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Hey brother BK, finally a voice of reason. I have read this thread several times now and I still can't get over how little regard some people have for some of their fellow human beings. I hope you'll forgive me Jedi Master if I end up starting a shit storm here but I just can't sit here and read phrases like "classic market dynamics", "supply and demand", "paying retail", "consumer reports", etc. being used to refer to the ladies in LOS who find themselves involved in the Pay for Play business.                                                                            I may be wrong here but just because these ladies have found themselves in the position of having to "rent" themselves out for money, whether by choice or by circumstance, doesn't mean that they suddenly have stopped being FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS!                                                                              Don't get me wrong. I'm not some self rightious, bible thumper preaching against sin. I have no problem with any brother wishing to partake of the nightlife or the ladies in LOS. They are providing a very needed service and they are doing what they can to make it in this world just like the rest of us, but come on guys. These are people, not commodities to be traded on the stock exchange.                                                                          After reading some of the comments on this thread I wasn't sure whether we were talking about Thai ladies or pork belly futures. By my estimate from things I've read on other web sites there are approximately 200,000 to 500,000 Thai ladies in the Pay for Play business throughout Thailand. Approx. half a million women "renting" their bodies for money, and quite a few because they don't have any other choice if they want to earn enough money to pay their bills and take care of their children and families. Is this really how they should be thought of.                                                                                       Again let me state that I have nothing against any brother partaking of the ladies charms for the night or a few hours. I happen to believe in a womans right to do what she chooses with her own body as long as she isn't causing harm to someone else. And by the same token because it's her body she should have the right to set the price that she chooses to "rent" it for.                                                                                     There are a lot of ladies available in LOS guys and the concept of supply and demand doesn't even come close to entering into the conversation. Why? Because all those ladies that you see at the farang bars and clubs are only a small portion of the Pay for Play business in Thailand. Actually all of the ladies in the Pay for Play business in Bangkok are only a very small portion of what's available throughout all of Thailand. There are more ladies available outside of Bangkok than inside. The majority of the ladies in the Pay for Play business you'll probably never see because they mainly cater to Thai men.                                                                                   Even still the number of Thai ladies available to farangs will always be more then enough to meet demand so if one lady won't accept your offer then the next one will. So unless you're extremely picky about the type of Thai lady that you want to spend time with ( In which case you may have to work a little harder and ask maybe 10 ladies before you get a yes instead of 3 ) then I don't think you'll have too much trouble finding someone willing to spend time with you for the price you're willing to pay.                                                                                    Have fun in LOS guys. See the sights ( Yes guys, there is actually a whole lot more to do in Thailand then banging babes ). Enjoy the great food and the excellent weather ( Yes I know it's monsoon season there ) and try to think about this. Some people may pay a bit more to spend time with the ladies which can cause the prices to go up for the rest of us. That may or may not be bad, but I can tell you what would definitely be bad. Having all those beautiful ladies look at us and the only words going through their minds is CHEAP CHARLIE. Now that would definitely ruin it for the rest of us.                                                                                      BK, thanks for posing a question that should have been asked a long time ago. It's just a shame that the Jedi Master himself had to be the one to ask it when you would have thought one of us apprentice Jedi's would have thought of it before now. Say hi to Yoda for us. Peace

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:46 pm on Sep. 14, 2002
See my post on Newbie Questions for my views on this matter. Its not a case of economics just human decency.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:11 pm on Sep. 15, 2002
Deleted Member
Hey, here is my piddly two cents... ÝI am one who travels to Thailand FOR BARGAIN BASEMENT PRICES on ALL goods including women. ÝI can stay here in the USA and take a woman out on $80-150 a night. ÝI may not get spoon fed my tom yam, but I do get what I am really after... ÝEventually... ÝNo matter how nicely they act and such the prostitutes in the world over still look at this as a business and I DO TOO! ÝNow should I expect a speech to them from all of you self righteous moralists who persist to put your vies on this board as law as to how they are money hungry mercenaries? ÝI think not, to each their own. ÝSorry, the only law regarding pussy can be found in Amsterdam and Vegas (and possibly other places) where taxes are also levied! ÝI think that you must first establish why you are in LOS. ÝIf you are there to have that once or thrice yearly vacation and you have money to burn then fine pay 3000 for ST not a problem with me! ÝHowever if you are the budget traveller, have done your research properly, know what 100 baht will buy upcountry and put a certain amont of reward based on performance than I think you can truly determine that 3000 is WAY too much for a woman who at the end of the day will be just fine with 1000k for ST. ÝHowever, there is something to say for those Japanese men and such paying such exhorbitant prices... ÝI know of one girl handing me my money back because her English boyfriend is putting her up and giving her a monthly stipend which I can not come even close to paying her. ÝSo he is her provider and I am her sex toy... ÝIf not for him I might be forced to pay her. ÝThey make it easier for me to secure the low prices on the nights they do not have a client because they know these folks exist. ÝHey when you bargain you must go to a few stores, compare prices and determine what the market rate is and try to BEAT that rate. ÝSome nights you come up with freebies some nights you are forced to sleep alone or pay 2k ST. ÝThe beauty of it all??? ÝIt is gender differences being settled in a free market society. ÝThe amount you pay is determined by how good you are at PLAYING THE GAME! Ý(or how much you may have in the bank!) ÝI am willing to pay 500-1000 for ST and 1000-1500 for LT under most circumstances. ÝTo those who think I am cheap, Ýthanx for the freebies!


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:06 pm on Sep. 15, 2002
Truly you have the soul of an accountant, I bet you count how many strokes you take to get off and then work out how much it was per stroke.

Why not just discover masturbation and cit out the middleperson?

What an asshole!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 2:46 pm on Sep. 15, 2002
BTW women are never "goods" and if you think they are you are truly reprehensible. Truly worthy of opprobrium. Go haggle over something else, preferably far far away, you bazaari scum.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:49 pm on Sep. 15, 2002
Mykal - good to know you don't mind if people think your "cheap" - yep that's what you are )

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:56 pm on Sep. 15, 2002
Deleted Member
Whitespider...  Not at all!  I define me, no one else!  

I do what works for me and am apologetic to NO ONE about it.  


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:13 pm on Sep. 15, 2002
Deleted Member
BTW I am an accountant!  I don't count strokes just my baht!  

I discovered masturbation long ago.  I prefer Thailand when I can afford it.  When I can't, I go to the club and hope to hook up with a cutie.  If all else fails masturbation is still on the menu and yes to my much to my delight,  it is free!


Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:17 pm on Sep. 15, 2002
you don't pay yourself 500 for for a HJ?.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:39 pm on Sep. 15, 2002
Deleted Member
I can't afford it...  


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:41 pm on Sep. 15, 2002

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