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wookie is right - some of you (us) need to get a grip on reality. the sex is a steal at 2k and the difference is nothing to us but a whole lot to the girl. they're not on the game for the love of sex for f_ck's sake...

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:26 am on Nov. 6, 2002
Speak for yourself.  I like my money.  I like to go down on Sukhumvit between 0400-0600 when the girls are waiting for the buses.   If you like the 4-7s (which I find warmer, nicer, more passionate, and playful).  They will easily do ST for 2-300 and LT (all day-they will just sleep and your place before they go out to work again) for 5-600.  Peice of Lotus cake.  Oh yea.  Be very polite, clean, goofy, and respectful.  These four behaviors will get your cock very far in LOS.


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:12 am on Nov. 7, 2002
Bang Cock Mack 25
If you think a saving of less than 500 bath compensates hanging out at a bus stop hell of late, go ahead... Don't be to stingy with those poor little girls! They are trying hard to make a living.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:19 am on Nov. 7, 2002
A week ago I had a terrific TG from Grace for Baht 1000 LT. If she would have asked me for Baht 1500 I would have gone along, as well.

I have never paid more than Baht 1500 for a freelancer. I never give them any money for the taxi, instead I give them some of the agreed price in small money.

I think that it might help if you are goodlooking and treat the TGs nice before you ask the rate, to get them for Baht 1000.

Even if the TGs do not ask me for money, which happened to me, I do always give them something at least Baht 1000.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 4:44 am on Nov. 7, 2002
Deleted Member
i think its the right thing to do , to pay at least 1000 Bath for the service..but some of you are just amazing in how far you would go to save another 'dime'

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:58 am on Nov. 7, 2002
Deleted Member
passionate, btw i have just visited your homepage and was looking trough the my amazement i found a section called man...
Just to check i have clicked on one of the photographs and damn they are young..too young i are not one of those guys R you ?!

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:45 am on Nov. 7, 2002

i think its the right thing to do , to pay at least 1000 Bath for the service..but some of you are just amazing in how far you would go to save another 'dime'

Why do you care how people choose to spend their time? Some people enjoy shopping for hours just to find a bargain. It's none of your business.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:05 pm on Nov. 7, 2002
Ý To wookie and lvpygmy ;
I tend to base my pay scale at 1k which I believe to be a credible amount . Ý I also would guess that neither of you Ýhave Ýmuch experience in ÝLos, but merely choose to think you do by having a say here. Ý If your'e willing , satisfied and are able ,you may prefer to give more or less granted the outcome .
I however don't believe either of you to set the standards as to what be acceptable Ýto be given nor Ýshould Ýhave reason to ridicule . Our experiences will all differ as well as Ýthe believed necessary gratitude which is deemed proper. braut1Ý

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:38 am on Nov. 8, 2002
Deleted Member
entry mistake (please remove Mod)

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:54 am on Nov. 8, 2002
Deleted Member

All i was saying that 1000Bath for me personaly is the lowest i would go..
They might be girls for pleasure and lust but that doesnt mean i need to treat them like shit. And i am sorry to being everything for the girls..they find it important...why pay less then ?
and Braut, before you start talking like the Bangkok Guru and tell me if i have a say or not on this board..tsk tsk tsk. (another victim of the Ubermensch syndrom...) you might wanne have your facts straight..i didnt set a standard..i merely called him a cheap bastard...if that is ok with you ?!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:56 am on Nov. 8, 2002

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