Quote: from bingo629 on 6:35 pm on Nov. 16, 2008 sounds to me that he knows exactly what he wants but does not want anyone else to know? direct him to Casanovas at Nana Daffy: A few years back, another friend admitted to me that he went out on his first night in BKK to Patpong. He chose the "hottest" girl and brought her back to his hotel -- Only to discover about twenty minutes into the ‘act’, that it was a LB. It took my friend sometime to admit the error. I explained to him that his was not the first and surely not the last time this would happen. That is why, I like to take out newbie’s myself, to show them the "ropes". However, they think they know better...
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:53 pm on Nov. 16, 2008
Quote: from Pegasus1 on 8:43 am on Nov. 17, 2008 A few years back, another friend admitted to me that he went out on his first night in BKK to Patpong. He chose the "hottest" girl and brought her back to his hotel -- Only to discover about twenty minutes into the ‘act’, that it was a LB. It took my friend sometime to admit the error. I explained to him that his was not the first and surely not the last time this would happen. That is why, I like to take out newbie’s myself, to show them the "ropes". However, they think they know better...
ROTFLOL! Glad to see that this is yet another tradition - this has happened to several friends of mine that I have brought along over the years. Each time, it's almost like the same script played out. - they all knew better - they all ended up in Patpong - they all ended up in King's Castle III - they were all convinces the tall shy girls with big hands and feet were gorgeous girls. - they all realized the truth later This is especially true for first time visitors, who all decide they need no guidance
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:55 pm on Nov. 16, 2008
Was the pussy naturally wet, or did it require artificial lubrication? They can't fake that, yet, can they?
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:57 pm on Nov. 16, 2008
Quote: from quack quack on 1:49 pm on Nov. 17, 2008 The pussy was so well formed that I think that it had been surgically re-made.
Sorry, I never saw surgery forming anything more beautiful than the average result of mother nature... not boobs, not noses, not chins, cheeks, eyelids, asses or...pussies I guess... I once saw a post-op trans pussy (in Europe)... I just don't want to see that ever again... Lollipop gogo in NEP has a LB with an ass job done... Most terrible thing I have ever seen in LOS...
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 3:19 am on Nov. 17, 2008
Quote: from quack quack on 8:46 pm on Nov. 17, 2008 Good aesthetic surgery is never discernable.
Yeah, maybe you're right and I just don't recognize the good result and take the medium or bad results for the whole range of possible results...
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:20 am on Nov. 17, 2008
People only react to bad plastic surgery, as that's the surgery you notice
Quote: from quack quack on 6:25 pm on Nov. 17, 2008 but, a pussy can be wet because the girl has showered & washed that area.
Not enough to lubricate.
Quote: from quack quack on 8:46 pm on Nov. 17, 2008 Thinking back, I’m now convinced that the pussy was fake as the condom broke, implying that there was insufficient lubrication.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:11 pm on Nov. 17, 2008
Quack Quack... "Thinking back, I’m now convinced that the pussy was fake as the condom broke, implying that there was insufficient lubrication. " I guess that is where the term "smoking hole" came from....... there are times when I swear I am pumping so fast and hard in a dry pussy that the condom is burning.....
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:50 pm on Nov. 17, 2008
Joe Wood
So that was you in Soi Cowboy the other night with all the girls looking at the mini-fire-extinguisher poking out from your trousers. Is it an old-fashioned plain water dispensing one or one that emits a sort of foamy froth to douse the flames ?
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:53 am on Nov. 18, 2008
a little old man walks into a brothel & picks out a good-lookin' young lass & takes her up to the room when the young lady comes out of the shower there's the man with noseplugs & earplugs in she is ready to laugh but holds back her laughter to ask the frail little old man what he's got the plugs in for "if there's two things is this World I can't stand, it's Burnin' Rubber & Screamin' Women !!"
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:37 pm on Nov. 19, 2008
I would like your input on this... I know two TG's for over three years. They work in a pretty upscale club. On occasion I have paid their 'bar fine' took them out for both long and ST. I of course compensated them, because they slept with me. Recently, I was very busy and told these two ladies I would be unable to spend the evening with them (I had to go to the factories at 5:00 AM both days I was in BKK). However, I wanted to see them, so I invited them to a beautiful dinner at 5:30 (before they had to report for work at 9:00. It was expensive and I told them to dress up, as this would be a beautiful treat for them. After dinner I wished them well and told them I would see them in a few weeks, when I returned to BKK. They immediately turned to me and asked for money as though I had bar fined them etc. I thought this was rude, as I took them out, before work - and just wanted to treat them nicely. Was I wrong? Do they deserve compensation, if I treat them to dinner?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:33 pm on Nov. 19, 2008