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Quote: from Hermanolobo on 6:09 pm on April 2, 2004
And now back to the thread

Actions and deeds as proof of love rather than words?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:30 am on April 2, 2004
Yes I agree!

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 5:36 am on April 2, 2004
sh_t like this happens in get picked up by a regular working thai girl, though she does not speak a word english, you get introduced to her family, she is really in love with you, so after a few days you get separated by 10.000 miles and a language cannot phone, you cannot just happens.
So just live it


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:40 pm on April 4, 2004
One thing I NEVER forget about Thailand.

It's a illusion, a very plesent illusion that goes POOF as soon as I get on the plane. I miss it big time.

I'm working on living in the illusion for 6 month's out of the year.

Every P4P girl is in sales and I rarely believe what sales people tell me.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:27 pm on April 4, 2004
BigD - I agree on the illusion bit, and it's a perfect illusion, but one we NEED TO REALISE IS JUST THAT! I don't go to Disneyland, and ask for *proof* that 'Mickey' is real, or that 'Ariel' is really a mermaid - I know they are both 'pretend' - but while I am there, I do not question the illusion. I play along.

That's really the way I see it - one, big, live D&D game - kinda like the 'Holodeck' (if you want a geek reference) or as you often refer to it, as 'The Matrix'.

While it is pleasurable, and enjoyable, I do not believe that I would want to be in it for an extended period of time - I would imagine that a good thing becomes a bore, if one is exposed to it at length - so I look forward to the time that I have to leave, and my time back home, as I feel it makes me appreciate the return so much more.

Makes sense?

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:08 pm on April 4, 2004
BigDUSA......."Every P4P girl is in sales and I rarely
believe what sales people tell me."

Man, is that a wakeup call statement or what!


hzink...Sure it makes sense, to you, luckily. We each have our own 'game' we play and that's why we like it. If we had to play somebodies elses illusion game, it would not be so much fun.

We can tailor the illusion to our needs, desires.

Hey, you can even make Mickey a sex object if you want.

Cartoon beastiality? Mickey loves you! Just like all the BG's.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:31 pm on April 4, 2004
Hey FM, sure your not just "taking" the Mickey out on him?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:33 pm on April 4, 2004
No, but I wouldn't mind shagging his Mermaid friend 'Ariel'

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:40 pm on April 4, 2004

Quote: from fastmover on 12:40 pm on April 5, 2004
No, but I wouldn't mind shagging his Mermaid friend 'Ariel'

I guess you like that fishy smell?

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:42 pm on April 4, 2004
What, you had her already?! Damn!

Jeez cartoons have a smell? Who knew!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:47 pm on April 4, 2004

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