China Sailor
DG, Believe the WHO? They were the same folks that said I would surely get SARS if I traveled to China (which I did several times), meanwhile a Philipina nurse I know contracted SARS in Toranto after the WHO bowed to US pressure and declared it SARS free. Given their track record lately, I would read any report they wrote with a little skepticism...
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:09 am on Aug. 14, 2003
haam sup
Quote: from China Sailor on 10:09 pm on Aug. 14, 2003 DG, Believe the WHO? ÝThey were the same folks that said I would surely get SARS if I traveled to China (which I did several times), meanwhile a Philipina nurse I know contracted SARS in Toranto after the WHO bowed to US pressure and declared it SARS free. Given their track record lately, I would read any report they wrote with a little skepticism...
Would that be Toranto, Texas? ÝBecause, if you meant Toronto, the last time I looked, it was in that silly little country north of the US, called...Canada. ÝWhy would the US pressure anyone to declare a foreign city SARS-free? haam sup
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:23 am on Aug. 14, 2003
There is many reports that oralsex is very low risk for HIV. Here is one from Aidsmeds.com: NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Among men who have sex with men (MSM), the risk of contracting HIV associated with fellatio is extremely low, California researchers report in the November 22nd issue of AIDS. "HIV infection through receptive oral sex is a very rare event--statistically our study showed a probability of zero--and is rarer than HIV infection through receptive anal intercourse using a condom," lead author Dr. Kimberly Page-Shafer said in a press statement. Dr. Page-Shafer, from the University of California San Francisco, and colleagues collected data on 239 MSM who had engaged exclusively in fellatio in the past 6 months. The median number of partners over that period was three, 98% had engaged in unprotected fellatio and 28% had a partner who was HIV-positive. No case of recent HIV infection was detected, the researchers report. Dr. Page-Shafer's team calculates that the estimated population-attributable risk percentage for HIV ranged from 0.18% with one partner to 0.31% with three partners. "If you compare our group, which practiced oral sex exclusively, with men who engaged in receptive anal intercourse from the same test sites during a similar time period--and considering both those who reported using protection and those who did not--you find significant HIV transmission even among those who used protection during receptive anal intercourse," Dr. Page-Shafer said. Dr. Page-Shafer added that "although this study is the first to systematically define the risk, case reports exist of HIV infection acquired through oral contact. While rare, acquiring HIV infection orally is possible and many other sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis are transmitted orally." Nonetheless, the investigators argue that counselors should inform sexually active clients of the very low risk associated with oral sex. If people believe fellatio is as risky as anogenital sex, they "may not feel that sexual behavior choices make a difference;" in fact, choice of sexual practice does matter. 1 in 60 or 1 in 23 is BS. It had to come from DG.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:46 am on Aug. 14, 2003
naughty naughty Haam Sup..... but a good spot,i like it
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:53 pm on Aug. 14, 2003
ups! chompoo is back!!! i have just been away for 4 days and this thread has tripled in size with the help of "mr. monologue chompoo"! anyway welcome back to the forum!
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:10 pm on Aug. 14, 2003
I was in Bangkok/Pattaya from April 3-14 and I used a condom for intercourse for all except one girl that I spent 5 days with. BB'ing for oral was a given 99% of the time except for a girl that I met my last night in Bangkok. I saw her outside the Tony Roma's restaurant across from the Landmark Hotel. She was about 25 yrs old , dark brown hair, long, in a red dress, Ývery thin and very pretty . ÝThe reason I'm mentioning this is because I do a thorough check of a woman's body before anything happens- She had warts the size of pencil erasers- so beware on those you BB with-- I was still understanding of her situation, gave her 1000 Baht and told her to go. I tried to tell her of the WARTS but she did not understand me at all. ÝThe diseases are out there - everyone gets there turn , unfortunately. Ý But some 'live' to f_ck again and some DIE, literally !!!!
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:36 pm on Aug. 14, 2003
dirty guru
go for it boys!......sure i was just jossing, (dont say you wasnt warned) the reports are valid and were in world health organization press......The risk is small one in 60 if she is hiv, ....the figures this other guy mentioned ) 0.18% was dealing with main..stream only so many 28% had Hiv in that out dated studY..
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:52 pm on Aug. 14, 2003
Yeah, Go got it boys!!!!! YEEEEE-HAAAAAAA!
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:27 am on Aug. 15, 2003
What I meant to say was......Go for it boys!! YEE-HAA (What a twat!)
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:30 am on Aug. 15, 2003