Phuket ñ a newbie view! Guys I have been visiting this forum for some time now and felt that upon my return I must contribute to the proceedings, as I have gained so much from others efforts it is now time I put something back in, so here it is warts-an-all! I had been working in BKK (another review) and decided that I would work a trip to Phuket with a feeble excuse of writing up my report in somewhat more conducive surroundings, the client even bought it ñ or did they? Having read previous reports I had mixed feelings on what I was about to encounter here so I decided to approach it with an open mind. I arrived at my hotel, Thara Patong, which after the Landmark was a little different but comfortable and with a balcony that opened onto the pool, rather convenient. Being in BKK a few times and having become accustomed to the Thai ìselling modeî I was a little taken aback by the aggressiveness of the ìtailorsî and Taxi/upmarket (4 wheel) Tuk Tuk drivers to the point that I was really starting to get pissed off with the whole thing. A quick appraisal of the situation and an adoption of a different frame of mind and I was back in ìthe groveî again letting the touting wash over me. My first venture out was down beach road and up soi bangla, first thing I noticed was the total lack of reasonable looking BGs let alone good ones, frankly they were ìbutt uglyî which did surprise me as I was expecting a rather more cosmopolitan bunch. Feeling depressed I had dinner in one of the many good seafood restaurants and after a bottle of aussie chardonnay and a lobster (Craw fish actually) I was feeling somewhat sanguine, and ventured out again braving the bloody tailors. I ventured into some of the bars down soi bangla and fended off many ìugliesî who approached me and the only other thing I can add to their approach is - bloody tenacious. Not wanting to offend (usually), but ìwhat part of f_ck off donít you understandî is the attitude I wanted to adopt but discretion is the better part of valour, so off down to the shop and bought a paper and then just ignored the ìugliesî whilst keeping one eye on any talent passing by noting where they went to work. After a while of noticing only a few half decent TGs walking by, sadly not noting where they were going, I moved on to find Tiger Entertainment where I was to experience my first Thai Boxing tournament. Good stuff, and another interesting spin on how to extract money from the punters. After a match, or small tournament, the winner walks around the audience with a collection basket and strangely enough will not move on until you put something in it, I for one was not going to argue. Again lots of tenacious uglies, so moved on back down towards beach road on right hand side of soi bangla, then it hit me soi crocodile (Katoiey) now I understand the phase ìdonít f_ck anyone taller than yourself, you may get a surpriseî. Now interestingly, contrary to popular belief, picking out the Katoieys in Phuket was very easy they were simply streets ahead of the uglies, so now change of tactics - stick with the uglies and hopefully I will remain a ìvirginî. I started to become a little more heartened as there were the signs of some better looking BGs appearing, but then noticed that everyone else noticed and they started to attract a great deal of attention, this equated to a price hike and a serious attitude bypass, something of which I have not come across before in LOS, well in BKK anyway. Also not sure I liked this as it spoilt my view of the BG, we all know they are in this for one thing, so are we, and up to this point it was a game we both played very well, but now it all seemed a little one sided, and possibly back into western prostitute territory - sordid. By now I had resigned myself to the fact that it was not going to be as good as BKK and I should make the best of it so I should look out for a half decent ìuglyî. So I dropped into a bar down soi Eric and stopped by for a few beers and to chill, actually this worked and I eventually got talking to a reasonable BG called Lisa (Strange really I was expecting a name like Nok, or Kun but not Lisa) anyway had a few more beers and then decided on 1000 baht LT + 200 BF seemed OK. However the bar tabs were a little ìdoctoredî so not arguing just made a massive point of checking every one, reluctantly paid it and enjoyed the rest of the evenings festivities. Just as an aside the next night I went back to the bar BF 200baht and then moved next door in front of the offending barman and proceeded to drink all night in full view, checking each tab and paying frequently. They really do take us for Muppets donít they! The upshot of all this is that I really did have a good time even though the standard of BGs was disappointing to say the least. Towards the end of my stay I did notice some better looking ones starting to appear and I put this down to Songran, or I was becoming accustomed to them. Back in BKK I soon settled down to the usual BG and funnily felt as if was back home ñ Oh how I love LOS. Mizzenman Points of note (Phuket) Donít f_ck anyone taller than yourself Standby for the tout onslaught ñ be warned If you want a good looking BG bring one with you Shame you cant BF Thai Airways Attendants. (Donít even try) Classic BG one liners You seem to enjoy when I ìsmokeî You Hansum man I am 25
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:35 pm on April 25, 2003
seems you did'nt have the best of times,shame. you obviously visited the wrong bars as you saw very few stunners. Bangla bars are not that good for the ladies,but go down the Soi's and you will soon find them. others on the Forum know what i mean. but your stunner is not mine and vice versa. i just ignore the touts,smile sweetly and shake my head and they disappear. never have a problem with aggressive girls either,just tell them no and that i do not want company,quite easy to get rid of them. as for price rises?,never experienced anything like this and easy solution,say goodbye and walk away. but then again i had some of your views on my very limited experiences of BKK. i find Phuket more relaxed,quieter and easy going. and many fine ladies there,good and not so good. but everyone has different views and that's make makes Forums like this good.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 11:38 pm on April 25, 2003
Hi nokna, Phuket has changed a lot these last months, just because of the lack of tourists, and naturally the lack of incoming for the people working there. Many good remarks of Mizzenman, but it seems it was his first trip to Patong, and he was part of the bad games that everybody know there : tailors, tuk tuk, some ladies Ö But I totally aggree with you Nokna, in the soi's, like eric, you can find charming ladies and have a very good time.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:37 am on April 26, 2003
