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Looking for a soapy massage in Bangkok?
Harold : Knowing how (bad) the rooms are in Annies, it is real scary they want to show them to you before the session and beofre the girls...

I think that for fun I ll go have some pictures of myself made and altered, just to show them to TG as a joke "Look how sexy I am in picture, same-same massage girl"
Might do for a nice ice breaker.


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:36 am on June 5, 2009
I got the idea, but what a message...

"See babe, what Photoshop could make *you* look like..."
Whow, that makes a nice ice-breaker

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:33 am on June 5, 2009
You can upload your photo and try out different hairstyles here.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:38 pm on June 5, 2009
we r not for sale mr love!

i cant believe how much fun annies is and ive never spent a baht

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 12:30 am on June 6, 2009
Joe Wood
O.K. Harold444, I will, for this one time, break my self-imposed restriction on replying to your remarks, although I must admit, you have, over the years managed to temper your contributions.

Three points :

One :

Everyone is for sale. You may not make the payment in money, but you pay, and generally through the nose.

Two :

When will you come to understand that pursuits in the world of P4P are not quests for a life-long partner or a temporary girlfriend. They are business transactions and you negotiate and pay for her skills and the willingness of a stranger to be physically intimate with you for an agreed time.

People don't go to Annie's to have the chance of being serviced by a glamour model. None of the girls there pretend to be anything more than women.. If they were glamour models, they'd work elsewhere. People go there to rent their skills and time......................nothing more.

Don't confuse your plodding through the P4P establishments with finding the girl of your dreams, otherwise your journey through the world of P4P will be a long, hard trudge with no reward for your years of effort.

On the other hand, if it is your inclination to look down on P4P workers or even girls in general and despise them for what they do, then of course your tack makes sense.

Three :

A quote from above on the 4th.June 2009 :

" can a mature lady w 2 tooths missing be in 2500 category..................."

Well, how much do you usually pay for a mature lady with two teeth missing ?

Have a good day.
And yes, Annie's isn't the brightest of places to go.
But I can assure you that there are and have been ladies who work there who are delightful people and will try to give you everything you want in the physically pleasurable sense.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:29 pm on June 6, 2009
^^ Well said and true^^

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:30 am on June 7, 2009
Everything about Annie's is true... it could be a hit or a miss kind of experience. Sometimes, if you are lucky, you land with a lady who really is into it and other times, you have nothing but regrets. In the end, however, it all evens out. But yes, the Annie's experience is a unique one.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:41 am on June 7, 2009
does it sound like im looking to marry a hooker?

mr wood please dont respon to my post, you seem unable to comprhend my posts r in jest.

if old ladies w tooths missing can get 2500, god bless them. models at poseidon go 4 2500 and they have all their teeth, pointing in all directions in some

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:20 pm on June 7, 2009
I used to go to Annies for a 'lunch break' almost every day about 9yrs ago, but I discovered bigger and better things elsewhere and moved on. I haven't partaken in the services there for at least 5yrs although I have popped my head in and found a very poor selection in the bowl.

This changed at the weekend.

The people claiming 2 teeth sideliners are full of shit, seriously, I mean it. The sideliners sit in the right hand side of the bowl, surrounded by teddybears and cuddly things, they are introduced not as sideliners, but younger girls, there were 6 when I arrived, there was only 1 that didn't appeal to me personally, these girls were very attractive.

Now the main bowl was a different matter, I could understand if the 2 teeth statement had been about the main bowl, there were probably 10 girls in here, they were all over 35yrs (IMO), they were all carrying several extra pounds (IMO) and they all looked a little 'tired'.

I did however see one lady in here that I was surprised was not in the right hand side of the bowl, and for the first time in 5yrs I partook in the services.

We went to the room, got a couple of drinks and a nice service was rendered, that service did not include sex, it wasn't offered but nor did I particulalry want it, I was perfectly enjoying her oral skills. I had the usual 2 shots (1 in the bath, 1 on the bed) and somehow after only 60 minutes (half of the allowed 2hrs) we were all done.

I could see she was looking for me to leave, after all 2 pops had been had, surely she could go now, but she never asked, had I of indicated I wished to stay i'm failry sure she would have continued with a massage or maybe more, but I was done and needed to fight the traffic so had no problem skipping. We dressed and she was 'hovering' blocking the door, smiling, without saying the words it was 'tip' time, not a problem, I passed her 300 baht to which she replied 500 !?!? WTF, this is a tip, Annies provides an all inclusive service, 2 shots, 1,700 baht. I said no and she said 500 ! I said we hadn't even had sex and it was only 1hr of the session, she said ok.

Can't blame them for trying and all that but what a downer to the session.

Now I know there will be those who complain my tip was insufficient, thats your opinion, but I really don't like 'tips' being turned into the 'price', Tulips and the like are different, the extra paid to the girl (500, 1,000, 1,500) is not a tip, its the price for the service rendered, anything more than that is a 'tip'.

I will try Annies again....maybe.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:04 am on June 8, 2009

Quote: from Meatywsg on 4:04 pm on June 8, 2009
it was 'tip' time, not a problem, I passed her 300 baht to which she replied 500 !?!? WTF, this is a tip, Annies provides an all inclusive service, 2 shots, 1,700 baht. I said no and she said 500 ! I said we hadn't even had sex and it was only 1hr of the session, she said ok.

You are within your right Not to tip and she certainly should not say anything about the amount... she should be happy you gave her a tip to begin with.
I know it is considered normal to tip but it's wrong... tip should be regarded as a monetary reward that is up to (adn might differ) the punter.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:41 am on June 8, 2009

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