holiday for them and the maximum I would compensate them is the barfine for the days off! I am aware that this usually only works with girls you know well or are really on to you! Nevertheless if you take a girl for a future trip stress to her that you will only pay the barfine for her and may be a tip (depending on your feelings and her performance) after the trip. At the bottom line what's it worth taking girls from bkk to pattaya and paying more that you would be facing in pattaya!
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 4:06 am on Oct. 15, 2002
thats messed up, i would have just check out and left them in there and let the hotel deal with them, they better give that a$$ up
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:53 am on Oct. 15, 2002
hi, there must be a line drawn somewhere. this is a case where the TGs takes kindness for weakness!!! yup, been caught in such situations many times! call me stuck up or unfriendly, but i just don need TG friend like them!! of course there r TGs that r sincere and nice. when i used to frequent KC2 many years back, i had a couple of girlfriends there, and i don mind bringing them for supper and giving them some $ for their torn stockings or photos when they asked me! cos they treated me like a friend and brought me around the club scences!! they never had any ill intentions of ripping me off, and end of the nite, i'll usually give them a small sum of $$ for their taxi, and to do some shopping the next day!! but as soon as a over friendly TG comes along and approach me at the bar for $$, sorry man, i just ignore her. i just don like, in fact never liked the feeling of being ripped off! regards, chrisboy
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:10 am on Oct. 15, 2002
Gyaos: Damn!!!!! 8000 baht for a massage. Why do you pay those rates. If you want a girl that speaks Japanese, you can afford to go to Japan for those rates. Please don't pay those high rates again. You are spoiling the sanuk for us average Joes who cannot afford or who refuse to pay such high rates.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:31 am on Oct. 15, 2002
Gyaos, I am sorry to hear about these bad experiences on your first trip (or second, was it...?) to LOS and that your kindness was taken advantage of. I just wanted to tell you my point of view and I hope that you do not get upset with me - please do not hate me. I always discuss and agree financial and sexual issues with the TGs in advance, I think that most bros to do the same...! As for your taking TGs to Pattaya, I do not see the point to do so... I can hardly imagine to enjoy myself in Pattaya with 2 TGs on my back, no way.
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:21 am on Oct. 15, 2002
Hello All! So you know, this report is from my 4th trip to Bangkok. It was still a good trip, not including the girls staying with me. Those girls were EX-GOGO girls, therefore there was no barfine, and they were my regulars. I do have a back-up of girls that are eager and willing to be with me and treat me better. To griffin: These girls offered to take me to Pattaya. It was their idea. So they showed me all the sites and literally what happens there.....but that was it. I left early because I wasn't getting what I wanted out of the place due to the fact I was stuck with the pair. They were nice, but sheez....that end trick, by them, at check-out time in BKK was not professional. Remember, I got no sex and card games. I such a nice guy, I didn't have the heart to say "get out", so I went to the MP and the girl I was with a while back she wanted to get them out for me very quickly. To expat67: The Poseidon rates are okay in my book to get the higher class looking girls. I know the Mamasan there and I find Poseidon gives exceptional service for me. I speak Japanese there because I can almost fully communicate what I require. They don't speak English all that well. The Japanese gives me a few extra perks that a "farang" wouldn't get. I was not looking for a girl that spoke Japanese, although that would help (and I know some MPAs in Thailand that do). In Japan, Soapland costs a farang 75,000yen for one girl. So by all means, 2 girls for 8000baht (3800baht each + 400baht for VIP) is a bargain (about $175 (USD) with a VIP room included). DARK KNIGHT will confirm I got a good deal for a pair of 3rd floor girls at Poseidon for 8000baht To bandit: I also discuss that with girls. These were "regulars" and when I brought it up, they wanted to ignore it. They simply stiffed me by playing a trick. However, they didn't get what they wanted actually received *less* than what I used to pay them. Treats get no tricks. Gyaos
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:40 pm on Oct. 15, 2002
Gyaos, if you expected sex from the girls and their companionship alone wasn't worth it, you should have dumped them the first night. Certainly they were trying to take advantage of you, but you need to protect yourself a little better. The money probably isn't that big a deal, but you wasted 3 invaluable nights.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:47 pm on Oct. 15, 2002