Loupilou. i agree with the changing of Phuket,well Patong actually. i'm not the most experienced or frequent visitor to Patong,5 trips in 2 years,but i certainly noticed a change on all of my trips. i always go in low season and have never really noticed hoards of fellow sanuckers,except when the Navy was in town. plenty of Japanese tourists,but mainly couples,so most of the bars not too packed and prefer it this way really. i had no idea of what Patong was like when i first visited,but i was spared any problems because i met a girl and stayed with her for 7 days and nights. no problems from any of her collegues,i was with her and no-one encroached on her 'property'. and i find if you are hand in hand with your girl,you are less likely to be hassled by the hawkers,the girls are good at fending them off,and when i visited other bars with my girl,again the girls kept their distance. i have had a handful of bad experiences with the girls,but generally i had good times. but i think i had good luck on my first visit by hooking up with a girl for 7 days. i was able to observe how things worked and that set me up for future visits. Rockhard became a regular bar on future visits,as did Pink Panther,Playschool,Lion Bar,English Bar and Kangaroo Bar. i got to know the owners,the staff and the girls and i was treated as a friend and rarely as a punter. i've said before that i am a boring visitor and only go in the same bars. on my last trip i only ever went in 8 bars. 4 of the bars i would see previous girls,2 i never took a girl from,but went in as they were previous favourites. i agree it was mizzenmans 1st visit,and maybe the only one and it's a shame he found some things not enjoyable and it might have put him off a bit. as i said i was shown a good time on my 1st visit and returned and made more friends and then returned to see old friends and made more friends. Soi Sansabai was my favourite Soi and i saw many fine looking ladies there,but not enough time to see them all. and the Muay Thai?,used to like watching it for a while and did'nt mind the tip of 20Bt to the winner. but a story from there,on my first trip i was sitting there one night when the opening bout started and decided to have abeer for 20 mins and then move on. one of the waitresses approached me and asked me if i had a Lady?. i told her no,and she pointed out a woman and said she liked me and would i like to talk to her?. i had noticed her before and she seemed to be the boss of the girls,cajoling them and pointing them towrds waiting customers etc. i was still very naive(and a bit scared) about the ways of the town and said no,i had to leave,also i did'nt think the staff were available. this was my first incident involving a non BG who seemed to be promoting herself and i was surprised. i returned a few nigts later to see her(i was bolder now)but nothing ever happened between us. but as i said,we all have different opinions and observations to make and this is what makes this a great Forum.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 8:55 am on April 26, 2003
Hi Nokna, Loupilou and others Sorry if my FR appears to be too negative, it was not meant that way, I wish to portray what I saw and felt during my stay there last week. It is no way meant to reflect what is a wonderful part of the world, to that end it is unique and I can not match it to anywhere else I have been. I do believe from what has been posted here, and what I picked up in Phuket, that the standards of the BGs has been dropping over the past few months, and I can only compare Phuket with BKK, and there is a vast difference. In Phuket there are a few ìlookersî vying for the reduced tourist trade whilst the leftovers (Uglies) fight for what they can get. Frankly not a good situation all round and hopefully when the SARS issues abates the status quo will return until then I suggest one takes an open mind, or a BG from BKK. Hope this helps Mizz
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:37 am on April 26, 2003
M2 i hope you do not think i was having a go at you,not my style on this subject. your post might seem negative to people who have never visited Phuket before,but not to me. i have seen Phuket fall in standards during my visits. but i hope it would not put anyone off from visiting. your views are welcome,but many will disagree with your thoughts. as i said before,your idea of a looker is not mine and vice versa. and i understand the point of your portrayal of the place,girls and general ambiance. but one thing i will argue with you is the amount of 'lookers'. there are many if you explore the town.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:37 am on April 26, 2003
mizzenman2, Good post. I like your honest, up front to the point writing style. Isn't it funny how we all lurk in the background monitoring the forum for months prior to posting. It took me several months to make my first post. Anyway wellcome to the board. Looking forward to many more fine posts.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:42 am on April 26, 2003
To all Thanks for your support and constructive (underlined) critique. I am always open to this as it is part of my work, and what else is a forum for. In no way do I consider that anyone is "having a go at me" and frankly after Phuket Tailors everything else is a ìwalk in the parkî thanks for the clarity Nokna, appreciated. I do accept that I only had a snap shot at Phuket as I was only there for 6 days, and it is top of my return places when I visit Aus in a month or so time. Yes I also agree that I probably did dwell on the lack of available quality, but the next visit I will have my earlier experience to draw on, and I promise an upbeat account. In conclusion I must point out that it is on my most highly recommended places to visit and what a place to chill, as I really felt so much better after my visit. I still have a FR to complete on BKK yet so hopefully you havenít heard the last of me just yet. Mizz
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:18 am on April 26, 2003
M2 good to hear you will visit Phuket again. visit the Soi's off of Bangla and you will find some good girls,Seadragon is fun during the day. i love Patong and will always tell people to go there,when you go again i hope you find that special girl and moment. look forward to any FR's,they have been lacking lately from members. BTW,welcome to the Forum.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:56 pm on April 26, 2003
Hi everybody, Definitively, I like the way you write Nokna. Phuket is a strange place, with many many people coming there like an eldorado to try make some good money. That was easy some years before, but today, because of Sars, Iraqui war, world economic crisis, and probably because of many local problems unsolved, there are too many people for a very small piece of cake to share. By the way, there are some good bars there, some good people to meet, who will appreciate you when they will use to see you, and know you. A litle bit like everywhere no ?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:13 pm on April 26, 2003