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On the other hand. If some of you guys wanna exchange some "flowers" within your posts, kindly use the instant message delivery service of this forum or even send e-mails. The forum does not need your flames. THANK YOU.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:53 pm on Sep. 15, 2002
Hey guys, brother Nokna is right. We are all members of a brotherhood here and as such we are all entitled to freely voice our own views and opinions. And should someone disagree with what one of the brothers has to say then he should have the right to be heard also.                                                                                   However I don't feel that anyone has the right to openly insult, put down, threaten, or show prejudice toward another brother or any other fellow human being for that matter.                                                                               These are my own beliefs and I guess I don't have any right to impose my personal beliefs on anyone else. However I do feel it is my duty ( As well as my honor ) to speak in defense of the Thai ladies that we all have feelings for ( In one way or another ) because most of them don't have access to this fine forum and therefore can't speak for themselves.                                                                        My problem is that I just can not understand why it's even necessary for me to even have to speak up for these ladies in the first place. Yes, the majority of the ladies we're talking about are prostitutes, but at what moment in time did this cause them to stop being human beings and turn into commodities?                                                                      Try to remember guys that due to whatever circumstances they may find themselves in which have caused them to make this choice, they are still only "renting" their bodies to you, not selling them to you. These are living dolls guys, not blow up dolls.                                                                                  They are providing a service that most of the brothers are more then happy to indulge in. Shouldn't they be fairly compensated for that service? Shouldn't you? Think about how you'd feel if your employer were to deduct part of your salary because things were slow at the moment. Think about how brother mykal reacted when he found out that another of the brothers is in the same profession as he is but is making twice as much for the same job. Shouldn't that make you want to think twice about trying to save a lousy 200 or 300 baht?                                                                                  Think about it guys. That's all I ask of you. Just think. And when you do try to use the head that's actually designed for that specific purpose. Peace

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:41 am on Sep. 16, 2002
hear hear cmore.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:01 am on Sep. 16, 2002
Actually I agree about the "flaming", my response was to see if Mykal really WAS bothered despite saying he didn't care if people called him cheap.

Fact still remains that he earns $25 a hour for juggling figures but only wants to pay less than $3 an hour (assuming an 8 hour LT) to a girl who is willing to do a lot more than shuffle paper.

We have ALL been criticised (flamed) in some shape or other on this board - heaven forbid it ever becomes a sanitised back slapping exercise - if you don't want, or can't take, crtiticsim then don't invite it. Those of you who know my posts will know they are 90% inmformative, 9% humorous and 1% "others" when someone annoys me enough.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 5:38 am on Sep. 16, 2002
The above is not flaming.

The above is mere discourse with some attempts at wit and a few jibes.

To the fellow concerned I did not say SHUT UP MOTHERf_ckER, I was a little more creative than that, hopefully to the amusement of some of us all, and for his part the trader fellow stayed jocular and didn't take umbrage.

That is NOT flaming.

Arguing, even inculting is not flaming, unless things degenerate to excessive obscenity and banality without any art, any class, any skill. Schoolyard and barnyard, that's flaming.

Satire, sarcasm and ridicule are not flaming in and of themselves.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:09 am on Sep. 16, 2002
Deleted Member
"Save the hookers"...  A new foundation.  LOL
I have no problem with flames, my $25 dollar an hour job or what I pay or how I refer to the women.  It works for me and you hear me constantly saying that.  Do what works for YOU!  I don't care what anyone else does on this board.  You pay em 500 baht or 3000k, your business.  At the end of the day we are all going to do what works for us correct? (I know I will regardless of what anyone says)  I don't expect that guy I referred to in another thread to stop paying exhorbitant prices.  I just said he was "f_cking up the prices" but I also added "hey have fun though".  Its all ok with me I have nothing to do with what you do in the LOS,  nor am I on a moral high horse to change the actions of others (I find that fundamentally flawed because this is a board filled with those who participate in the renting of HOOKERS as do I, there are a lot of feminists who would love to take your type of position against YOU for what YOU do and you abhor that dont you?).  Do I look at Thai ladies of the night as commodities?  Sure I do to an extent and to that same extent, THEY DO US!  Wake up and smell the coffee!  Yes they are in a bad position, yes it is not a pretty game but I put my price up front and they agree so what harm do you find in that?  I don't just arbitrairly slip them 1k in the morning.  Many of them offer to come back FREE OF CHARGE AND I PAY THEM ANYWAY.  I slip a 1k note in their bag regardless of what they say.  You guys flame up without even knowing the full situation.  That is the problem I have with all of this.  


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:29 am on Sep. 16, 2002
i still let out a sigh when people call them whores,tarts,prostitutes.

yes i know that is what they are,but just give them a bit of respect.
call them ladies or girls.

to do this is free,no need for the 500/1000.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:46 am on Sep. 16, 2002
Yes very good point nokna, after all these girls are our "friends", and one would never refer to their friends in a disrespectful manner.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:30 am on Sep. 17, 2002
Agree with Nonka...those descriptions are totally out of place and out of line. ÝThat's the basic point about the Thailand experience isn't it? ÝAs anyone who has chatted to some of the girls along Sukhumvit can testify. ÝJust stop and talk to them sometime - real nice people many of them.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:38 am on Sep. 17, 2002
Deleted Member
Nokna why don't you give the ladies and yourself a bit of respect and start wearing condoms??? ÝTo do this is almost as free... (7-11 maybe 20 baht, free at the clinic) Ý
You digress I am sure... ÝAre you going to change your condomless ways as you did with your signature because someone disliked it or took you to task on it? ÝEasier to change your signature for a couple of days than it is to wear condoms huh? ÝNot trying to start something here but before you join the moral police you must first police yourself brother Nokna! ÝPeople who live in condomless houses should not throw stones!

Now if my comments are out of line I am sure there is a feminist somewhere who thinks you participating in the LOS scene or even this message board is "out of line". ÝWhat are they going to do? ÝSend the feminist police? ÝThey will probably arrive for you at the same time the "don't be cheap and don't say this or that to or about the hooker police" arrives for me... Ý

Flame away flamers!


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:30 am on Sep. 17, 2002

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