Amazing “individual” Carnal relations with steer Sickie freak Comedian Clown Hilarious vanguard kind of guy Brave dude Straight shooter Pathetic f*** One that should be disemboweled Windbag Person in exile Angry person
Quote: from RodneyAnsellEsq on 7:37 pm on Oct. 17, 2006 So many white knights in one thread...oh the shame.
And now we can add racist to the list. Who said all these posters were white? Is it bad to be a black knight? or to be black as night? Is DD a white duck or a mallard? Does that make Joe Wood; pine/ ash/ or might he possibly be maple? - Certainly not walnut
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:01 am on Oct. 17, 2006
dirty guru
Even sexual slaves have feelings Thats what sticking pins in bugs taught me
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 10:17 pm on Feb. 6, 2007
Coitus Continuous
I don't really understand this resurrecting of an old thread and then have nothing of substance to add. Yes, we had all the good guys standing up here to be counted as against abusiveness and sick behaviour and the few strong men sucking vomit through straws. So what ? This forum was supposedly created to be informative and thought-provoking, and to a large extent it fulfils this purpose, even though some ideas may not be appealing to all, i.e. the rubbing of bodily secretions into the eyes of a girl, to provide some sort of sexually deviant thrill for the wimpishly impotent. But posting an entry on a thread, any thread should be in some way contributory to its progression, not an idle throw-away daydream that's not of any use to anyone.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:56 pm on Feb. 6, 2007
Well, Coitus Continuous, you're right of course, especially in a thread of this nature. The substance that the Dirty Guru adds to this thread, and other threads he posts on, is of a substance which would help vegetables grow if dried, chopped and sprinkled over the ground while the seeds lie underneath. Of course this substance can also be gotten for free from any cow, in greater quantities, so why do we need the Dirty Guru? Which reminds me of his post above. ---------------- dirty guru Posted on 12:41 pm on Feb. 7, 2007 Even sexual slaves have feelings Thats what sticking pins in bugs taught me ----------------- Here he is associating sexual feelings with unknown insects. Even sadistic sexual feelings. Either the bugs are his sexual slaves or he is theirs. Some relationship of the weirdest kind. Either way, disgusting and against Forum Rule #8 item 4. Yukko! If this happens in Japan, and in some way is a contribution to the warning purpose of this thread, I don't know. But I doubt it.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 12:07 am on Feb. 7, 2007
Quote: from fastmover on 10:29 am on Oct. 15, 2006 An interesting and very realistic film concernng this kind of issue is called 'Sex Traffic'.
Thank you FM I am going to check that out. f*** there must be some money to be made here if someone could find out a way to treat the girls half decent instead of making them slaves. If you could figure out someway to show them they could go the other option or go with you and that would mean being somewhat fair to them then you should be able to get the best looking girls? Correct or not? Why does my mind always go towards how to become a pimp
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:27 am on Feb. 12, 2007
I think the main thing about Thai girls are that majority of them are so gullible. Not all of them of course. I been taken by girls who just lie through their teeth to get a good night's entertainment such as Fuji food, movie (for her and her brother) and then dinner and show. This cost me about 3k which is $100. However, I feel it is a lesson learned. Not all Thai girls are bad, a lot of them are. I know of even Soapy girls who tell me they are going to go to Singapore to work. I do not know what to tell them. I mean sometimes a soapy has slow business and they need to earn. I do not have the time or the inclination to check for them whether it is ok to go. Life is not perfect, we can only do what is in our capacity to help. We cannot protect people from themselves. Just look at Britney Spears, she has the freedom to self destruct if she chooses, and there is nothing anyone can do to stop her. This is a phenomenon that is not just unique to Thai.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:23 pm on Mar. 12, 2007
Mel Gibson
Gotta laugh, this is one of the funniest threads I've seen for quite a whiled. Sticking pins in bugs,,,,fukkkk thats good.,,,,,actually its very funny. Thai gals gullible???,,,3,000 BHT,,, question whom is gullible. I have no time to check,,, re Singapore etc,,we can only do what is in our capacity to help?? maybe this has to do with the 3,000BHT FOOD / MOVIE etc ? Britney Spears and Thai hookers are now the same , yep they both have multi-millions dollar contracts. I'm shocked that our normal itinerants have not jumped on this. P,S,, pretend to be gullible whilst emptying your wallet Mel
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:36 am on Mar. 16, 2007
Coitus Continuous
Oh Lord Buddha, preserve us from the alcohol-sodden poster, who in the small hours of the morning, is his inebriated state decides to make, what to him appears to be a pertinent posting but in the light of day is read as being entirely unintelligible, except for the fact that it reveals a little more about him than most would think he would wish to reveal.
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:45 pm on Mar. 16, 2007
Quote from IBFarang : Who said all these posters were white? Is it bad to be a black knight? or to be black as night? Is DD a white duck or a mallard? Does that make Joe Wood; pine/ ash/ or might he possibly be maple? - Certainly not walnut _________________________________________ Can't spread any light on DD. I would guess a sort of Phoenix. But, JW I do recollect as admitting to being a shade between ebony and charcoal, but in that instance, I think he was either referring to his heart or his brain or both. Personally, I don't believe a word of it. As for another poster..... It is a point to ponder when you learn of a monger who repeatedly returns time and time again to this country of Smiles and golden bodies, openly despising those he manages to pay to go with him for a whole list of reasons. Makes you wonder what he really thinks of himself, but then, restricting his thinking to mental processses only in the minor shallows of his mind, he wouldn't be able to go to any depth of truth. __________________________________ As for our dear MG, well now ! Slavery ? One of the funniest threads ? Yes, I'll leave the laughter up to you.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:34 am on Mar. 17, 2007
Quote: from bitpump on 9:04 am on Mar. 13, 2007 Not all Thai girls are bad, a lot of them are.
What an utterly stupid generalization.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:19 am on Mar. 17, 2007