The last four post hit the spot for me. I have good reason to be bitter from my Thai marriage. Maybe the same thing has happened to the SCT poster? (I must admit some of the points made are very relevant but its the general dismissive tone that gets me down even after a bad time I have met some girls that ease the pain) I am a sex tourist ! What's the alternative ? Sitting in the pub crying over my beer with the rest of the lonely males in the bar ?? There is a certain hypocracy here. I have as yet never met a BG/go-go who has pretended to be anything other than what she is. Different deal in the West. Same product, different packaging and presentation. Typical middle class thing though = we do the same as you but never admit it !
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:43 am on Jan. 5, 2003
That stain must be, B1's adopted daddy. You can tell neither one of them has had pussy from anything since pussy had them!!!! Maby i'm a sex tourist, dont know. If I am it's only in LOS. Maby there are other places one can go, but I dont want to go to any other place. So f_ck him in his tight little virgin ass till blood runs from his nose. Mr Hollyer than thou prick. He even said " The Honurable Stickman" can you believe that shit, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:41 pm on Jan. 5, 2003
Sometimes we can find few nice flowers in the heart of the BG environment but this is very unlikely. Just my two cents.... NOKNA, I agree.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:27 am on Jan. 6, 2003
I suppose it rather depends on how you define a ënice flowerí. Personally, Iíve met plenty of Thai BGs who were/are delightful company ñ sweet, amusing, beautifully-mannered and feminine beyond all hope. There may be more charming women on the planet, but I have yet to meet them. I donít think BGs of this type are especially difficult to find. Of course, thereís no shortage of horrors as well. I can well believe that a long-term relationship or marriage with most of these girls would be a disaster. But then Iíve met plenty of ëregularí Western women who were/are also delightful company in a different way - well-educated, intelligent, challenging and funny. Iíd expect a long-term relationship or marriage with most of those to be a disaster too. But thatís no reason to dismiss them all contemptuously as ëdamaged goodsí. That case is also arguable in general terms, but at the end of the day you relate to individuals and not stereotypes.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:59 am on Jan. 6, 2003
The Machine
I don't think the tenor of the article in question is to denigrate the girls rather it is to point out the difficulties involved in forming a successful relationship with a women from a different culture ,probably lower educational background,often age gap, and the obvious psychological problems inherited from being involved as a worker in the sex scene. These problems are real and the obstacles are enormous.Of course a successful realtionship is possible but most people despite all the good intentions on both sides are unlikely to be successful in this regard. The litany of failed relationships are testament to this fact. The article is meant as a warning and people will make their own conclusions no doubt. Up to you!!!!
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:09 am on Jan. 6, 2003
If the guy is serious, gets the girl away from bad influences, i.e. out of Bangkok, or preferably out of Thailand, and they have a bit more in common than just sex, I think a relationship with a TG, regardless of her background, has as much chance of working as with any other race - but like anything, it takes a bit on both sides, and sure, important you learn some of the culture, ways of thinking, and not only visit the odd temple, but understand why ! - just my 2 bobs worth !!
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:35 am on Jan. 6, 2003
The gospel according to me. This gut does make some valid point, but does generalises far too much IMHO Opinion the reason why so many relationships between Farrangs and Thai girls fail is because A.The culture gap B.The age gap And these are the problems after they have to overcome after the vast language barrier. Such relationships would struggle anywhere in the world. I have a Thai girl friend who has a Uni degree and a decent office job. One day she introduced me to her best friend whom she met in Uni. Her friend Nong was a very nice person who loved my GF like a sister and therefore felt it important to make friends with me because of this. Whilst in Uni my GF and Nong worked shifts at a factory so they had enough money to pay for their education. As both girls are v pretty it would have been a lot less time consuming to work in Thermae or Beergarden as a lot of Uni girls do. Anyone meeting Nong at this time would consider her a great catch. Sweet girl with no silver spoon in her mouth who would rather work hard in a factory than sell herself. Unfortunately Nong family ran into financial difficulty (by there own fault reading between the lines) so Nong was pressured to quit Uni and earn quick money in a bar. She is currently living in Europe with her BF whom she met in a bar. Will this relationship work out. Not a chance. Her English is still quite poor, her master of her BF&'
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:09 am on Jan. 6, 2003