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Hi Nikko...

No worries, and no insult taken. Ý I'm pretty easy going as most who have met me will tell you. Ý ÝI'm only as Thai as far as the paperwork goes anyway. Ý Otherwise my view will be that of your 'typical' American born/raised Chinese but who is quite fond of Thailand (and consider it my permanent home) and finds that it's a nice cultural blend to my own way of thinking/ way of life. Ý Ý Ý

As for Thais "taking someone seriously or not..." Ý Well, they'll certainly pretend to take you seriously whether they do or not (usually anyway). Ý So much to the point that you won't be able to tell the difference. Ý ex. If you're friends with an important family, and there's a wedding.... sure, they'll still invite you and your bar girl to the party, but you just might not get seated at one of the front tables. Ý Maybe you will get seated up front anyway if you're important enough. Ý Will the girl (or you) have anything to talk about with who you're seated with?  Maybe.   Will anyone ever call on the bar girl for a social favor (to be repaid by a future social favor)?  Probably not, because what connections does she have (other than having slept with a lot of people, some of them powerful perhaps)?    

You might be able to convert a bar girl into regular life if you take her abroad and keep her there for 20-30 years or so.... although I have heard "adults" say from time to time about certain older woman (who are 40-50) at temple (wat) parties in America that they are former war era prostitutes who married GIs. Ý It's that sense I guess. Ý

My advice would be to NOT CARE if you are taken seriously by the locals or not. Ý Ý Some would say that no matter how hard one tries... falangs will never fit in here. Ý Even Andrew Biggs, Christy Gibson, Jonas, etc.... Ýthey might seem to be very Thai, but will they ever be "taken seriously?"

Quote: from nikko on 1:16 am on Jan. 8, 2003

As the only person on the forum that I know of that comes close to being a native thai (not trying to insult you in any way by this comment but I seem to recall you may have grown up in the states), ÝI'd be interested in what you think the thai view is of falangs marrying bg's or mp girls--probably the same as if someone married a prostitute in the states?. ÝAlso, specifically the guy's view that doing so is sure to make thai's not take you seriously, etc. (and whatever else he said, been a few days since I read the link). ÝAnd I agree with you on your last point, certainly not the case all the time but I know or know of many girls who say that they went into the 'biz because it was "easy" money.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:37 pm on Jan. 7, 2003

Thanks.  Don't live in Los and not married to a TG of any kind, so no worries.  Just curious as to how the Thai's view the amusing creature known as the falang.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 2:04 pm on Jan. 7, 2003
Hi Packpicker

First of all regarding Bar girls taking the easy way out.
This is not ALWAYS the case. Did you read my thread about my current Girlfriends best friend.
She became a Bar girl but he first choice was the hard way.

I dont have a tremendous knowledge of middle class and upper class Thais. However I do see an awful lot of them swaning around Bangkok at 2pm on a Tuesday (i.e. when people are in work) They have deceided to take the easy way out in a big way. Living of mummy and Daddies money. I would choose shopping at Emporium over working in a bar anyday.

Also could you please explain your comments about farrangs never being taken seriously.

Were you talking about the ones who marry Bar girls or were you talking about farrangs living in Thailand in general?

Thanks for your time.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:12 pm on Jan. 7, 2003
Hehe, actually, I'm probably one of those you'd see at a Major Cineplex or the Emporium around 1-2pm right after waking up around noon. Ý But I'm living on my own cash. Ý A lot of times, these 'kids' (and my friends) are living off their parent's money, whose parents are living off their grand parent's money, who are living off their great grand parent's money. ÝIt's called legacy and taking care of your children (who in turn take care of their parents when they are old). Ý

Regarding falangs (with BGs) being taken seriously.... as usual, I should say that this is a generalization that will always find exceptions. Ý I think in any society, if you bring the absolute lowest of society into your household (BGs and MP gals), it's going to have an effect on your reputation (business, social, etc). ÝIf you can find a way to not let it effect you in real terms (not letting the gossip bother you, hiding your BG at home, etc.), then all the better. Ý Regarding falangs being taken seriously in general, IMHO, I still believe (in the LOS) they are about the equivalent of some groups of African Americans in the US. Ý Yes, "well accepted," but perhaps sometimes not truly accepted. ÝWe might cheer Jerry Rice, listen to DMX, and watch Martin Lawrence... but might not really care to know them personally or make them part of our daily lives. Ý

Quote: from greg on 6:12 am on Jan. 8, 2003

However I do see an awful lot of them swaning around Bangkok at 2pm on a Tuesday (i.e. when people are in work) They have deceided to take the easy way out in a big way. Living of mummy and Daddies money. I would choose shopping at Emporium over working in a bar anyday.

Also could you please explain your comments about farrangs never being taken seriously.

Were you talking about the ones who marry Bar girls or were you talking about farrangs living in Thailand in general?

Thanks for your time.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 6:27 pm on Jan. 7, 2003
Hi Packripper
Thanks for the reply.

"It's called legacy and taking care of your children (who in turn take care of their parents when they are old). "  

I fully understand the concept of legacy. I dont understand however why these spoilt rich kids don't work.
Surely if they worked then the legacy would get bigger. This resulting in more generations reaping the benefits.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:36 pm on Jan. 7, 2003
Yeah P'Rip, - an enlightening post, and something I can fully understand - I would think however, that the perspective of "farangs"/BGs etc. - differs with the class systems in Thailand also, that is to say that we are probably held in slightly higher regard by the Mums/Dads of the said BGs who are struggling rice farmers in Isarn ... agreed ?  

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:47 am on Jan. 8, 2003
This sums up my experiences, I think its called being a romantic.

You only live twice
Or so it seems
One life for yourself
And one for your dreams

You drift through the years
And life seems tame
Till one dream appears
And love is its name

And love is a stranger
Who'll beckon you on
Don't think of the danger
Or the stranger is gone

This dream is for you
Make a dream come true
You only live twice

-You only live twice-
Once when you are born
and once when you stare death in the face
Ý Ý -from a Japanese 'Basho'

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:28 am on Jan. 8, 2003
Of course, TPE.       To them (a lot of them anyway), a guy who makes $50 a day is like the Sultan of Brunei.   And we all know how sweet that setup is.  


Quote: from thaiprivateeye on 1:47 pm on Jan. 8, 2003
Yeah P'Rip, - an enlightening post, and something I can fully understand - I would think however, that the perspective of "farangs"/BGs etc. - differs with the class systems in Thailand also, that is to say that we are probably held in slightly higher regard by the Mums/Dads of the said BGs who are struggling rice farmers in Isarn ... agreed ? Ý

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:24 am on Jan. 8, 2003
Well, a lot of times they DO work.   It's just not in the sense that they work from 9-5pm.    The people who are independent business operators in any society often provide the illusion that they are not working... but that's just because they set their own hours.    

But yeah, given... I know there are REAL slacker kids out there... but it's certainly not all of them.  I don't even think it's most of them.    

just IMO.


Quote: from greg on 7:36 am on Jan. 8, 2003
Hi Packripper
Thanks for the reply.

"It's called legacy and taking care of your children (who in turn take care of their parents when they are old). " Ý

I fully understand the concept of legacy. I dont understand however why these spoilt rich kids don't work.
Surely if they worked then the legacy would get bigger. This resulting in more generations reaping the benefits.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:28 am on Jan. 8, 2003

Thanks for the enlightenment.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:02 am on Jan. 8, 2003

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