Ok this one is for LOS residents..... What I dont really get is why 90% of this forum members either have a wife or a permanent live in GF. I mean it must seriously restrict your hobbies...and at sometime it is bound to get you in trouble (if you play with fire you have to expect to get burnt!). So why do it? 1) Sex... yeah right!! 2) Maid, chef, bag carrier - just hire one!! 3) Companionship. Let's face it limited real conversation with a TG (even if you speak ok Thai or she speaks ok english) 4) Kids. Well I'll accept that one!! Just what am I missing out on??
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:34 am on April 24, 2004
no have, no need, tiger. still would like to have a kid or two. I am still looking for the perfect mother. rtb
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:45 am on April 24, 2004
I think if you have to ask the question, you will never know
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:51 am on April 24, 2004
Sorry I`m not one of the 90% of the forum married,dont have a tgf at the moment ( Pooky where are you ). Why do I do it ? cause I cant help myself,hehehehe. Anyway why such a question ? S05..
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 2:03 am on April 24, 2004
Abrak........"Just what am I missing out on??" Don't know. What have YOU got? If you tell us what you have, we can better advise you of what you are missing...... Post your list here.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:11 am on April 24, 2004
Why ask? Well it seems to me that a lot of people who visit Thailand would like nothing more than to move here and shack up with some BG/TG they have met. It seems to me that a lot of people who move here very quickly end up living with or marrying a BG/TG they have met. In both cases I think they are probably bringing some western values here that probably dont apply and that, after some time, they are going to regret this decision. In other words, I suspect that for those living in LOS marrying a TG/BG may well just be a rookie (newbie) error. I am, of course, making a huge generalisation here... and one which doesnt apply in many cases... I guess I am trying to justify my advice to a friend who has been here 3 months and just got engaged!!
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:18 am on April 24, 2004
Quote: from Abrak on 7:18 am on April 24, 2004 I suspect that for those living in LOS marrying a TG/BG may well just be a rookie (newbie) error.
I'd say quite the opposite, I do not have personal experience of any bad marriages in LOS, couple of failures in the UK, and they were both the guys fault. Keep the generalisations coming.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:25 am on April 24, 2004
OK. Your mate has got engaged,so what ? Is she a bar girl ? is she a good girl ie not a worker ? To your friend, it does not matter ok,if he is happy good luck to him It comes down to one thing, its his life and if it its the rd he wants to go down well so be it. If the girl is a bit dodgy,get the proof and get a third party to present it to him, that way you keep your friendship. But at the end of the day, well good luck to him I hope it works Its a big world. S05..
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:29 am on April 24, 2004
the novelty wears off within time. sometimes reality bites. I very seldom go out nowadays. just stay home with my teddies. rtb
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:30 am on April 24, 2004
Abrak..."...a rookie (newbie) error...." Any chance you mean 'mistake'? Do you also mean that you gave your friend advice and now you are asking members of this forum to give you back up? Do you have experience yourself? Have you been trained in psychology? Do you have long term experience in the cross-cultural marital condition? No? Gee, if I was your friend I would probably tell you to f_ck off. Has he?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:38 am on April 24, 2004