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good to see a newbie member of the forum saying what should be said about getting the thread back on track.
good work fella.
but it has been fun to see the fighting.....thanks guys and gals for the laughs  

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:59 pm on Aug. 12, 2003
hello all

 I really don;t see what the big deal is to those who preech the use of condoms. If has they say they use a condom correctly 100% of the time then why are they at that high of a risk??? Seems they are safe so why preech to the ones who choose to take the risk when it comes to wearing or not??? Does these same people preech to a guy that choses not to wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle or smokeing drinkin or any other risky behivior you can think of. Plenty of medical personall would highly advise to ot drinking or smokeing but these behivers I see has no different then barebacking. The riding without a helmet is out of these 4 ex the only one with a instant chance of death but I bet all or most take off on the back of a mophead or tuk tuk without even thinking.
It all comes down to this Everyone will die of something You do what you can to a point to prolong this FACT as long has you feel nessassary But eventually it will get you. while your all worriing about what you can catch cause your condom broke you all better watch where you are walking while doing it cause a bus is comeing to hit you if your not careful

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 3:55 pm on Aug. 12, 2003

If has they say they use a condom correctly 100% of the time then why are they at that high of a risk??

I kind of agree with you. ÝI take the view that ultimately I am responsible for MY sexual well-being and my sexual partners are responsible for their well-being. ÝBarring something like the condom breaking, then it doesn't really matter to me if my partner had unprotected sex previously or not. Ý I automatically assume they did. Ý (not meaning I don't trust men, just meaning, my heath is too big a thing to gamble on). Ý

However... the risk of the condom breaking does then expose me to his unprotected adventures... so I guess thats why people people preach the condom message so often.

Sure, it would be a safer world if everybody wore a condom all of the time (well, I mean all of the time whilst having sex. lol)... but it would also be a safer world if everybody adhered to the speed limits all of the time - safer, yes, but not realistic. Ý

What I really don't agree with (although you didn't say this) is the notion that many other people hold I have to be responsible for someone elses health. ÝNope, I look after me and it's up to my partenrs to lookafter themselves.

Now having said all that... I think condomless sex with a near stranger is completely insane... but I find lots of risks that people take on a daily basis equally insane. Ý

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:08 pm on Aug. 12, 2003
X, well said!
B4Bangkok, if you don't wear a helmet you are putting YOURSELF in danger. If you smoke or drink, again you are putting YOURSELF in danger.
The fundamental difference here is that with unprotected sex with a prostitute you are not only putting yourself, but a female (or male) who is satisfying your sexual desires IN DANGER.

Please forgive me, I'm only trying to make the world a better place!!!!!! Is that a crime?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 4:45 pm on Aug. 12, 2003
I take the view that ultimately I am responsible for MY sexual well-being and my sexual partners are responsible for their well-being.

Then you would have to tell every new partner that you had unprotected sex and not checked yourself for HIV since. If not the partner can not consider the risk fairly.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:24 pm on Aug. 12, 2003
The fundamental difference here is that with unprotected sex with a prostitute you are not only putting yourself, but a female (or male) who is satisfying your sexual desires IN DANGER.

Wrong. They are putting themselves in danger, and that is their choice. Are these women mentally impaired? Are you using coercion to get them to not use a condom? If not, let them make their own decisions. To assume that we, as farang customers, are capable of deciding to not use a condom, but that they are not is patronizing and offensive. If you refuse to admit that the girls are ever capable of making their own decisions on whether to use a condom, then they are certainly not mentally competent to choose to rent their bodies to you for the night. To believe otherwise is awfully convenient.

Tell me, can I buy a drink for a bargirl? I certainly shouldn't buy her alcohol as that will impair her decision making ability and is very damaging to her health in the long run. I certainly don't want to be responsible for that. As an educated westerner I should know better than these farm girls about the dangers of alcoholism and should not encourage such behavior.

And don't you think the bargirls would be better off if all their customers used condoms for BJs? In fact, why stop at prostitutes? It should be immoral to ever get a BJ without wearing a condom (outside of a long-term monogamous relationship).

But wait, there are certainly a lot of dangers involved in prostitution, in general. There is often an enormous emotional and physical toll. To be part of this scene at all is the ultimate in hypocrisy.

Please forgive me, I'm only trying to make the world a better place!!!!!! Is that a crime?

No, but it should be. There are many like you who feel the need to protect others from themselves, whether it is drinking, smoking, gambling, prostitution, seat-belts, even fricking lawn-darts. In your last post you complained about the "self-righteous", but you are self-righteousness epitomized.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:11 pm on Aug. 12, 2003
Then you would have to tell every new partner that you had unprotected sex and not checked yourself for HIV since. If not the partner can not consider the risk fairly.

No, the default assumption should be that your partner has had unprotected sex with others. If they want more info they would ask. I don't know which bargirls you know, but very few that I've met are going to assume that their customers are virgins. On the other hand if you've misled them in some way to get them to put their guard down, then that would be different. I'm sure all of Nokna's girls know that he is a big butterfly (and that he rarely uses condoms).

The safest thing would be for each partner to give full disclosure on their sexual history, but that isn't realistic (and you would be wise not to believe it completely anyway). Of course, to use that info "fairly" you'd also need a degree in probability.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:22 pm on Aug. 12, 2003
hello all

 Well Champoo said most of what I was thinking as a responds to dodgey. are the girls not the least bit responsable for themselves. Since second hand smoke as been proven to cause healt problems in other SMOKEING would effect far more innocent people then about anything else.

X another option to protect yourself  is to not have sex  at all. Even with a condom sex is risky and your responsable for the outcome of it. The condom could break so you know the risks going into it.
Just like every time you climb into a car take a plane ride or even a shower theres a risk of possable injuryior death. Only thing you can do it take measures to try to prevent or lower the risk of anything happening

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:53 pm on Aug. 12, 2003
Sir Rimalot
well it seems that after me pointing out the obvious and getting flamed for it... the thread has been brought back on track... job done I think...

I harbour no animosity towards any fellow board members who posted an unfreindly reply to me..

regards and rock on..

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:58 pm on Aug. 12, 2003
Just like every time you climb into a car take a plane ride or even a shower theres a risk of possable injuryior death.

And, of course, every time you get in a car you are not just risking your own life but also the lives of everyone else on the road (and sometimes the sidewalk).

The only moral choice is to never drive.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:14 pm on Aug. 12, 2003

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