Thai women are masters at manipulating reality to suit their needs and will tell you anything or deny everything, whichever is convenient to them. They are so damn good at selling a fantasy that I’m surprised Disney Corporation hasn’t employed them en masse in their Disneyland Park Centres. Have you lot noticed how they use stock phrases such as: “Me luv u mak mak” “I miss you too much” “I wait to you come back to Thailand” “Mama & Papa very happy you my teerak. jaaaaaa!” And these are coming from regular working class girls and not BGs as they are beyond pale and one would expect such cynical tactics from them. What one cannot fail to notice in Thailand is that for Thais, appearance & illusion is paramount and why would they have to bother for such insignificant things as reality, truth, and honesty? Better leave these crazy ideals to falangs, after all they are our portable ATM machines, aren’t they? – just press the right buttons at the right time and voila’ fresh crispy readies materialize out of nothing. Next time I go to Thailand I’ll tell my work mates that Disney World has opened up a new amusement park in Bangkok – a far fetched statement? I don’t think so………………. Sarge
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 5:47 am on April 1, 2004
I don't agree, I am totally convinced that all the TG's that have told me they Love me really truly believe it in their heart that they love me! After all I am such a lovable guy! So there!
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:05 am on April 1, 2004
Are you a Disneyland Park's season ticket holder, par chance? Sarge
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 6:16 am on April 1, 2004
Quote: from Sarge on 6:47 pm on April 1, 2004 Thai women are masters at manipulating reality to suit their needs and will tell you anything or deny everything, whichever is convenient to them. They are so damn good at selling a fantasy that I’m surprised Disney Corporation hasn’t employed them en masse in their Disneyland Park Centres. Have you lot noticed how they use stock phrases such as: “Me luv u mak mak” “I miss you too much” “I wait to you come back to Thailand” “Mama & Papa very happy you my teerak. Jaaaaaa” And these are coming from regular working class girls and not BGs as they are beyond pale and one would expect such cynic tactics from them. What one cannot fail to notice in Thailand is that for Thais, appearance & illusion is paramount and why would they have to bother for such insignificant things as reality, truth, and honesty? Better leave these crazy ideals to falangs, after all they are our portable ATM machine, aren’t they? – just press the right buttons at the right time and voila’ fresh crispy readies materialize out of nothing. Next time I go to Thailand I’ll tell my work mates that Disney World has opened up a new amusement park in Bangkok – a far fetched statement? I don’t think so………………. Sarge
The few 'Hi-So' Thai people I know complain about the same things. They reckon it's holding the country back and they will in the future be unable to compete with the rest of Asia let alone the rest of the World. The Thais have this culture among themselves as not to be too good at anything as it is considered impolite. During the rare occasions I have had an insight into the higher levels of Thai society I get this feeling the younger generation want to progress and get away from the toadying system of old. I think Thaksin is trying to address this (I could be wrong) but he is not going about it the right way. He tries to please everybody but ends up upsetting everyone. Perhaps if he started at grass roots level and improved not only education but the WAY things are taught (no more copy copy by rote) he could then leave the status quo as it is and let the next generations change things with their education. But by then he will have retired and not get the credit ?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:20 am on April 1, 2004
Quote: from Sarge on 8:16 pm on April 1, 2004 Are you a Disneyland Park's season ticket holder, par chance? Sarge
Who told you, I have a gold plated Life Time Pass!
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:03 am on April 1, 2004
Quote: from Hermanolobo on 3:20 pm on April 1, 2004 The Thais have this culture among themselves as not to be too good at anything as it is considered impolite.
WHAT??? Are you TOTALLY blind? Your "...not too good at anything" Thais have only created: * The only small nation in Asia to have successfully fought off colonization in modern history, * A complete culture that is overall one of the richest in the world, * An architectural heritage, both ancient and contemporary that is world renowned, * An ethnic cuisine that is now being recognized worldwide for its unique richness, * Ethnic classical music and theatre that ranks with the best anywhere, * Master craftsmen in all the arts, * Medical facilities that rank with the best, and at reasonable prices, with plastic surgery better than most of the best, * The most desired travel destination in the world (1) (and that's in addition to P4P), * The most desired hotels and restaurants in the world (1), * The most desired spas in the world (1), * World leading tourism, silk, and food export industry, among many others, * Etc., etc., etc. Sheesh... (Note 1: Travel & Leisure Magazine)
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:02 am on April 1, 2004
Vancouver Jay
Nope. - Thailand didn't fight off colonization as much as they were rejected for it. France and Britain recognized the value of a buffer state. - The borders of the Thai state were largely set by France and Britain as regards the portions of Laos west of the Naam Mae Khong and the southern provinces respectively. - The location of the Thai capital was largely determined by the militarily superior Burmese. - The local faith, writing system and high culture are all borrowed. - The architectural heritage is far more a matter of intricate ornamentation than any novelities in construction. - The complete culture is constructed from concepts and practices originating elsewhere. - Master craftsmen? Maybe, but the world no longer runs on bamboo mats and ceramic urns. Thai labor is far less efficient than almost any other manufacturing pool in the world for the things the modern world wants and needs.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:56 pm on April 1, 2004
WHAT??? Are you TOTALLY blind? Your "...not too good at anything" Thais have only created: * The only small nation in Asia to have successfully fought off colonization in modern history, *** Actually they never fought: they just started prostituting themself from the very beginning while other countries where spilling blood for their freedom from the colonial powers.... * A complete culture that is overall one of the richest in the world, *** Indian+Chinese+Khmer+Burmese influences....enough to say that the Ramakien is the Thai version of the Ramayana..... * An architectural heritage, both ancient and contemporary that is world renowned, ***The real good heritages are less than a dozen....and half of them belongs to the Khmer civilization....World renowned are the Pyramids, The Great Wall, the Eiffel Tower, the Colosseum..... * An ethnic cuisine that is now being recognized worldwide for its unique richness, ***That's true, it ranks 3rd in the world as popularity * Ethnic classical music and theatre that ranks with the best anywhere, ***The "local" folk production is taken from other cultures and it's too insignificant to compare with the Chinese or Japanese or Indian folk.... * Master craftsmen in all the arts, ***Good in handicrafts.....I still have to see a David or a Monalisa made in Thailand.... * Medical facilities that rank with the best, and at reasonable prices, with plastic surgery better than most of the best, ***3/4 hospitals in Bangkok are of international standards, but no doubt those are not benchmarks for the rest of the world! * The most desired travel destination in the world (1) (and that's in addition to P4P), *** Spain, France, Italy are the top tree...Thailand is number 10th or so..... * The most desired hotels and restaurants in the world (1), ***Good hotels with good services but, left alone the Oriental, all the others are ok but they lack in the charme and in the traditions of the hotels in Europe... * The most desired spas in the world (1), ***Good spas based on Asian traditional treatments only * World leading tourism, silk, and food export industry, among many others, ***Good in exploiting the natural resources but they still have to develope some sort of innovative industry.... * Etc., etc., etc. Sheesh... (Note 1: Travel & Leisure Magazine) Let's not forget that when Columbus was navigating around the world, Thais were still hanging on the trees......
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:26 pm on April 1, 2004